General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get back from a bad early game as a carry?

How to get back from a bad early game as a carry? in General Discussion
Tiltable Mountain

    A lot of the times I have a terrible early game, i just can't get enough farm as a carry and help my team win the game. I'm not sure if i don't get enough support or I'm just a bad player. So...any tips?


      Well if you want to comeback so you need hero that rely on enemy positioning mistakes and cross your fingers and hope they will make mistake. Example of those heroes are anti-mage ember luna phantom lancer. And you have to keep in mind you can not afford to make mistake or miss chance. Get every possible farm and kill every possible enemies if they make mistakes.


        avoid dying and map awareness. its not about how much u get farm in lane its about how u control your hero and lane. dont let your tower down quickly. believe me i had play as PL at hard lane and not get farm but i manage to get my radiance at 14 minutes. control and surviving is important


          farm, dont die
          cut waves


            abandon the gmae and go for next


              ^^ great way to not learn anything


                Carries are the cores that usually suffer the least from bad early fames because they have the ability to farm fast and so catch up faster. Just find space on the map, carry tps and only engage in fights in which the enemy have dived more than they should have. A lot of people go fight a lot when they are behind which is wrong because they will lose that fight since they are behind.
                TLDR: find farm and use tps defensivly.


                  Pick spectre ulti on low health hero with mega kill and come back like a mothafucker
                  For other heros one thing is important just like spec:map awareness and map awareness


                    If your team feed nothing u can do just stay in fountain until the end


                      build early game items and team fight ASAP before the gold advantage gets so big even outplaying them won't win fights.

                      it depends a lot on the draft, but a lot of the times the best way to comeback is just to stop farming and help your team fight. if you can get a couple kills you'll be back in it.

                      unlike what all these m ongoloids are saying, MOST games if you decide to farm a losing game you lost already.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      stupid fuck 2000

                        If your team can create space, farm and join fights occasionally. If not, try to capitalize on the enemy's mistakes and get pick off's. If your hero doesn't allow for pick offs then actively seek team fights with smokes and do your best not to die. Comeback gold is still broken so yeah.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          learn spec, sven, slark, and pa. These heroes require less mechanical skill and cancer enough at low bracket


                            Depends on the hero. And the situation as a whole for that matter, but you could maybe get some more specific tips on a per hero basis. Or, better yet, if you want to analyze it yourself, since every game is unique, ask yourself some questions. Does your hero have a crazy farming mechanism to catch up fast? Or can your hero do a lot in a fight even without farm? If so, does your hero excel at pickoffs or instead have a big team fight ult? Can your hero split push with some degree of safety and stall the game?

                            What is the enemy team doing? Are they 5 manning down towers, or are they going around looking for kills? If the later, all as 5 or in 1s and 2s?

                            One of the only advantages you'll have being behind is that the other team will generally keep doing whatever has been working so well for them. If they're just smoking you, why would they change their tactics? Now that you know that, figure out what to do to get the most out of it while the enemy gets the least. Whether than means a counter gank or just staying away from them so they waste their time (which is a big deal) or split pushing or whatever.

                            Perhaps the most important thing though, is don't despair, don't argue, and if you have a d-bag on your team already don't argue back. Don't defend yourself, or anyone, just ignore him and say something positive whenever you can without sounding sarcastic, and maybe occasionally something encouraging. Just because you're losing, and will probably lose the game, doesn't mean it's quite lost yet. Comebacks are totally possible. Just yesterday I won a game where we started 0-7 and were soon down 2 rax with the whole enemy team really fed, but we managed to come back... somehow... Still now sure how exactly that happened, but in Dota anything is possible. Unfortunately I've been in many such scenarios where one or more of my teammates gives up and sits in the fountain. Or, more often yet, more focus is on arguing than on the game. While certainly it's not common to come back that hard, I always wonder how many games like that might have been turned if only we had stuck it out together and tried...

                            So yeah, figure out what your strengths are, and figure out what the enemy is doing and refuse to play into their hands. Get what you can and don't give up. Ever. But that doesn't mean keep doing the same stupid thing that is losing. Use your wits. Change the rules. Do whatever the enemy don't want you to do. A losing game is like a free lottery ticket. Yeah, guess what, you'll probably lose anyway, but it doesn't cost you a thing by trying your damnedest. In fact, at least you gain a little experience and practice even if you do lose. Maybe some experience and practice that helps you come back from the next deficit. A loss is a loss, but if you can turn what looks like a loss into a win... ooooohhhh yeah, that is satisfying. To me at least, those are the games you remember, even if it went absolutely awful for you for much of it. Crushing in a stomp is quickly forgotten, but cheating fate to turn what looks like a certain loss into a win that nobody thought even possible is truly glorious. Don't. Give. Up.

                            Tiltable Mountain

                              Thanks guys for the useful tips :) I appreciate it a lot


                                Great pep-talk @Snerdly

                                It's a really broad question and I think he had the best possible answer given how broad it is. Also, it's great to see some community and positivity on a DOTA forum. Who knew that could happen?


                                  Or, you can try to learn alchemist, go mid, and outfarm the whole enemy team put together.


                                    btw avoid pick sniper. once feed u will be fed and blame forever. most of meta nowaday counter-pick sniper


                                      fight when you think you can if not just farm for some of your item .. use the advantage of your pick, for example enemy got few intel hero and you pick am.. why not try to fight and get some easier money.. know when to fight and not


                                        I losed 2 times when we had mega creep
                                        Ofc i wasnt the carry
                                        Point: dont give up