General Discussion

General Discussionhow to be better at carry?

how to be better at carry? in General Discussion
Den the Reincarnated Player

    i got a nice GPM and XPM avg but sometime i still lose a game even i farmed so fast


      It happens to everyone. Try to watch Miracle- replays and he how he plays coz he seems good in carrying his teams.


        You die a lot actually(KDA almost 10:8:10 in average)....also good carry knows when to farm and when to help your team..sometimes it´s pretty important even under 10 mins mark(especially this meta).


          -run out fast to scout the offlaner ward by possitioning yourself inside the trees so you get free hits on the offlaner as he goes to plant his ward + denies him from planting it for free
          -blocking and leaving the range creep is pretty important i feel, this allows for your lane to go aggressive onto the offlaner from the 1st wave, often if you dont do this, the offalner will end up trading a salve/his life in return for your lane getting double ranged due to the aggro drawn while attacking the offlaner and giving him free exp
          -do not block completely,but start running forward to catch the range creep that offlaners try to leave out ( usually i only get to do this if i failed to leave the range creep and instead end up with a normal block, honestly this is the supports job but most of them dont do it)
          -prioritising pressuring the offlaner instead of farming, if i have to miss half a wave of creeps to harass the offlaner into a salve i will do so, will give you more space and more farm in the long run

          just my opinion

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Lel, like that's even your problem! Learn to play the fucking game instead


              ^ lol