General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion commander balanced

Legion commander balanced in General Discussion
muted all, it's just a ga...

    ^painful but true


      Doom is terrible late game
      bye xd


        Lc is boring
        Not fun to play


          O look illogical lameass made another thread .


            Maybe there's a reason why he is still 2k/3k after 6k matches LUL


              u just dont know to use LC,when u play LC u should ask ur team for a help in early and u must get 50 duels to solo a hero if u cant then ur a fucking retarded noob,LC is the hero who needs help in early game and rekt the late game for those who buy these things its proven and tested by me cus im a wellplayed LC on my main account(core item difference below) just never care who gets the kill in early because if u have exact duel rates then for sure its ur turn to rekt late game in which they cant KS and if ur currently under a very low duel in a mid game u can just buy crystalys for critical core item and sell it when u have taken enough duels just EZ u just need coop now dont judge me if u cant get 200 duels in less than 30 mins cus thats just ez its already pretty good start(dagger LC=50-50,SB LC=wellplayed)now WHY?

              advantages of lothars:
              ez gank,not spotted by wards,well setting in the duel,if they go gem/sentry ward and stun you then go FKING buy bkb if there is a PA buy fking need to stick with the team and can solo duel secretly,bonus attackspeed with SB and bonus dmg with SB,can be also upgraded to silver edge for stats in late game.
              disadvantage of lothars:
              low hp hero spotted cant chase''must walk'' and require high skill juking in trees

              advantages of dagger:
              ez blink dagger duel kill,no bonus dmg but ez escape
              disadvantages of dagger:
              need to stick with the team so u dont get banged when u solo,1 hit 3 cooldown dagger gg,seen by wards=enemy team get back/rekt that solo LC,failed LC blame lc i hate lc ill never play lc awwww lc is too boring gg,if has bkb its 50-50 fight with bkb or run with bkb,no bonus dmg in dagger and 30 attackspeed

              there are actually more i could tell u about this useless hero u say

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              pls be patient very noob ...

                Elegiggle ppl still confused with LC gender


                  Lc in dota 1 was boy and in 2. Shes a girl


                    there is a reason lc isnt being picked much in pro scenes


                      I think icefrog just wants to offer a playstyle to people that dont get along well with their teammates. i think aggro dualllane legion wisp is insanely strong.
                      I think mid LC is super underwhelming.
                      I think carry LC is super underwhelming (see alliance.Loda)

                      Jungle LC has the same effect as any non gankign jungler (chen ench enigma) has: your team played 4v5 for the first couple of minutes which has huge implications on their chances to get a 'good game'. Your offlane will be zoned more often then not, your carry will get harrassed more and your midlaner cant dodge every gank their 4 / 5 position toss at him. So u basically trade your teams happyness for your own greed. If u can convince someone to solosupp and have your lineup picked accordingly a jungle LC can bea rly strong pick imho. I dont know if it is OP though. her manfighting capabilitys are top notch and her PvE is also excellent. I just feel u get kited suprehard outside of duel. And inside of duel you are easily counted by any dazzle / WW / oracle etc. Also her utility is rather low with 50 sec CD on the intate spell. slardar and WK have 8 sec which match much better with a 13 sec CD blinkdagger.

                      So overall yes. situationally LC is really powerful and u are right if u fear she might be buffed again cause i can see that happen in future patches. counterpicking her with AA dazz WW etc is rather uncommital since these heros offer alot anyways. In her current state and playstyle she can hardly be called OP. 6 k playes call gg in teamchat when someone goes jungle LC (but still play, and maybe win).

                      If the intent of future patches would be to make a safelane or midlane LC more legit she might turn really OP with just a liitle bit of change. her current natural beef and steriod is really good, her basestats are amazing so there is potential for OPenis

                      Final Boss

                        that moment when someone says 5k networth doom erases 30k networth invoker, you know how high the skill is at 4k. Invoker can use any 2 spells before doom gets his hands up for his ult and its not like invoker cant get a linken's sphere.

                        Final Boss

                          as for pros, they dont necessarily pick all the OP heroes in the game. Troll was pretty much the same as he was before 6.83 yet 'pros' started picking after in 6.83.


                            lc is not the best carry out there

                            Final Boss

                              Who is then? anti mage?


                                u suck.


                                  Theres no imbas
                                  Every hero can be countered


                                    ^and every hero is good in some game


                                      a hero that destroys unorganized plebs that are too stupid to organize their game plans and shut down a single targetting disabling but paper as fuck prick doesn't mean the hero is OP

                                      Final Boss

                                        lc is paper...says the guy with a riki dp.

                                        Final Boss

                                          teams unorganized lel did it ever occur to you that lc could have an organized team as well all she really needs to do is disable the guy that will do the most in a teamfight and thats that.

                                          Final Boss

                                            Yes you're right there's no imbas except lifestealer.

                                            Final Boss

                                              dota has always been a balanced game thats why heroes like sniper exist along with heroes like invoker.


                                                lc casts duel as slowly as doom casts doom lul
                                                u can counter that lc just the way u counter doom

                                                Final Boss

                                                  except lc can counter that by using her 2nd skill.


                                                    So much salt in one thread.


                                                      which means lc wont get jack shit

                                                      Final Boss

                                                        i like how you people just want to prove OP wrong someway like thats your only goal in life xD. You never provide good arguments and end up saying shit,"Oh lol, OP so dumb." That would actually make sense if you actually provided evidence to your claims about lc being non OP.

                                                        Final Boss

                                                          with a blink deso mkb blademail , and treads she can solo kill a six slotted am as long as she has 150 plus damage. This is balanced.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            coz u are actually dumb af, there really isn't a reason anyone should argue with u unless waiting for a game or something LUL


                                                              Final Boss

                                                                I agree with Mark Twain, dotabuff is full of stupid fucks like you.


                                                                  "with a blink deso mkb, and treads she can solo kill a six slotted am as long as she has 100 plus damage. This is balanced."
                                                                  Retarded nub confirmed

                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                    i forgot to add blademail

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      I litterally just played a game that proves you wrong.
                                                                      by the end of the game the lc had 214 duel damage and couldn't kill our ember spirit even before he had the rapiers. Every time she dueled someone dazzle would grave or i would frostbite. The lc couldn't kill us. lc is not even close to op. shes a hero that can snowball extremely hard and continues to scale no matter how long the game goes on but she still cannot carry as hard as an ember or an am.

                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                        Lc didnt even have assault cuirass and he bought satanic. Secondly your pa is fat too while her troll is completely trash. Might i ask what the Omni was doing when you used frostbite on lc?

                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                          "I literally just played a game in normal skill which proves nothing cause the enemy team was full of retards."

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            She couldve dueled the dazzle btw for ez damage.


                                                                              1st time i saw an abandon streak, gj!

                                                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                                                I thought that Isolated Lamentation would complain about the dazzle shallow grave factor...


                                                                                  shes a good slark counter but you're honestly overreacting

                                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                                    Late game almost all carries can do a better job than her, if they get similar farm.


                                                                                      people dont seem to realize that some normal skill players are actually fairly competent dota 2 players.


                                                                                        and while legion duels dazzle the ember shreds her. Sure legion could easily have killed one of our supports for easy damage, but any decently farmed carry can kill a support at the forty minute mark. What legion can't do late game is out fight a hard carry with good farm.

                                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                                          um even without her duel ember should be 2-3 hits max for her.

                                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                                            Yeah my abandon streak is cause of my pc shutting down after every 20 minutes.

                                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                                              Legion is really good at outfighting a hard carry with good farm. Which hard carries are you even talking about? Void?(Depends on initiation) Troll can kill her late game if he ults before she does even if she has 300+ damage but troll is shit. Am? Lel. Spectre is easy food once she gets her bkb. Medusa doesnt do nearly enough in a 1v1 scenario where you have to "outfight" the other carry. Ursa isnt really a hard carry but he's pretty much the only agi carry who can kill her with ease even late game.

                                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                                Besides that ember shouldnt be able to shred her as long as the OMNI uses his skills.

                                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                                  Notice how the lc has two boots while ember has two rapiers.


                                                                                                    An op hero shouldn't have to rely on another hero to be able to get kills. An op hero is a hero that can do it on their own without needing to rely on a support to get a kill. A hero is not op if two spells and a little bit of team coordination can completely shut them down.

                                                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                                                      The hero could have killed the three of you had he not relied on his omni support and bought a bkb for himself.