General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage

Visage in General Discussion

    Whatever happened to that hero ? No one really plays him anymore =(


      Its so rarely played hero... from start i guess

      D the Superior
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          Aw man u should see Polarity.Lil play Visage , such a beast . And that Visage moment in a Chinese team against EG . Visage can be so good in the right hands , but no one seems to think he's fun i guess .

          D the Superior
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              it's fun playing him. Even as a support, he can make a large impact to the game if played correctly. I have pretty high winrate on him too.


                People dont know what hes capable of. Im okay with this so valve is not nerfing him. Imo visage mid is a bit op.

                ✪ BATSSS

                  Visage is a GPM feeder if not plated properly...
                  But properly...
                  He is a Tank that Destroys other tanks, pushes towers and can be extremely dangerous...
                  Unfortunately no one really thinks he is fun


                    Visage has a couple of issues. First of all regarding disables he has only a mediocre slow and the familiar drop stuns. trying to actually disable someone like a naix or a slark with that seems waay to unreliable.

                    Visage has very good single target damage output with a potential 410 magic dmg nuke on long range and 4 sec CD. that is insane. his birds also do very significant single target PHYSICAL dmg so he got some nice balance of different dmg types he deals.

                    He is hard to burst cause of his passiv but he isnt actually tanky. its just people tend to stop focussing you when they see how low their dps against u at the start really is. if an enemy core takes his time and attention to actually focus u visage can be surprisingly squishy.

                    Furthermore he has very little aoe (drops) and 0 mobility. Visage is awful at disengaging. u dont want to disengage. visage is like ursa. u stand your ground and go down guns blazin our you outdps your opponents and they die before they can finish u off.

                    His laning phase is also rather underwhelming. he needs his level 6 as early as possible (kinda like AA and wisp), while not offering much in terms of harras nor killpotential. if u want to kill someone with visage u need to get to lvl 2 and have a hero in your lane with a very good disable like wraith king. he cannot setup for kills on the enemy offlane like other supports (say earthspirit or lion) can.

                    He is also rly underwhelming from behind. he really needs his share of farm to get the solarcrest or aghsscepter going. WHEN he gets going he is a total tankbuster and helps your team to burst down any target that they choose to intate on. however visage frequently ends up getting the lasthits with the soul assumption, lowering the goldgain of your cores.

                    His ultralategame is also much worse as many might expect since he is kinda a semicarry. visage in ultralate doesnt actually do much unless you really got alot of items like aghs-solar-AC-hex. His lack of AoE and reliable disable make his lategame impact much lower then say a lategame earthshaker or lion. you will frequently have to fall back on splitpushing with the familiars.

                    that is visages last strenght, he helps balance out lineups that have struggles to take towers and roshans. so you can pick some more unusal cores like say necrophos and centaur and still have good objective taking on the team.

                    Overall teamfights in this meta tend to be very one sided and steamrolling ish, where the big amount of mobility the current meta heros have allowes them to chase down for multiple extra kills. Visage cant take part in that kind of a fight, he is like a stationary cannon, he doesnt chase much. also when u win a teamfight convincingly u dont need visage to be able to take objectives.

                    To make him more competetivly viable the birds stun would probably have to get another buff, like longer duration, lower CD, bigger AoE or even lower delay. as for now he doesnt fit the meta and doesnt accomplish nothing of importance, other supports couldnt do better.


                      nc newspaper buddy!
                      tl;dr :hes gud but hard to play
                      tbh im still reading it, dont dissapointed Xd


                        people think he's shit because of his 'gay model' as people have said to me in pubs
                        also people hate micro and supports even though he can defintely be a snowbally semicarry that can stomp hard in mid

                        ham strokers ejacula

                          "he can defintely be a snowbally semicarry that can stomp hard in mid" wut???

                          The ability to get kills is a given with a 400 damage nuke. You don't really need any carry items on him as if your birds if timed correctly it should be enough to kill the heroes you can, or stun the heroes you can't.

                          He can't really carry or even semi carry but is quite disruptive and deals a decent amount of damage in team fights provided you have the skill and mana to sustain yourself.

                          Pretty sure Orchid is among the worst items you can build on him unless you went blink, Aether or some other form of range, or initiation. Your birds have slower MS than most heroes as does Visage on his own so unless they literally walk right up to you there is no way you're going to get the most use out of your orchid.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            U think bloodthorn is worth it to amplify your birds dmg by 1,75 after already getting medallion/solar?

                            personally i dont consider blinkdagger to be an option on visage. forcestaff occasionally. so u wont get intation value from it unless u run in from fog with tranquil windlace