General Discussion

General DiscussionCARRYING THE TEAM (not necessarily as carry)

CARRYING THE TEAM (not necessarily as carry) in General Discussion

    Anyone else thinking how hard it is to carry your team nowadays? You buy courier, ward, get smoke, gank mid, gank their safelane, YET ALL FOR NOTHING CAUSE THEY KEEP THROWING ANYWAY? my god.

    ASSESS Product

      That item though


        It's actually so weird, cuz it's always teams fault right? xd Everyone is fucking awful and these awfuls are 90% of the time in ur team xd I'm fucking sick of teammates holding me back xd LUL It's like volvo hates some ppl for no reason xdxd

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          plz god dont mm me with this "thing"

          Swap Commends

            U don't play supp at all wtf ?


              i dont understand how these people are 3.7k mmr, game after game of buying courier, warding, ganking, PROVIDING SPACE still USELESS.

              Fee Too Pee

                because u become "nuker" and unintended stealing ur team farm in teamfights gold? nuker support weakness is , u can get too many kills and cannot push towers and actually stealing gold farm from heroes from ur team tbh. but if go support dazzle , venge u still poor but ur team get the heroes kills gold. just a opinion


                  good point sir^ but then i dont ever steal or ks from my team, essentially this type of bloodseeker build is really a ganking nuker that provides space for the safelane to farm, and if u try the bulid out u will see how easy it is to kill any hero in the game from 10-30 mins, ez 20+ kills by the end of the game