General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you think valve keeps on nerfing earth spirit?

Why do you think valve keeps on nerfing earth spirit? in General Discussion

    Love the hero since I saw my classmate using it. I learned the hero myself thru watching vids on youtube and also thru practice in mini tournaments. Sadly, this hero never gets due respect. Valve keeps on nerfing him every single patch. Next time he would be eradicated on the game lul.

    His skills are fun and I enjoy them a lot. Wish nerfing would stop nut nevertheless, he is still being picked on pro scenes often.
    Why ES is getting picked despite the nerfs?


      Because he was terribly OP?
      He has stun
      he has silence
      he has nice little slow
      he has ultra mobility
      he can roam mid
      a good earth spirit will fuck your brains
      he even has insane damage with his ulti

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        delete from the game pls

        Story Time

          ES is still picked and contested by pro players - what other reason do u need to nerf him? :D


            Like my old man said "You can't nerf earth spirit. Earth spirit will nerf you" -Jerax