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General DiscussionDeciding to make smurf.. Wanna party? VHS required :)

Deciding to make smurf.. Wanna party? VHS required :) in General Discussion

    That's ur place NORMAL SKILL

    stupid fuck 2000

      LMAO this guy

      Sergei Kalinka

        @snæk monger How do you lose a 48 kill PA game? really dawg stop complaining and figoure out how to win the games bro


          i love people saying they can't climb

          i calibrated 2k and now i'm 4.4k. not too great, but still shows you can climb


            lol why is it always players who suck who post shit like this


              i see people geting into vhs by spamming slark :/ 9-2 kda and next game high skill nothing of such value :/ i did 18-1 next game zues 17-0 next game team sucked but still i managed 13-4 and with heroes like slark and zues also i did not select i m new to dota 2 still i got decent opponents and now i am finally in chs in my 7th game thanks all :D u guys helped me a lot <3 ty all and for those who said i cudnt make it to vhs #FO haha


                'give your account to any legit ranked vhs player and he will boost it to 3500 in no time' ... 56 hours, at least. doesn't sound like 'no time' to me, but I will probably just do it myself because I do tend to win balanced matches almost every time now.


                  i lost a match where we were trying to end a game and our pa was taking roshan we never got the 2nd chance cheers xD


                    u are like 1.3k
                    vhs is >3.7k
                    u claim to have played for 3 months
                    why u lie?


                      u cant even smurf to hs by spamming any hero


                        if you think you play better than others but still consistently lose, then u r not better than others. thats just how probabilities work.

                        Mr God

                          cuz he's delusional piece of shit, ez


                            the thing i m trying to say is this account is like 1.3k is because i learned dota on this one i never played a game similar to dota before but after watching players replays and 1000 matches ofcourse i learned dota pretty well and i see people stomping invoker and tinker to get to vhs i tried the same and it worked hu hu and i dont lie and also dont be jealous of others ull go far in ur life peace :D


                              @good riddance cry bitch show more babyrage :D


                                @commonsense win teamfight - push mid - defender afk lose 2 t3 towers and barrack from creeps GG... basically the amount of kills i had accumulated from defending last middle barrack/tower from consistent assault from enemy team and their shadow shaman with aghs and refresher. If you had looked into it, you would see the game was 4v5 and our pusher had abandoned the game.

                                @triple good thing I don't consistently lose :d Just did 12/0/14 with a nice team in fact

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  i mean u have low longrun winrate
                                  well, 50% is not really low, but it clearly indicates you are currently where you belong

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    This fgt is Normal Skill and asking for VHS lol


                                      he has 1/3 of mmr he needs for vhs xd


                                        @triple my account is quite old (like 2013) and I did play fairly bad in the past, but I feel like I have improved (game awareness, knowledge of heros, farming and ward spots etc.) so my win rate and skill level should improve with time as well.

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                                        ASSESS Product

                                          If you think you don't deserve in your current MMR, you should easily carry the game yourself even if you have bad team bcoz 1k ppl are so different compare to 4k and above. I have this friend (check my last riki, his ign is Noriko) he calibrate at 1.3k and after like 2-3 month he raise to 2.8k. I too start to play rank mm back and this month I have 100% wr out of 15+ solo q rank. I once calibrate at 2.4k then drop to 2k bcoz that time I still newbie and try to rush. But now I manage to gain back my peak MMR after playing a lot of unrank, several tournament and I think I play about 1k+ of unfair bot match.

                                          tldr: you shouldn't have problem to win the game by yourself


                                            But can you actually win a game by yourself if your teammates are feeder and never pick any support?

                                            However that's not always the case and I am speaking of hypotheticals, ranked matches are fine. Just not all pick :D

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              You little shitlord, get your normal skill ass out of this forum you autistic sack of shit. Noone wants to stack with dogshit like you, you are a delusional little shit that noone cares about. Get a clue you fucking stupid kid. You SEA players are the pinacle of autism, i feel bad for everyone who had to deal with you in their games.


                                                if u feel like that, u just need to check ur winrate for last month. or last 3 months.
                                                hint: its ~50%, too.



                                                    ^pls afreekct Xd

                                                    ASSESS Product

                                                      Check my last 2nd or 3rd timber game. Our safelane or mid get rekt. In my last rank game I also got owned by wd and bs early game but I manage to own them back after getting my ulti and bm. Just pick hero that give big impact in early and mid game. You really don't want to play in late game bcoz 4 enemy will pick late hero.


                                                        @triple idk my today's days ranked has 100% win rate, last 3 days 75%

                                                        i know its funny because i didnt play much, was playing normal matches in order to improve and just started playing ranked again today

                                                        I'd say it's silly how toxic you might or might not be, but it does make sense - it is the internet after all.

                                                        Just to clarify, the improvement I mentioned is only supposed to be showing in the ranked matches I started playing 'today' as I really played much worse the week before (started trying to improve my win rate these past few days - I wasn't into maximising farm and carrying games before because players tend to pick too many carries at times), and low skill normal matches really do tend to contain toxic/legit noob players.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                          If you cant carry normal skill games where nobody supports or everyone feeds, you dont deserve any higher. Pls, i sometimes queue with normal skill friends and i always do the heavy lifting. I almost forgot how ez games were back in 2k, you could literally farm the enemy team if you belonf in VHS.


                                                            It really depends on what hero you pick. In order to be able to carry games like you say, you must pick a hero that can both stomp players and push hard alone.... If you pick a squishier core like lets say Riki, you will not win if teammates refuse to cooperate. Even if you rampage every 10 minutes beyond godlike, you still probably won't be able to push all the towers and kill ancient while also killing everyone against a team that plays together and does everything to counter you. You will still kill them, but against towers a lot of creeps and 5 heros you really need specific hero...

                                                            And that means playing something you don't necessarily enjoy which defeats the purpose of playing a game in the first place.


                                                              but I thought this out and what if normal skill players should be given a chance to play with vhs accounts.. well I just imagine them thinking how shitty vhs is and how noob the supports are in their since they autolock carries and they died 20 times in the first ten minutes and cry like the typical scrub they are and switch back to LOL kappa


                                                                @snaek then y the fuck are u not picking 1v9 heroes kappa.. jjust spam am and shit happens if ur better than ur skill bracket


                                                                  and this is not a game where fun is priority.. this is a toxic community and more or less the purpose of people at this game is to be better than others so that they will have the rights to flame others kappa


                                                                    Not saying that I can't carry team as people imply a skilled player should be able to, in fact, even with Sven or WK I managed to do it today despite thinking the game will be a sure loss (carry hard with WK despite enemy team having Mana burn heros which prevented me from reincarnation all game). But sometimes it is just so hard, when by min 20 there is 20/4 hard carrys in enemy team and your teammates with 0.5kda can't do shit...


                                                                      @Op retarded sea players that i deal with everyday, but in normal skill form.
                                                                      @Snaek Monger you are wrong i trash normal skillz for breakfast. if you are good you will get out of normal skill easily and climb to highskill. there is no such thing as normal skill -> vhs like magic shit


                                                                        lol I play in thus acc with no fear of losing at all except if I got bored and picked a low impact hero or if I even think about playing injoker for which I have no experience at all and even with that I still win games with ease


                                                                          Why would you ask for VHS when you don't even have a single game in HS?


                                                                            hey dota can be fun.

                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                              Don't push yourself to VHS unless you can climb it yourself. I'm a NS/HS player with 50% winrate but my VHS bracket is only 30% winrate.

                                                                              Clearly my skill is not enough for VHS bracket. And I'm not aiming myself there unless I do it by my self, not by smurfing or anything.

                                                                              Like other are saying, win normal games fist before climbing to VHS games. They're not mocking you, they're telling you the truth.

                                                                              Your stats in this month:
                                                                              Win rate: 50% (176 games)
                                                                              KDA ratio: 3.11

                                                                              My stats in this month:
                                                                              Win rate: 59.09% (132 games)
                                                                              KDA ratio: 6.56

                                                                              My numbers clearly tells I play better than you. If my VHS win rate is 30+% only, my estimate is when you play a VHS bracket, your close to 0%.

                                                                              Stay in the NS bro. It's for your own good and thats where you belong. If you think your much a better player, climb your mmr there.


                                                                                @darth trigger u are absoultley blind get ur shit together and try to read retard seriously man these guys omg
                                                                                @ayase i am already in VHS on my smurf and 13 games uptill now 2 losses only and also me stomping the other teams but the ones in which i loose people were just not playing there we were destroying barracks and they are taking roshan kind of people...also my winrate is low coz ffs i learned dota on this acc mate... i have never played any game like dota before first month i was just learning 2nd month ii watched replays 3rd month i started playing tough heroes and here i am on VHS on my smurf and thats literally how i play now if i get a good team i can carry them pretty well so... and i they all helped me i watched each and every guys profile including the one who are hate commenting i watched there games and then i finally made it so thanks to yall for helping me much appreciated!!! kappa <3 peace <3


                                                                                  ^Calling me blind when you typed in darth trigger instead of darthtigger. At least has the courtesy to get someone's nick right before calling people blind. Also I asked a question. It wasn't a statement. You have 0 HS and 0 VHS here. Why don't you link your smurf with VHS instead of talking crap with your main?

                                                                                  Note: You said DECIDING. Not MADE a smurf. So unless your English is completely crap, don't you dare tell me I'm blind because you clearly couldn't convey your message properly. I assumed you haven't made a smurf yet based on what your wrote yourself.

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                    Normal skill means abnormal brain

                                                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                      @DC: and thats why I only compare the last month not your whole day stats. Can you give us the link of your VHS smurf account games?


                                                                                        yeah link your smurf here please
                                                                                        and learn the difference between "there and their" typical sea scrub lmao

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          "Looking for members in vhs bracket so that first game is skill dragged.." <---- This statement doesn't make sense if your smurf is already in VHS. Get your fking facts right dude. It clearly contradicts this statement ----> "i am already in VHS on my smurf"

                                                                                          Now I just want you to look like an idiot because your stupidity is annoying the shit out of me and your ignorance is not a bloody excuse. Clearly you're a retard that is looking for self-gratification through peer acceptance, and when you're not getting it, you decided to belittle others for statements that either questions your ability as a player or make a mockery out of your idiocy. So now, even your intelligence and ability to formulate a sound argument is in question, and you can thank your lack of better judgement and ability to not think with your head.

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            i played solo when people decided not to help me lol.. :3
                                                                                            after that i made smurf and played games you retard ffs dont comment here you are a certified brainless guy so gtfo my post pls! have some shame dont comment after this :) @darthtrigger again i make mistake coz i dont read idiots properly hue hue waste of time:) pls dont make me insult u anymore in front of a crowd :D

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                              @hardy u are also blind pls dont comment :) i never wondered there are so many blinds out there who comment without even reading the previous comments haha LMFAO poor brains


                                                                                                I think people can judge for themselves who the retard is here.

                                                                                                Especially when I used your own words against you. But for arguments sake, what exactly did I say that is retarded or not actually well thought of? Please feel free to quote me on any of the statements I said in this post. When you argue with someone, use facts, not a bias and clearly an interpretation of your pathetic imagination.

                                                                                                Also still no link to your smurf? Or are you also a liar?


                                                                                                  i played solo when people decided not to help me lol.. :3 <---- But again, your post title states, "DECIDING TO MAKE SMURF.. WANNA PARTY? VHS REQUIRED :)"

                                                                                                  "@darthtrigger again i make" <---- and again it's WRONG. Now don't tell me you can't read either? Not reading properly is not an excuse, like I said, ignorance is not an excuse. Try again.

                                                                                                  "Why would you ask for VHS when you don't even have a single game in HS?" <---- my first posted comment and you think I'm retarded already. I wonder why is that? I mean taking into consideration that your title stats that you want to make a smurf not that you already made one. Please explain this to me to the best of your clearly limited intellectual ability.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                    Well, it's just hard to believe that you climb to VHS with that winrate and KDA, even me can clearly tell that you're not doing so well in your bracket. And the guys that tell you to get good is clearly have higher MMR so you can take their advice instead flaming them


                                                                                                      ^ONE guy who thinks you're an idiot but too nice to say it plus others above even before I commented. @~"DC" ~Frosch^ you sure you want to go down this road?
                                                                                                      (Yes I'm counting)

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