animals food is usually referred to as "feed" so if OP equals Noobs=Dogs then his statement is correct.
"pick tank and healer ffs"
"Im pro and I totally know what im doing so let me play DPS"
"team noobs gg"
"rasta wrong talents reprot"
"cm 1/12/29 report feeder, dives for kills"
"i afk kill nexus fast"
300 games 25 abandons a.k.a. every 6th loss, anyway who cares #justanopinion
Pick hard support Abaddon. Buy wards. Shield carries when they are stuned or debuffed. Not feed much thanks to being POS 5 + having your ult.
This is what I do when I play with friends extremely far above my skill level.
Die as many times as you can. Always feed their carry. When your carry kills their carry, they get all that comeback gold. Now stick to the plan!
Impressive topic from a 3k bracket gamer :-) you need to learn tons of experiences son before you post pro topic like this :-)
lol stark quit shitposting you're maintaining an abysmal 42 WR on fucking normal pubs on a smurf that you're spamming slark with. kys
I always go support, but I end up doing it solo... Why is it so hard for people to understand there's simply not enough farm for 4 carries!
They'll never understand. They normally pick this shit because they suck at last hitting, suck at creep mechanics, suck at double pulling, suck at stacking, suck at roaming, suck at map awareness, suck at zoning. So they go jungle because unless the enemy team wants to commit a constant roamer and sentry wards to block camps they can just AFK and continue being braindead, talentless players. and that suits them just fine.
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Guys if you are noob and don't wanna be feed please follow these guidelines:
1. Don't pick a mid laner
2. Don't pick hard carry
3. If your team has 3+ carries, just pick tank or support
4. Don't tower dive if you gank (do this only if there are no enemy heroes nearby, you have 100%-50% remaining, if the ganked hero is not a disabler, etc.)
5. Focus on Supports in clashes as they have the highest contribution in clashes, then carries, then tanks