General Discussion

General Discussion3.5k mmr slark

3.5k mmr slark in General Discussion

    hi guys, yesterday i play a game as slark. how did you win the game if the enemy mid snowball the entire game
    and they all going 5 man push, what should i do in this case? i see most of mmr booster are play slark and almost 95% winrate with this hero
    i try to push lane myself then go farm neutral but it's still hard to win in this game

    here the game :
    that weaver is very good i think
    any tips to increase mmr in 3.5k range?
    sorry for my bad writing and english


      Potato Marshal

        Ask your team mates, because I have absolutely no idea what morphling or ck was trying to do with their builds.


          lol no way you are winning with those team picks haha. That is a troll team . Go next.


            morphling goes support although that weird
            is there any tips if my team is sucks?

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            JaKe ツ

              maybe you should study english fist , before u post some SHit


                Just pick and build what ur team needed ,not just what u want, glhfd

                King of Low Prio

                  SEA servers

                  ASSESS Product

                    Usual 5 core pick....

                    gg go next

                      Wow you didn't blame your team althought the picks were really shitty :o Don't worry just keep your head cold and your attitude like this I'm sure you will get to 4-5k easily


                        Git Gud


                          37% wr and core picker welp. Back then when im in ur mmr i found much of ur kind. What to do? Learn to sup, ur bh alrd did well

                          invOking OutvOker

                            sea server sucks.. everyone wants to carry , and everyone picks a hero which they want to play , whereas they should pick a hero which helps a team.. in that game u needed a good dis abler like silencer disrptr , dark seer etc.. but u had morph as a support..


                              Your Q purges dust, when out of vision of enemy team you gain health. Therefore start killing their supports and weak targets the second you get Shadow Blade / Silver Edge. In order to have no mana issues you must get aquilla and PTs before that and that is all you need to start snowballing. If you get a good start with slark you will win the game in 90% of the games so make sure you get fed on the weakest before you start killing carries.
                              Also don't build around countering a single hero (example: Build Orchid only when they have at least 3 elusive heroes that you can constantly feed off) and instead build to suit most of the needs.
                              Your final build should be: Bot, Silver Edge, Linkeln, Skadi, SnY/Gem in 95% of your games. If you have issues getting pinned down go for items like BkB and Refresher after your boots, lothars and sny buildup.
                              I usualy go for gem instantly after building the following: pts, aquilla, silver edge, sny. If the game is rough and you might lose it easily don't build gem until you are sure to be farmed enough to not lose it otherwise it should be your third big item. Also keep in mind that not dieing is much more important than getting kills (that shouldn't mean afk farm all game, just don't go full bananas on a hard kill).
                              When you get gem only multiple Necronomicons mk.3 on enemy team will counter your invis and people rarely build that in sub 5k pubs.

                              When hunting supports DO NOT EVER force ganks. Your invisibility lasts 14 seconds so only go for somebody if they already showed up on the map and you need less than 10 sec to get to them. Meanwhile farm your items.

                              Ocasionaly you will lose a few games and that is pretty normal but that means you are not in the mood to play slark, pick something else and get back to spamming slark as soon as you feel like it again.

                              Anti-Mage counters you hard so don't pick Slark in ranked after you see AM.
                              Beg your team to pick Omniknight because Purify works wonders with pounce dark pact combo.