General Discussion

General DiscussionProblems with DotA

Problems with DotA in General Discussion

    If this is a rant i am sorry but it will have to be.
    I encountered multiple issues lately that have reduced the amount of fun i have while playing dota. I also want to speculate about the source of these issues and what could be done to improve my game expirience.

    I think dota has been at not a single patch been a completly balanced game (pre 6.79 was the closest in my mind). That has never really bothered me until i looked at patches in other games. These patches have a clear scheme of nerfign what is strong and slightly buffing what is to weak. Also new content is introduced which in later patches often times gets nerfed. This all seems to folllow the pattern to lead the game towards a balanced state.
    This pattern i can only recognize to some degree in the dota2 patches. The latest patch (6.88) is a very minor one and not the target of this rant. Why is it that i look at these changelogs, and any pro, many on youtube, and we see some change and we go like 'oh wauw i could totally see this being abused' or 'oh yeah that seems really strong. i guess troll/axe/lesh/invoker/OD/slark were underutilized and they wanted to give the hero a new home in the current meta'. U will frequently hear these kind of statements and its really bugging me. Why does icefrog keep creating OP things. Why does a lvl 2 pudge have the same killpotential a lvl 7 pudge had 1,5 years ago? Why does invoker with the same build have FOUR extra skillpoint in his minor abilitys? The answer is: to make the game exciting and to create an everchanging metagame.
    Apparently icefrog thinks we would rather play in an everchanging but unbalanced meta then in a meta that doesnt change as much but is very balanced. I object to this and i ask your honest opinion in the comments, maybe i am the one who is wrong. To me DotA has more depths than ANY other game. I frequently play chess and i consider dota to have more tactical depth in comparison to chess, hell even to football (which is insanely complicated if u think about it). This depth has been what kept me interested in this game since 2008 where i played AntiMage with vanguard or Weaver with Hood of Defiance #trendsetter. Imagine a metagame where 2 teams know each other really well and have figured out a good way of drafting against each other. The first game team A loses cause they bring the fight so early to their battlefury antimage and the extra splitpush he gets done and the extra gpm isnt worth loosing all early fights. So in game 2 they draft the same way and AM builds a vanguard and the game goes into a complete different direction and turns into a lategame teamfight slaughter where buybacks and everything matter so much etc. DotA has the depth to make a rather small decision ( 1200 g Broadsword vs 1100 g Vitality Booster) change EVERYTHING. But instead of makign patches that would lead to such a meta he keeps creating opportunitys for players to get a significant advantage over their opposition by firstpicking (now) slardar / slark / invoker / axe / timber. It goes so far u cannot legitimatly expect to win against these heros if u dont counterpick them and commit alot of resources / attention to them. Why is that necessary?
    Why can a 4 position roaming riki invest into tango OoV and sentry at the start of the game, snipe the courir (which give surprising amount of exp), deward enemy midlane sentry, prevent jungle stacks, harras supports, leech from pull, gank mid succesfully, and after all this running around be lvl 6 by minute 9 where normal lanesupprot gets his lvl 6 at minute 10:30-11 ? How is that fair and balanced? Why would anyone pick a lanesupport if this bullshit hero can have so much impact on the game? Same with Bounty Hunter.

    In Age of Empires II it is a common tactic to lure the enemy boar away to damage his early eco and boost yours. So what they did in patch was to make the scout take extra damage from boars so u can still try it but u run high risk of loosing your scout. Why does icefrog not adoptthis simple way of thinking. Would dota really become boring like ever? If you'd try to balance (say nerf courier exp bounty) what would it really do? it would punish that riki who is standing between tier1 and tier 2 for 2 minute waiting for courir and make him heavly underlevelt. It wouldnt make the game boring, it would just make it more fun for everyone else involved.

    I have this impression dota becomes less and less about actually doing something yourself (like run a jungle Chen and succesfully push enemy structures with your team for example) but rather about refuting your enemys attempts to do stuff. If u cant deal with a brood u loose. if u cant disable a storm spirit u loose. enemy gondar and bara roam across entire map get kills in every lane - u guessed it - u loose. I feel dota either STARTS when u can refute all these attempts or dota TURNS INTO this game of attempts. A game of throwing a gambled punch at your opponent and if he parrys it u loose and if he doesnt u win. It could be much more about strategy and using brains and much less about pressing your buttons correctly or getting a lucky bara bash #71%.

    The smallness of the 6.88 patch signifies to me that valve and icefrog are getting closer to their vision of the game, which in my mind is awfully similar to LoL. The game looses some mechanics and gains some others but overall it doesnt actually get more complicated. It actually becomes more random, more mechanically challanging and less interlectually demanding. This is a trend that makes me unhappy and could easily be dealt with by showing some balls and reverting a couple of changes that were made over the years or adding new mechanics that balance things out in the long term.
    In the short term i feel like we are a population of laboratory mice used for some wicked expiriment where a frog scientist gives us some drug with our food and see if it effects our large intestines capabilty to reasorb water. No wonder we all turn into salty shit.

    Another trouble i have with dota is the MMR system. The MMR system is based on the Elo system which was developed to represend a chessplayers strenght in a single number (Magnus Carlsen 3 k MMR scrub?). It follows a smart algorithm that makes a low rated palyer gain more point if he manages to beat a higher rated player. This algorithem is self correcting and automatically assigns every chess player the correct Elo if the samplesize (number of game played) is high enough.
    Valve has adapted this mechanic but apparently shows now interest in the benefits of this algorithm. This one goes to the
    -account sellers
    -account pushers
    -account buyers
    -compendium matchmaking MMR
    SCREW YOU! You are the influences that ruin our matchmaking. You are ruining peoples game expirience. You are at fault this community gets more and more toxic towards newer players.
    I think it is in Valves best interest to take measures ASAP against this.

    Ok i think i am done. I will post some suggestions in the comments on what valve should improve

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      can we get a tl;dr version?
      I'm not reading this lol


        To make supporting more rewarding i suggest u add an endscreen column that shows how much gold a player has invested into consumables (u get +31.5 per shared tango, +65 per obs, +200 per sentrypair, +50 per smoke, +900 per gem, +180 per dust, +100 and + 150 for courier and fly). I have no major expirience but holy shit that cant be so difficult to code.

        I also want to report to valve that there is a huge abuse going on with the report system. There are 4 commend options and 3 report options. The most used report option is the one for 'intentional feeding'. This is completly abused by people reporting teammates that have a poor performance. I suggest u add an extra report option for poor skill that doesnt result in muting or low prio measures but rather gives information to an algorithm to reaccess these players MMRs. Also it should be possible to commend people for very good performances. That way u actually get people to report Voicechat flamers as voicechat flamers rather then inflating your information pool with all these 'noob feeder' reports.

        Also dont shy away from much heavier punishment and actual bans from the game. I had a game less then 1 week ago with a ruiner on my team that played for loss in ranked matchmaking from minute -1:30 cause his last game had been ruined by someone and he was tiltiing and mad and didnt like our heropick. He went mid and after getting outplayed and giving FB he fed himself multiple times purposly and also fed couriers. Obviously we reported him as hard as we could. Personally i also wrote a longer note in the report. Yesterday i met him again but he was on enemy team. If we put all this effort in to get rid of these people why are u not taking serious measours and actually put them to low prio for a longer time? Ok mb he make new account but only unranked and takes some efford for him.

        There is alot of room for improvement and it wouldnt take much effort. So @Valve we expect u to deliver and improve the quality of the game u make so much money with even though it is FTP.
        Thanks for reading, maybe i post more spometime during this week.




            Tl. Dr.......


              TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ

              muted all, it's just a ga...

                I agreed the 2nd post
                But I cant understand anything on 1st post


                  wow, nc newspaper!

                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                    Bookmark this page, you will need it when you are bored :D


                      Dota will never truely be balanced, theres just way too much going on for that. There will always be FOTM heroes, and if it isnt as ridiciolous as 6.84 Leshrac, I think thats a good thing because it keeps the game interesting, you have incentives to learn new heroes, pro games aren't stale to watch etc.
                      At the moment we have an amazing level of balance, almost every hero is situationally viable and thats how Dota should be. Of course there is Naix, Slardar, Riki which are possibly a bit too strong at the moment, but thats what creates an ever-changing meta, which is something Dota needs to keep being so attractive for a long time to come.


                        Naix and slardar now are ballenced
                        Naix nerf was a bit cruel


                          didnt read kek

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            "The smallness of the 6.88 patch signifies to me that valve and icefrog are getting closer to their vision of the game, which in my mind is awfully similar to LoL."

                            lets see
                            -don't blame icefrog, he has nothing to do with dota changes since 2014, the changes are made by valve, for those who don't believe I suggest a search engine
                            -I made such topic about the minor/nearly pointless changes of 6.88 but most of the people couldn't rly understand me and trying to act smart instead of trying to comprehend.
                            -Dota is trying to be LoL, thats 100% true, as every other moba out there, but... LoL is actually not what it was back in 2011 for example, the game is rly different now and dota is trying to be the 2010-2012 version of LoL which was the worst one, thats the most annoying part. In conclusion LoL is a copy of dota 1 and dota 2 is a copy of LoL. I wish there wasnt the LoL barrier between the WC3 map and dota 2.

                            "The most used report option is the one for 'intentional feeding'"

                            -yes its because their lack of knowledge, always report for ability abuse or u'll just waste it (com abuse is also good for getting toxic players muted). And I always get my reports back after reporting someone keeping my total reports >=4 every time I start a dota 2 game, also you can always steam report where someone actually reads (or at least i hope so) the text below.

                            I don't have much time for the rest, sry, but I agree with some of the points you made.

                            ✪ BATSSS

                              An article i guess...
                              Longer than blog posts...
                              But okay...
                              Dota is hardly never gonna be balanced

                              ✪ BATSSS

                                In the end even if the max hero winrate is 50.5% Community will always judge thy 50.5% hero as OP
                                Basically everything needs to be dead equal...
                                Otherwise... Well Lets Quote someone
                                Humans will never be satisfied - Prince Siddharta/Buddha


                                  I agree completely and have been thinking about the exact same for years! Unofrtunately most reddit masses 2k and 3k trolls harbour too much power and absolutely oblivious about this! It's more, they want the game to develop in the direction it already is because that way they don't need to improve and just make use of the current meta OP hero instead of learning the game and the vast pool of heroes in the quest of feeling superior by outwitting or outplaying the opponent and getting a win which we all know doesn't reflect true skill as the game is already at that phase where just picking a single hero gives you an unfair amount of advantage, destroying whatever purpose of fair mmr non disparity brings tot he table!


                                    i have read all that shit for like 20 seconds
                                    so i might've missed your point entirely, but:

                                    1) if you'd make dota perfectly balanced (which is probably impossible anyway), game would die. it would have to stop changing completely because suddenly any change you'd make would make the game imbalanced. new cosmetics or heroes (aside from fact that those would break the balance again) won't stop the game from dying.

                                    2) some stuff about mmr and people shitting on supports

                                    yeah supporting is crappy but that's an issue with people, not valve. i agree that a lot of games are very, very unenjoyable but what can valve do about that? make moderators for every game to sit above chat like parents and spank (ban) the players?

                                    or is this what you want?


                                        I noticed on your first reply, but now i realize you're juts plain dumb! Read the fucking thread again you sad fuck


                                          nice book

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            I only read the first words and came to the conclusion that people are still hating on the powercreep because muh good old 4 protect 1 dota like it always was in the past




                                                I noticed on your first reply, but now i realize you're juts plain dumb! Read the fucking thread again you sad fuck

                                                you're bad
                                                you're a game ruiner
                                                op wants to fight exactly against this

                                                what did i miss

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  u missed Keepo

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    so, basically

                                                    you think that currently existing system is bad
                                                    you think that people who were in charge of designing it were dumb and didnt understand obvious things
                                                    you claim that you know better than them

                                                    has it even come to your mind that you are the one with very, very limited understanding of the topic? may be, just may be, people who do it professionally, know much more than you and see additional points?

                                                    reporting system is not designed to punish people for certain ways of bad behaviour; instead, it aims to exclude people that annoy other players most from the queue in order to make the game experience for the average player as positive as possible.
                                                    you do not get into lpq for eventually getting couple of reports in 10% of games; you go there if you are being a moron consistently.

                                                    people can not be permanently banned from a f2p game for intentionally playing bad. this is a game. game. GAME.

                                                    communication with other people is a part of this game. if you suck in talking to other people, your teammates are more likely to feed and give up. you get what u deserve.

                                                    if you do not understand the main concepts of the system, better ask "why?" and not state that everyone is dumb and you know better, cz u dont.


                                                      @ hamon just ignore
                                                      Benao lifecancer

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        Can someone pls point out where he's complaining about ruiners and grievers?


                                                          First of all i am as sad as i am not surprised to see alot of TLDR comments. Useless trolls, i put effort into typing this and if u dont want to put effort into reading then dont put effort into spamming the comment section -.-

                                                          Regarding griefers and intentional feeders: I think u have unresoleved issues in your real life and bring your unhappieness into dota. Queuing for a game gives u the chance to ruin 4-9 peoples day for 1 hour. If that makes you happy i suggest u go see a psychotherapist. Also if u are on a loosing spree / tilting go play some fun unranked game or take a break from dota for a week. U will come back inspired and with better attitude.

                                                          I want dotas patches to be intended to lead to more balance. I didnt mean to say that this balance has to be complete and has to sacrifice new additions to the game entirely. I would gladly see hero additions, item additions that enable new palystyles, hero reworks and terrainchainges etc in the future. But as in the example those would be OP or UP at their introduction and then would be balanced in the next patch(es). So No: i dont want it to become entirely boring but i dont think it needs as much change and hype to keep it interesting as are being done in the last couple of patches.

                                                          You are doing a good job trying to make me loose my composure but i wont. Your comment is as insulting as it is wrong and unnecessary. If u think i am smarter than the people at Valve i am flattered but if u cant recognize this post for what it is i am sorry for you. At no point did i claim that i am smarter then valve employes, at no point did i say they are dumb. i think they are very smart and good at achieving their goal (which is making money).

                                                          ''communication with other people is a part of this game. if you suck in talking to other people, your teammates are more likely to feed and give up. you get what u deserve.''
                                                          why on earth would u expect that i suck at communication? i always try my hardest do be positive and communicative with my teammates. What kind of human being sits behind his computer, reads my posts and types ^THIS into his keyboard?
                                                          I get what i deserve? Am i misunderstanding u and u phrased this poorly? U have to be trolling.
                                                          Have u every played Chen and just muted your midlaner? try to gank his lane and see your chances of succes. go into 1v9 playstyle on the heros u can see on my profile and tell me if u can get almost 55 % winrate with a compareable mentality / generally poor communication. How can u just toss some statement like that out there? are u ok?

                                                          ''people can not be permanently banned from a f2p game for intentionally playing bad. this is a game. game. GAME.''
                                                          Why not? Force them to make a new account (which is the 'F' in f2p) and calibrate again. Lets see if they can calibrate and gain to the same MMR with that shitmentality.

                                                          ''if you do not understand the main concepts of the system, better ask "why?" and not state that everyone is dumb and you know better, cz u dont.''

                                                          So u suspect after >2000 hours of dota2 i have ''no understanding of the main concepts of the system''. Maybe i didn't phrase it perfectly but -say i have no fucking clue what i am talking about- why dont YOU go ahead and enlighten ME? Instead u write this passiv aggressiv bullshit in this threat.
                                                          Maybe because i am a threat to your selfimage as being 'the smartest dude around' ?
                                                          See? Ii can also make insulting assumtions and just toss it out in some online forum. Get over yourself.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Tl; dr
                                                            Btw triplesteal is god damn right


                                                              @Kappablanca i read through your little rant and i completely disagree with you.

                                                              the patch right now is one of the most stable patches we ever had. you can see it in the huge pool of heroes who got picked/banned in the ESL Frankfurt. so many different heroes are viable and there are not really "OP" heroes in there atm.
                                                              (also vanguard anti mage is viable atm ->Miracle). so we are getting patches that are leading us to a more and more balanced meta.

                                                              its really obvious that new items can make it unbalanced from one sec to the other. then you need try slowly to get there again with small buffs nerf. what this means is that you will always get some bigger changes and after them they trying to make it balanced again. you mentioned ho complex this game is so you should know how hard it is to make the right buffs/nerfs because even the smallest changes can have huge impact.

                                                              I kinda have to feeling that you don't really understand how the meta shifts and that it's not always a patch who makes a hero op. it also often is that some1 discovered a new way how to play that hero - ppl start playing it all that way - ppl realize how to counter it - all stop playing it again.(e.g. windrunner: got buffed over several patches. still no1 played her until slasher bought aghanims into daedalus, other ppl also started to do it and BOOM -> op hero. then only a really small nerf and BOOM -> useless hero, never picked.)

                                                              You said there are more and more heroes which you need to counter pick otherwise you lost. i don't agree with that. the good thing about the complexity in dota is that you can counter every hero not only with picking but also with itemization and play style. if you have the feeling that there are so many op heroes in the game you probably don't know how to play against them because there are not many at all.
                                                              About the heroes u mentioned that are "OP" right now:
                                                              Sardar: Is not "OP" at all if its only him.he got no buffs at all the last patches (more nerfs). he came back this meta due to the buff to armlet but also because lifestealer is picked quiet often right now (infest- blink stun-infest damage-slow+slardar ult)
                                                              Slark: is one of the least changed heroes in dota. got no buffs for ages. more little nerf every patch again. he is easily countered with picks (, items (blademail), playstlye (5 maning).
                                                              Invoker: after last patches in pretty stable state. also many counters in picks, items, playstyle.
                                                              Axe: got back into the meta again with changes to his helix from physical to pure damage. pretty strong in dual offlane but kinda bad in any other role. again many ways to counter him
                                                              Timber: got back into the meta bec small buffs to him and bloodstone but also bec we have a strength hero meta right now and he is the counter for it. also got popular bec he counters alchemist mid pretty hard. still not that hard to deal with in the offlane if you know what you are doing.
                                                              Riki: you are asking how he can get lvl 6 by min? bec ppl let him do his stuff! they don't pay attention in mid lane so riki can deward, they don't care for the courier although its obvious a riki tries to snipe it, they don't buy enough sentries in lane so he gets xp. if ppl know how to play against him you are playing 5 vs 4. same with bounty hunter

                                                              about your example with nerfing the gold/xp bounty for courier sniping to nerf some1 like riki. a courier snipe is hard to get if the mid player is using his brain. so imo if some1 accomplishes to snipe the courier as riki/bh he deserves all the xp/gold. its one of the easiest things as mid player to just keep in mind that you have a riki/bh in game. let the courier with the bottle wait at the tier 3 tower until riki shows in a lane then use it. if riki doesn't show at all. if he doesn't show you have 2 options you either wait until min 3 for the courier upgrade then u get it, riki can't sniper that. or you go to your tier2 tower and get your bottle there. congrats riki/bh wasted 3 min of his time and is underlvld only because you used your brain. so as you see its easily countered you don't need to nerf it you just need to think and play it right.
                                                              what u demand is to make the game less complex and mistakes should be punished u less and thats the wrong direction imo.
                                                              in Dota mistakes get punished and thats why we like the game

                                                              "It actually becomes more random, more mechanically challanging and less interlectually demanding."
                                                              no it doesn't not get more random at all. if you read the last patch notes they more and more delete completely random abilities. and make them at least to pseudo random chances. the strategy and every thing stays the same its not less intellectually demanding at all. (maybe you think so because you just say this hero is op and if some1 plays it he wins instead of thinking about how to counter it bec there are always many different ways to counter hero)

                                                              the last point is the only one where i partially agree. the dota mmr system is not ideal. but its also far from really bad.
                                                              account sellers/pushers/buyers are only a really small part of the dota so it has not that much impact imo. i think maybe 10% of all of you had one in their game once.
                                                              i don't see at all how the compendium matchmaking mmr should have a bad influence. i think ppl just get the purpose of it wrong. its's not a tool to recalibrate or "get out of the trench". it is only a seasonal ranking that shows how high you can get in that short time.


                                                                can u stop writing books pls. guys remember short and clear, no need to write all that useless shit. Write only most important shit.

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  reading is not that hard dude ;)


                                                                    ^^yeah its too damn long.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      ye go read u fuk I'd rather smoke weed


                                                                        Tl dr


                                                                          It's difficult for people to condense sometimes and sometimes it's not possible because in order to explain a point of view one has to explain how they got to that opinion otherwise people refute you with stuff that you 'could' have said. I also find TL;DR an oxymoron. How can you know it was too long if you didn't read it ;). To be fair though, you could use paragraphs a little better putting an empty line between them and if that doesn't work use a single line to outline a given topic like so...

                                                                          *Lemme try condense*

                                                                          The first point they are talking about is basically arguing that the game is changing too much too quickly. That the game should stabilized into a more balanced setting rather than be changed chaotically for the sake of change. My interpretation is that they believe the games power creep is too much at the moment using examples of Pudge and Invoker, not saying they are necessarily overpowered but the theme seems to be that of 'power creep'. This is my interpretation it may not be accurate.

                                                                          They extend upon this point and talk about if the game was more stable teams who really knew each other well could draft similar lineups but build the hero differently for different outcomes. They then talks about how the game devolves into what most people refer to as flavour of the month heroes and cite Slark, Slardar, Invoker and Timbersaw in that if you don't counter them directly you basically lose.

                                                                          Then talk about how heroes like Riki can wait for courier and snipe it and all the other things Riki does like blocking stacks, harass supports, leech from pulls and how he's level 6 earlier then 'lane supports'. They also make the argument that the game is more about preventing the opponent from doing something rather than actually taking action yourself and cite Storm Spirit, Spirit Breaker and Bounty Hunter as examples, in that if you don't have an absolute answer to them you lose using an example it is like throwing a gambled punch that if parried you lose if not you win. They seem to want the game to be more about strategy then about random bashes from Spirit Breaker or pressing the right buttons at the right time.

                                                                          They speak of concerns of the 6.88's patch size as a fact of Valve getting closer to their vision which they don't like since it doesn't make the game that much more complex and leans more towards mechanical challenge then an intellectual one.

                                                                          They then go on about the well known flaws of the MMR system and account buyers.


                                                                          With that out of the way, my response.

                                                                          I could appear 'witty' and say something like still TL;DR or git gud but that's not in my style in any case. Firstly, don't cover so many issues at once, it makes it long though I suppose it is a 'rant' but rants are often ignored for this reason even if what the ranter is talking about has some wisdom to it.

                                                                          Secondly to everyone else. They have a preference towards strategy rather than chaotic gameplay. Please don't say things like 'just stick to chess lol...' though that said I personally do not play chess anymore because I find the game gets stale compared to other games. The pieces ultimately always do the same thing and the themes although different each time do repeat themselves over and over. Dota for example is way more varied... Chaotic perhaps, but that's what I want sometimes.

                                                                          The next point is that it wouldn't be so easy to create a balanced game that you describe while still keeping it interesting while also not creating content redundancy where there's literally no point to picking 50%+ of the roster. I'd be willing to bet that most people would prefer to see two almost completely different drafts rather than seeing a very similar draft with different item builds.

                                                                          It's true that support heroes that were once cores like Bounty and Riki aren't in a good place right now and do weaken other choices but it's more through player innovation that this came into real prominence rather than game balance being made to favour them. The other issue is support itself on the most part is not very engaging which if you ask me is easily the number one issue with dota. Almost no one wants to support and it's not very difficult to see why.


                                                                            omg u guys are a fucking book writers

                                                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                                              Johnny Rico


                                                                                  I also find TL;DR an oxymoron.


                                                                                    Can I get english subtitles for this?


                                                                                      Bitches!! Leave this thread and join me on twitch


                                                                                        y go watch benao feed on 4,500 MMR.
                                                                                        But seriously guys. if u have nothing else to say but tl.dr just dont say anything. if u wont read it dont bother posting, so the comment section is for people that actually want to discuss stuff.

                                                                                        Pale Mannie


                                                                                            i appreciate stygwyrs and peaches responses in their length and the fact they actually took time out to read and understand AND respond to what was in front of them. Not many people manage that in todays society.

                                                                                            You are defenetly getting an important touch which i left out on cause it didnt seem that important to me. But as u brign up the huge number of heros that are competetivly viable i have to say that yes i am very happy with that. However it doesnt implicate that these heros are not in some way OP. Also it doesnt mean that this implies for pubgames.
                                                                                            In pubgames u have all pickor random draft. the RD pools seem to always contain some important counters. however say u have 1stpick and enemy has lastpick, someone like brood, huskar or even tinker can completly mess you up if u didnt pick a balanced lineup before. So when i get into a pubgame and call support they ask me to pick early (1st 2nd) and then pick w/e hero they like. so we end up with no AoE and good enemy look out for that and punish with situationally OP brood pick. In CM u pick all 5 heros as a lineup with alot of though and the multiple chances to ban brood /husk if u dont have the tools to deal with her.

                                                                                            The fact that so many heros are being picked would be nice if it was some kinde of poking and pronging, trying to lure enemy into some pick or something. Say u see enemy team picked 2 supps already and they have no defensive capabiltys and u go and capitalize with a spirit breaker. Then this wide hero pool and picking a 4 posi bara over a riki/gondar/earthspirit is a good thing. But that doesnt mean that each of these heros when looked upon BY THEMSELFES is balanced.

                                                                                            Riki was balanced at some point, rather underutilized but some spammed even on 4k 5k and got good results. Then they reworked that blinkstrike his ulti and all that jazz. Now he has smokescreen, backstab, blinkstrike, perma invis from level 1 rather then 6, and tricks of the trade (no more bullshit hp regen though). basicalliy everytime he levels the abckstab/invis passiv he gains an entire level up in comparison to his previous state. and when he skill his ulti he gets a whole new spell. so everything riki has always done (make supps have no item, generally be a pest, deal significant single target physical dmg, silence key heros (storm / AM) he still does but ontop he gains some levels on the way and can go invulnderable (blademail, necro ok) for 4 seconds. Was he really that weak before? I dont think so. I dont mean to say he is borderline broken right now but he defenetly needs alot of attention as u said in your example how to get the bottle. To me he has almost as much impact as Techies in Ti5 AKA way to much. If u do not counter / respect the hero u get put at decisive disadvantage.
                                                                                            Can u say that over lion, jakiro, troll warlord, razor, windranger or any hero that is not so much in current meta but still in that 96 hero pool from MM? no u cant. sure razor wins his lane but that is not a decisive disadvantage. he cant win the entire map, no disable, kinda a wash of a hero in many scenarios. however say bristleback is at a decisive disadvantage against a good razor. and that is how the meta should be in my mind. this is regarding professional dota. in pubs we dont have CM and appropiate counterpicking so it doesnt apply remotely as much. The pub meta is influenced heavly by the randomed pool in AP or RD aswelll as the players capabilty (limitation) to coordinate to achieve certain goals (like disabeling slark AND focussing him and not just 1 of the 2).

                                                                                            regarding slarks OPness and his general development:
                                                                                            to me he got 'OP' when his ulti got changed to invisible under sentry and gem. and even back then there were people that used him (i had a team, we drafted him alot with big succes). since then he got alot of minor nerfes that still allow him to do this poking go-in-and-out-of-fight palystyle but nerfed his snowballing start with less magic dmg. Also the scaling effect of pounce got removed so people max darkpact 1st now and use it to farm jungle which he couldnt do well before. his killpotential in lane was also much lower before the change to pouncerange scaling. However back in the day pushing starts and big teamfight strats where the thing and he didnt have much of a place. Just imagine your 1 postion going alone on enemy side of the map to get 1 support kill seemes super stupid in TI2 / 3 metagame. Now with the change to towergold bounty (after TI4) and creepgold bounty in 6.86 many hardcarrys that cant snowball are almost unpickable (like medusa, guess she has her place). However with the buff to hero kill gold and the reworked distribution mechanics where carry has to be (a)in the situations (b)with little people around and (c) get the lasthit to (d) get alot from the kill he just shines at exactly that. so he DID actually get buffed significantly through the last patches. also his hardest counter storm spirit got nerfed to shit and Echo sabre was introduced which has same CD as pounce, fits his poking playstyle and solves his mana problems. u go play against a slark WITHOUT the mentioned counters like doom and disru. how is what he brings to the table balanced? if he cant manfight your carry he leech some stat, go regen in fog and come back. rinse and repeat. look dotabuff-meta-5k-pickrate. Lion is mostpicked hero cause u cannot play against slark (or naix for that reason) without HARD disable. u need to disable and burst down while disabled. that needs team coordination and correct pick which is hard to come by in pubgames, at least at my 4.850 shitbracket. Also u need to either outscale him or have enough push potential to capitalize when he is down.
                                                                                            Certainly slark is not OP in professional dota cause they can deal with him by pick (CM) but i am not talking about that kind of OP (like lesh, invoker and OD were), i am talking about pubterror OP.

                                                                                            I hope to also showcase with this analysis of slarks development that i do infact somewhat understand meta changes and how and why something is the way it is right now.

                                                                                            Regarding the proposed exp nerf for courier snipe. yes u made a very good point how to avoid it. problem is i play support 90% of games and i cant tell my team everything. it seems like bad attitude and flaming and occasionally they even mute u. So when my 4700-5100 solo rated midplayer feeds the enemy riki the courier there is not much i can do about it. ? Take out my own 2 minutes to run over and escort the bottle to the mid? when u walk through jungle afterwards riki with just OoV can almost kill me if he reveal himself in middle of jungle and i run towards the closest tower in a straight line. i d have to go base and he gets to leech from your safelane, threaten my carry, etc.
                                                                                            Riki is firstban or pick material at both MM and ESLF, so pros value him quite high. Doesnt mean he is OP. But apparently my midplayer has to loose his bottle couple of more times before he gets used to riki and it will be 'balanced' in pubgames too. before that happens i am going to keep calling riki OP, or maybe Pubterror if u prefer that.

                                                                                            'what u demand is to make the game less complex and mistakes should be punished u less and thats the wrong direction imo.'

                                                                                            Maybe u can explain how u got from my statements to this interpretation of yours; since to me that is to big of a jump of thought.

                                                                                            I think the vision i have of dota is actually much more complex then what valve is developing it towards (again regarding pubgames). Also mistakes should be a part of the game since it is being played by humans. however what is to be classified as a mistake? where does normal gameplay stop and the mistake begin? does it begin when u 2nd pick vengeful spirit cause she has no AoE and u might get fucked by a lastpick broodmother or PL? that just seems ridicolous, doesnt it?
                                                                                            So to balance things out I have to pick the brood MYSELF when enemy has 2nd picked venge and not much aoe. so my mistake is that i cant play brood well and i am not well practised on her so i couldnt perform like the guy that screwed us over could? so i dont pick the brood in that circumstance. is that my mistake? i dont know. dota has the complexity to punish the most bizare things but that just seems ridiculous to me. a mistake punish should be somethign obvious like laning against brood without sentry or Admiral Bulldogs natures prophet Feed in TI3 .

                                                                                            By random i mean ALSO the proc chance things.
                                                                                            I remember during MM broadcast one game was co casted by PPD and he said something like this:
                                                                                            'yeah this toplane will decide how the earlygame goes. i mean there are gonne be low HP heros running around and it can really go either way. who gets the first couple of kills there will take the early mapcontrol and could snowball to the first rosh'
                                                                                            this is what i mean with randomness. the carry steps aside for NO REASON and the earth spirit rolling in from fog misses. otherwise it was firstblood. and ppd said what kinda implications such things can have on the flow of a game. and to me it is just random. i am not gonna try to make up some spider sense or something. its a hit or miss (i used the word 'gamble') and it can have huge consequences.
                                                                                            That example also goes to show what i mean by mechanically challanging. say they club that mentioned earth spirit down and he rolls away but they bodyblock it and get the kill. the mechanics make all the difference here. nothing in that entire chain of events is interlectually challanging nor complex for that matter. its a lucky doge on the rollboulder followed by mechanical skill to block the escape.
                                                                                            i said 'dota either STARTS after this or dota TURNS INTO this'
                                                                                            That is exactly my point. if u are slow in mind and dont bodyblock the 2nd roul boulder to escape u dont get the kill and over multiple games put yourself at a disadvantage. so either u can only play actualy strategic and mentally challanging DotA after mastering all these mechanical skills OR it gets to the point that a 4 man boulder smash in the later midgame wins the fight before u even get to bait the enemy global silence to channel your blackhole. and that to me is just button mashing. i can go play tekken or street fighter for that. or league of legends for that matter. I want something where the brains can make the difference. and if it is the first case where u dont get to use your brain until u refuted all the bullshit lucky punches it is just not a game i will play for much longer.

                                                                                            You state that only 10 % of us had one in our game which is defenetly an overestimation. it is far less. look at the audience: for example this Zaywop guy i can tell from his profile is a complete beginner. who buys or sells or pushes a 2k mmr account???

                                                                                            so regarding the audience it is a small issue. but regarding my play in 4700-5100 mmr bracket it most certainly isnt. its a big deal trust me. and we do get reasonable good at recognizing them. i ESTIMATE 1 in 5 of my games which would be 1/45 or 2,2 % of all players in this area. Maybe doesnt seem like much but keep in mind its being pushed first and then used so the pain is actually there 2x. once playing against a 6k player and once playing with a 3k shitter. u have a 2,03 chance for either. so u d have a 4,06 % chance to have one in your game; 8,12 % if u also count the games it is in your favor. that seems rather significant to me. acc buyers and sellers are an issue.

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                                              I have the urge to spam more of these gifs but i dont want to get banned again


                                                                                                Pretty clear to everyone that OP is both stupid and fucking retarded, thx for introducing yourself to this forum. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT


                                                                                                  lel benao is mad cause i jokingly called him feeding. all these trolls everywhere and u get so mad at one joke? lol


                                                                                                    LMAO book writers xD


                                                                                                      Mfw i read this book:


                                                                                                        I read all first pot and I think OP you should learn to express yourself without making random comments and "why" sentences.

                                                                                                        Overall I may agree that Icrefog is the worst thing of Dota, this game is never balanced, let's say you want play sniper in ranked then you have 90% chance to lose just because the hero is shit since few patches, now if you played sniper few patches ago you would have 90% chance to win.

                                                                                                        So at the end you can never pick the hero you simply want to play but have to pick in a pool of 10-15 heroes when the the game has 100+heroes.