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General DiscussionThe Only Way.

The Only Way. in General Discussion

    How to improve in Dota (stop complaining about MMR hell)

    Imagine you could assign an MMR value to every single skill in Dota (skill values that do not show in Dotabuff or anywhere else)... positioning, team communication, map awareness, skill builds, item builds, fog of war usage, harass/trading regen, controlling creep wave equillibrium, game sense, mechanic knowledge, entire hero knowledge (like dotabuff kind of detail), hand-eye coordination, reflexes, general IQ, ability to not tilt, attention span, rage or not rage at teammates, ganking, rotations, keeping a TP on you at all times, knowing when/when not to do Roshan, how tunnel visioned or not you are in a mid/late game 5v5, when to back off a push, stun-stacking or stun staggering, whether you use minimap to highlight where you will play your hero in the start of the game, flexibility in draft as far as knowing when to step down if a player demands a lane over you, drafting all by itself, when to save/when not to save a teammate, where to actually place wards, when a gem is most appropriate, when to use that smoke dotabuff said you used... etc etc etc, etc. etc. etc.

    So, if your MMR is 3,000... do you think you are 3,000 in all of the above items? Not possible, not for anyone. No way. What is realistic is that you are 5k in mechanics, 1.5k skill/item builds, 4k attention span, 3k rotations, 1k fog of war usage, 2k creep equillibrium, 5.5k general IQ.... so it all adds up to your MMR (ex. 3k), but once again things that are not calculated by Valve matchmaking system, but DOES reflect where you are in Dota (MMR #). It's also possible I think, to have 3k MMR, with like 20 of these so-called items at like 1k mmr, but have just one thing you do as well as a 6k. Or be 3k, with a TON of things at like 5k, but just as many things at 2k.

    This is why people flame other people for being so much less skilled than they are, hence biggest reason for 'MMR hell'.
    -that newb, he just sat there and didn't roate. *(&(@#$ He could've EASILY saved me and gotten a kill on top of that.
    -WHAT THE F***, that guy just ran right into that guy, his positiioning blows!
    -OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!! Why did you run back in to help him and feed.. it was obvious we coudln't help him! I said back!
    -..........................................................Why did you put a .....ward.... THERE!?!??!?! newb gg. shit F***ing support.
    -Uhm, you just first picked riki....... I quit Dota.

    For every thing you saw a teammate sucked at that you are way better at, you have just as many, maybe even more things that could be said about you, (Hopefully they're different things ,LOL). **** The thing is, some people will never figure out those items from the above list (or other things)... that they need a lot of improvement in...

    The only SURE way to get better at DOTA (which will eventually reflect your MMR)..... is to not just 'try harder'... you can play 1000's of games trying really hard and sometimes not learn much... maybe even going backwards!
    If you want to improve, start with the list I provided, and come up with so many more things that you can't see in dotabuff (i challenge people to post more here). Make that list, and be honest with yourself... then practice very hard not at winning the game, but improving in 1-2 of those things at a time (do not try to improve on all of them at once). Eventually, those 1-2 things will become instinctive, and definitely impact your MMR with just playing and having fun. Then move to the next 1-2 skills. Every time your MMR goes up 250 or 500, redo that entire list. Assign an MMR value to every one of them... Then, re-prioritize and repeat.

    Knowing that you are approaching the game of dota this way, will also allieve a lot of the ladder anxiety and truly let you know you are progressing at SOMETHING... whether winning or not. Almost anyone in dota has ladder anxiety... to some extent or another.

    I was a few months ago 2.7/2.7 mmr... I dropped to 1.79 solo and 2.3 party doing a lot of gimmicky crap with playstyle/heroes.... tilting more and more, also due to personal things... In 1 month I brought it back to 2.5/2.9 and my winrate over the last month is like 64% or higher as opposed to like 47-49%, or something... using these things I've mentioned. I have no doubt I will be 3k+ on solo & party within a week or two (I play like 35 games+ every 4 day weekend).. maybe even get 3.5k in the next month or two =). But I once thought all my teammates were retarded, that I didn't belong there... but I was wrong.

    Please reply what you thin. Thanks. Dodo-Lotto.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Nobody read too long


        Can you put a tl;dr down at the end?


          tldr rofl


            tldr, pick slark and you will be higher mmr


              Nice comments we have here
              Kys noobs


                lol, slark so fun. I believe you can spam that hero in 2-3k and go up pretty fast. I think if you're a great carry player your odds are even better.

                But, Slark isn't just a gimmicky way to raise win MMR... I think he can teach you a LOT: better ganker, better position in fights, way better awareness within a fight... on so many levels.

                I think if someone spams Slark 20 times and doesn't start to win a lot of games, they most likely do not deserve to go up in MMR, especially since he is so good at punishing mistakes. (unless they just never played much core).

                different note: In games that you're quite a bit ahead and have almost no chance of losing, I love to get so insanely risky that it isn't likely to succeed - I do it because it's fun, but also because it brings knowing your hero limits to a whole new level... anyone else do this? Slark.. Ursa.. especially fun to do it.

                Lost a game one time doing this with Ursa, got a tad bit crazy, I'm pretty sure I got 3-4 reports. The other team may have commended me tho.. lol

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Dude, I appreciate your effort but you are wrong, and this is why:
                  1.Your list is pretty accurate, but is 80% irrelevant because at below 5k mmr only a very limited amount of "skills" are necessary to succeed.
                  2.Most players below 5k mmr lack very much in those important aspects.
                  3.Alot of people flame, but some flame for the right reasons, some flame for the wrong reasons, thus, the ones that flame regarding the lack of those important "skills" actually do it for the right reasons.
                  4.Imo, the vital skill needed to easily breeze thro 3-4k mmr bracket are (which means be able to win like 60% of games): positioning, team communication, map awareness, attention span, ganking, rotations, when to back off a push, drafting all by itself, when to save/when not to save a teammate

                  So from a long list we got to a specific shortlist of skills needed to have a good winrate, but it is not enough to have those skills if your team has epic warding and farming but have zero communication and map awareness, and this is where "my team holds me down" starts. When an individual sees and knows how to take down the enemy team, but his team-mates don't, the flame begins...

                  And considering you didn't reach VHS yet, I can understand why you think you need ALL those skills to succeed.

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                      Some games teammates are retarded xD


                        Awesome thought provoking post


                          Legendary: ok yes, sometimes teammates are ACTUALLY wow.....


                            Kobby: I appreciate your feedback, but I never said that you need all the skills I mentioned to succeed. The point is that every player has things they are really good at, and also things they suck at - and that so many of those things are not reliably measured. Somehow these deviations balance each other out to form the MMR they are at, though. The key is to finding our the things you suck at the most to improve on them. Simply 'trying harder' will not necessarily make you any better. Also, it's to point out that people need to realize that your teammates are not way better than you or way worse than you. There are exceptions to this, for different reasons, of course. But most people belong where they are. The bottom line is, in different tiers... especially low tier.. certain skills i mentioned or did not mention will matter a lot more than others (that you are correct on)... but the unavoidable, obvious truth is... all of the things I mentioned are important at some point in Dota, and to improve on them WILL show up in your MMR sooner or later, may it be small or large impact. Even if the least important ones in 2k are improved upon, they cannot hurt to be better at. Especially the ones that a player can find that they are terrible at.

                            A 3k carry player in Dota sucks at last hitting & maintaining creep equillibrium... like an average 1k player (basically oblivious to it, I've seen this).... is that player not going to statistically win a good margin more of their games if he gets 15-30 more cs in the first 10 minutes in most games because he focused on that for a while? That one thing changes, yet nothing else gets better or worse... is he not going to win more games? thx.

                            You make...... a few points..... but being higher MMR doesn't make you right. At first I liked your post, but then the more I re-read it, the less sense it made. I appreciate your feedback, but your delivery was a little over-confident and generalized, avoiding some of my big points.

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                            ChatGPT University

                              A post from a 2k guy? Hmmm.
                              Why would a lion listen to a sheep? Ayy jacky lmao


                                2 mods:
                                Can we have this post (or similar) on main page in DB's blog?


                                  this particular one is not very good


                                    It obviously needs to be rewritten for the blog. However, some good points are still there.

                                    Eternal Meow

                                      @Kobby: I've never seen flaming make team mates play better. Even when the flaming is accurate, or as you say for the "right reasons." Whoever is getting flamed either starts flaming back, or playing worse, or they intentional throw the game after getting flamed. Do you ever actually get a good response from flaming people? I'm really curious about this.

                                      It's possible to get people to play better without flaming them. I asked my friend to just calmly tell people what he thinks they should do instead of flaming them and his win rate went up. He finds it really hard to do this though and still flames sometimes. The last time he flamed a few days ago, the person he flamed decided to throw the match intentionally and kept saying, "Grown ass men shouldn't get so worked up over video games."

                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                          I think so too Azro, thanks. That didn't cross my mind before... but yeah it would definitely need to not only be rewritten by myself but could use the help of someone with good writing skills.


                                            Good points