General Discussion

General Discussionactually i don't care about the sven compendium set

actually i don't care about the sven compendium set in General Discussion

    just give me the head piece for smth reasonable from my bp and i'll be happy


      I got sven set in frst try.


        I got bane!


          Idk why they've released yet another fancy Sven set when they just had a fancy Sven set as one of the Winter battlepass treasure things. Same deal with Luna although the current Luna one looks even worse than the Winter battlepass one and I can't even use either of them since the Blessings of Lucentyr Luna set beats both of them and she has the shield immortal (through some mistake I got a golden one - luckily Valve fixed their set awarding criteria so I haven't received a single rare out of any of the 6 immortals or 13 sculptors pillar sets I opened).


            arc warden... >: