General Discussion

General DiscussionWant to learn off lane

Want to learn off lane in General Discussion
Professor Dog

    So I was thinking that offlane could be a nice change up. I almost always play support but I it is kind of getting old.

    I am normal skill so odds are I won't get solo but dual lane is a start. I know there are many offlane heroes as such, but I was going to focus on: Beast, Doom, Tide, Bristle, Slardar, Earth Shaker & Void.

    Was just hoping for some good tips on either the role or the heroes themselves whether it be items, abilities or whatever really.

    Thanks heaps :D

    Disturbed Jawker

      You tell your team you will go solo offlane
      You tell your team that you will pick a more tanky offlaner so you can dominate it
      You lock timbersaw
      You buy stout, tangos, mango
      The enemy safelaners try to harass you by autoattacks
      You buy pms so you can survive
      You grab 2 levels of reactive armor and an early soul ring
      You now won the lane with 22 hp/sec if you eat tangos
      You proceed to do this every game until an enemy picks anti-mage and you abandon and get stuck in the low priority dungeons

      Professor Dog
        Ten komentarz został usunięty
        Professor Dog

          Oki :3 I'll give it a go


            Just remember if u don't die and have same lvl as your mid lane ( if he doesn't suck ) you are not losing your lane , and if u get your items on time and prevent enemy safelaners farm you are winning your offlane
            So first focus on not losing your lane and you will know about offlane heros as you playing them


              Beast void tide are Best offlaners
              Always buy iron Talon and Farm your Camp near lane if creeps are not at tower.
              Never die.


                Also, don't hesitate to rotate or gank if other lanes need it. As long as you have the abilities suitable for ganking (reliable stun/slow)

                Story Time

                  pls remeber that offlaner is often expected to get utility items for the team (such as vlads or urn for example), so do not go "rembo" build

                  Professor Dog

                    Thanks heaps :)) if the lane is simply just not happening, ie. Can't get xp or farm, can't stop carry or make supports stay wo dying is it okay to just rotate to the jungle?

                    King of Low Prio

                      Pub supports/carries do not know how to control the creep wave well enough to make it favorable to go to the jungle. Going to the jungle in pubs is just a excuse for playing poorly. What alot of bad offlane players do is they dont itemize correctly to start out the lane and then fall too far behind the lane to stay. For example they go to the lane with a wraith band and 4 tangos instead of a stout shield 8 tangos and a salve and wonder why the enemy support can harass them out of lane.

                      Professor Dog

                        Cool. If I have to grab courier, which happens, would you suggest only 4 tangos, stout and salve or 8 tangos wo salve?

                        Story Time

                          tango heal more and allow u to last hit while being harassed

                          Best Treant EU

                            first of all, i think offlane should be played solo in the most cases. i really like lich offlane. u can control the lane and be lvl 6 when enemies are lvl 4.


                              Sometimes you will have to settle for just getting XP and no last hits. If the enemy has a CK+Shadow Shaman lane, then you will just flat out die any time you go too near the creepwave. So stay back, get as much XP as possible and go farm the offlane camp while the creepwave is close to their tower. Not Dying is more important then getting farm in the offlane.

                              Against weaker lanes you will be able to easily get last hits and possibly bully the enemy carry out of lane once you have a level advantage. When you're the offlaner its important to know how to play against certain linups and with certain heroes. Know if you need to be defensive and hug your tower or if you can be more aggressive and farm freely.