General Discussion

General Discussionwhy im so noob?

why im so noob? in General Discussion

    advice bro?


      Learn to lasthit and you will gain 1-'2000 Mmr it takes about 10 hours to learn if you focus on it. if you play games and try to learn it it might takes 1000-5000 games to learn.


        ^ good advice

        Story Time

          and once you learned the art of last-hitting, go and learn the art of denying, then you get +125 mmr more. And then you get a girlfriend and mmr will not bother you anymore :D

          Fee Too Pee

            ^^ faka u i always get heartbroken Kappapride ....... :((((

            Fee Too Pee

              watch pros highlight games ranked match for heroes u want to learn about skill builds , item builds , and behavior in team fights. youtube Channels for watching those highlights : Onlybrothersdota2 , Noobfromua , dota 2 rapier , etc


                I'm also trying to learn this game. I made myself a "studying plan" that contains:
                1. watching good players in "player perspective" so you can see their habbits, how they cat in certain situations etc
                2. watching tournaments with commentary (especialy ODpixel) is good cuz you get idea of what'S happening and your teamfight orientation will get better.
                3. YouTube guides from Bren Dota, PPD support guide etc are great and then you start to recognize those things in tournaments/player matches.
                4. Practising game mechanics - last hitting, denying, reactions & reflexes, combo executions, learning what specific heroes can do their capabilities, stacking, pulling, having a double wave for early tower push, warding, dewarding, farming patterns etc
                5. Practising game decisions, map awareness and general orientation in game.
                6. Sticking to several heroes (3-5 cores, 3-5 supports) and learn them well - recognize when to pick, when not to pick and how to play effectively with them.
                7. learning items, what they are built from, what they can do, when to build them and how they react with speific opponents

                Lots of this can be trained when playing against Bots - especially last hitting and quick reactions (hard and unfair bots are actually better then lots of nrmal skill players) and then you can test it against living opponents.

                You should analyse your matches and learn from your mistakes (there will be some every match) and weaknesses (low GPM/XPM or hero/tower dmg etc).

                When you look at my Dotabuff, you will see that my first matches were pretty bad from me (low impact) and I lost lots of matches (my winrate was under 30%) but then I took it bit seriously (WoW game time ended) and you can see overall game impact increase and big winrate increase.


                Plejk, also N00b.


                  U might not want to listen from OD Pixel. If you want to hear good casts you usually need to listen to the pro players who often cast. Also, are you for real? STUDYING PLAN?!! Its a game dont waste so much time LEARNING to play it just play and youll learn as well. Its ridiculous why would you practice for 1 year before you play a game.


                    @Fee To Pee. Those channels you suggested are mostly meme channels

                    Fee Too Pee

                      @light some funny memes + learning is fun m8 i r8 8/8 for mastah singsing


                        I used to be high-rated WoW player (but WoW is weird shit now) so it's extra hard for me to be bad again and I hate it (although it's exciting to learn something again - it's like taking down boss after 100 wipes).

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