General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for playing Enigma

Tips for playing Enigma in General Discussion
the Goat

    i dont suck playing Enigma, im really good at micro-ing my eidolons and i dont rush blink dagger, i always get mekansm first then BKB, blink dagger or Guardian Greaves. But something's wrong... :/

      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

        Midnight pulse is his most damaging spell but you skip it completely until level 10.

        In this match I did 37k total damage as Enigma.

        1610 was physical damage through auto attacks. 563 was through eidolon attacks.
        10,445 was magical damge dealt through maledict and blackhole magic damage.
        25,651 was pure damage through midnight pulse.

        If you don't put down midnight pulse before you use black hole then it's basically a complete waste of one of the longest cooldowns in dota.

        つ ◕_◕ つ Give DIRETIDE つ ◕...

          As someone who plays shit-ton of enigma, here are few general tips.

          - going first meka in every game is not really must.They have magic dmg? Rush pipe. No stuns on your team and enemy has something like sven/ursa (heroes that need to be kited)? Go atos. Playing vs riki/spec/zeus? Huricane

          - I usually go boots>smoke>few ganks>get dager (or meka, or read top)>AETHER lens (this item is fucking amazin on enigma) then shadow blade (yeah, call me nab as much as you want, but I like SB on Enigma as I do on Magnus, great item. Generally you don't want to use it to go in, but just rather hide from their heroes iin their vision)

          - Don't just jump and bh. Think, fucking think. I have played countless games where team would just ping the shit out of me for not BH-ing one hero in later stages of the game. You have to be patient as a fucking shaolin monk.

          - As guy above me statedd, just make sure to put MP on ground before BH. Shift que can be used, but I'd strongly suggest to use quickcast and practice.

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          the Goat

            ok thanks guys