General Discussion

General DiscussionHey, Looking for tips for improvements.

Hey, Looking for tips for improvements. in General Discussion
Sergei Kalinka

    Hey, I read the forums daily. Recently ive upped my mmr by a significant amount, im still low tho. Just wondering about more tips to climb to maybe 3.5 (i mostly play party mmr). What next focus on improvement for me? I feel like i mastered last hit, got basic knowledge about pushing, when not to push, team fighting etc. Looking for genuin tips.

    Best Treant EU

      ur ranked wr is 57%, thats very nice. just keep playing on ranked like u do now and u will climb. its no rocket science :)..


        He has 57% cos he plays in a party mostly as he said.

        When u think u mastered last hits u will never improve. U sound like those guys who only farm, or rely on farm very much. If u dont get farm u panic. U have to learn farming under pressure or coming back from being underfarmed. Keep in mind that the higher u get in the bracket, the harder it is to farm. Try playing against Axe + lich on lane and dont lose it. What hero would u chose against this line up ? What strategy would u go ?

        U have decent farm but it seems that last hitting is all u did that game. With so much farm u end up with 0 kills entire game. Like wut ? With sven u should kill people ez as fast as u get your blink. Gank some - get back to farming bkb or Deadalus and gem in that game. Gank again, Rosh, proceed to win.

        Sven pick here was terrible. Also your farm. Even disruptor had higher HD in your team.

        DK pick in enemy team against mid alchemist. Ez win for your team, u could even play Io here.

        Total disaster. Although u win its terrible. AM 40 min 0:3:3. Many last hits but u were afking whole game. 40 min game and 1.9 HD. I think u set the world record here for lowest hero dmg in 40 min am game.

        To summarize in my opinion u can only last hit and not much more. U have many things to work on. For example when u should join a tf and when not. What to pick and when etc

        Eg. on 5k+ if u pick AM + PA u lose game in 15 minutes.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          wow lex.. try my am games :3 very in depth ANALysis. pks anal me


            ^ Havin fun smurfing against 1ks ? ;)

            remember that playing against worse people also makes u play worse

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              yah I think im rusting off xD still made a vhs smurf just now but I can feel the difference after 4 months in this bracket


                yolo am 4k cancer bracket pogchamp


                  @Lex atleast give OP credit for tower damage man. hahaha

                  Sergei Kalinka

                    @lex That Sven game it is all i did, but i also did 7,2k tower dmg. I try and see if the team needs me or not. If the team can handle it without me i always push since pushing wins most games, in terms of gold gain etc etc.

                    That other Sven game, It was a really bad pick. So maybe think more about pics then. It was one of those game that u get owned like crazy. My fault there, So any tips about that game?

                    I dont smurf btw, look at how old my account is.

                    Sergei Kalinka

                      Lex, its true u take 3-4 out of 20 games that i have low Hero dmg. But we won those games. Some games u can be AFK farm and push with 7k tower damage. Others you cant. But i will try participate even more in fights in the future. But every game is different, and u have to have a different approach. While team is fighting 4v5 and im pushing top lane as sven. Their team has to either fight them or come to and chase me away since i get the racks @ minus 20 min since i pop my ulti to destroy them.

                      But look at my losses and give me tips please

                      Sergei Kalinka
                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                          last hitting is not debatable since u picked farming carry but the way u played it might be new to lex since u can never solo push a lane in vhs without dying since they have great map awareness and shit..

                          Sergei Kalinka

                            yeah, Buy even more TP's then and try joining the action. I dont know Lex, vs Axe and lich i would probably go Jugg or weaver, jugg for the spin vs lich slow/magic dmg, Weaver for he elusivness.