General Discussion

General DiscussionHotD on TA

HotD on TA in General Discussion

    So Im quite sure that TA has a higher winrate in higher MMRs because they stack the ancients sl is it viable to go helm and stack yourself in low MMRs where no one stacks?

    lm ao

      just go treads>desolator first and sneak an early roshan with smoke
      hotd for what? your goal is to quickly eliminate squishes with blink anyway

      Moon Moon

        Good question. Though it would be much better to get something else for that money since TA's concept is fast burst damage and staying alive during the 2-3hit attack on your refractions. HotD doesnt help a bit in this. So I conclude if the game is very farm intensive and there are very few fights going on, I would consider it as situational when everybody refuses to stack for you.

        me, government hooker

          you stack ancients yourself nobody does it for u lol


            go stack with manta :D

            me, government hooker



                as midlaner you could stack yourself with moving to ancient at 45 mark. even though you lose 1 or 2 creeps it's ok


                  it's bad seriously, very bad on TA. don't ever build this on TA.

                  he is supposed to be a beast on early - mid game. and end the game before reaching 40 min mark.


                    just stack before you go for rune