General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan winrate

Lycan winrate in General Discussion

    my wr with lycan is 90%
    why normal skill lycan wr is bad
    and 5k wr is soo high
    i mean the hero easier in normal skill
    20 minutte necro 3 and you must be win in my skill braclet
    easier to rat and farm
    not even jungling
    he is also very easy to play, just ulti-summon wolf necro-howl-bkb,click the target

    Ten temat był edytowany
    pls be patient very noob ...

      Can I four-stroke cycle your piston? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        20min Necro3 is actually pretty late, if you still win games with that you must be deep into potato-territory (no offense to you).


          i dont rush it,even my avg gpm is better than most 2k-3k player, 465 is decent right,


            As a safelane carry certainly not..


              I would even sulk if I have less than 600 gpm on a carry


                Well XYZ, normal skill players dont even buy necro on lycan, and they dont know how to finish the game properly


                  i know but in my bracret is decent,and most of time,my team still pick carry,and they dont know
                  how to farm,100 lh in 30 minute is bad right,

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                    not even 100 usualy,also cant lh

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                      Normally you calculate around 60cs/10mins on farming roles, so yeah 100 in 30 is terrible.

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                        100 lh in 30 min is bad for everyone except supports


                          lycan has better winrate in high rating, cause he falls off quickly and requires a certain strategy - ur teammates shall know how the hero works, be ready to push with u, etc. it makes lycan more efficient.
                          just a guess, though.

                          Johnny Rico

                            yep, he is a game winner for me to, at least on the last patches , i just jungle with him go boots+ vlads+medalion, them i rosh, and push, them i push again, buy necro and push.


                              You should always have over 500gpm on lycan or you are doing something way wrong. But pushing heroes are good in normal skill.


                                "i dont rush it,even my avg gpm is better than most 2k-3k player, 465 is decent right,"

                                "465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,""465 is decent right,"

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