General Discussion

General DiscussionInternational ranked = Dogshit

International ranked = Dogshit in General Discussion

    I dno't know what the fuck is wrong with valve but srsly now. International ranked is the most broken thing ever. The MMR spread is as retarded as it gets. People with 7k solo have 4.1k international ranked and so do low 3k players. I literally played games where my core was 3k and enemy was 6k. I even had matches where the avg mmr on my team was 4.3k and enemy 5.5k, needless to say, impossible to win.

    What the hell valve


      that's exactly how it is supposed to be.
      if u want ideally balanced matches, why did u even bother q-ing in international ranked instead of old rmm?

      Johnny Rico

        lol, international ranked is so good, i just found one game ruiner on my 10 calibration games, and i upped +1kmmr just from the 10, now gonna need to finish the other 30 to replace my mmr.

        sin blyadi

          just realised?


            Because the account buyers / TBD assholes in 4.7 - 5.5k range are annoying as fuck. I hoped to escape them but DAMN no chance.


              account buyers and tbds in 4.7-5.5? have u ever actually been above 5k urself?

              D the Superior
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                  Do you even know how the calibration process works?


                    Kill me already

                    D the Superior
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                        u meet tbd players in like 10% of ur matches
                        1/10 calibration matches can be above 5k (first one, to be precise)
                        less than 1/10 of players who have hidden mmr above 4k, also have it above 5k
                        in the end u meet TBDs at 5k+ in less than 0.1% of games

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                          Nope, had multiple TBDs with 3+ matches in 5k+.

                          Maybe I'm unlucky as fuck.


                            Unlucky? 80% of your games are high skilled and you get 5k games :D thats extrem luck dude


                              technically calibration period goes as following:

                              ur mmr is always displayed as TBD, but the system uses a certain number. in your first calibration game, this number is exactly equal to your hidden rating. in your 2nd match, it's readjusted basing on your performance in game1 and 4999 mmr cap.
                              you can eventually get to 5k+ just as any other ~4.8k player can do (unbalanced matches), but your TBD rating itself doesnt go beyond 5k.
                              in the last 100-150 games i played in solo q (5.1-6.5k av), i havent met a single TBD player.

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