General Discussion

General Discussionwinning streak

winning streak in General Discussion
Story Time

    what do you do when you get into a winninig streak? Do you keep going, or pray to some dota gods or smth else? I am currently into 12 games straight wins. Teach me how to keep it! :D

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    ASSESS Product

      rofl losing streak incoming. You have been warned.


        u mean streak, right?


          No. He just won 12 rounds bowling games.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          Story Time

            thank you, triple, i've edited the post now

            >Look at me
            If dota events are based on normal probability than loosing streak is unlikely i think


              You are terrible player. Time to time it can happened that you are carried multiple games with somebody else or you are in party with booster, but this will end don´t worry. After that you will get series of terrible games with awful players who will lose every single game.


                you hope that the next game you don't get paired with idiots / perform badly


                  winning steak LUL tasty steak, man I love steak.


                    Oh the losing streak to come will make you want to uninstall

                    Story Time

                      i think spamming void and he will not let me down, as most enemies are too concentrated on my ability to chorno and totally forget about the main carry in the fight.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        12 in a row? Ouch. I would throw on purpose after my 5th or 6th win a row to avoid the disgusting karma that is heading your way.

                        Eternal Meow

                          Just keep spamming whatever you're doing until you lose. That's what I'd do. I don't get enough win streaks to worry about them though.


                            Go play unranked after u lose one then jus lose more in unranked get losses out in unranked

                            Lets do Science

                              It doesn't matter if you've won 1 game or 1000. Lost 1 or 1 zillion. As long as you continue to perform the way you've been you'll be fine. Naturally its gonna get harder as 12 wins is approx 300 mmr higher. Don't think too hard about it. Your mind psyches you out way more than the game ever could. Just keep playing like the badass that you are and you'll do fine.


                                keep spamming void and the occasional silencer and you'll be fine!

                                Story Time

                                  thanks guys! You are very kind :)

                                  also, I will keep waiting for the loosing strike! Especially since I bragged that much about my 12 mediocre wins :D I will get what i deserve

                                  Story Time

                                    now into 16 games with no looses *_* when does it stop!?


                                      hope ull meet miracle soon


                                        How do you win with those garbage stats and items
                                        Do you pay the other team to lose?

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          ^43% winrate and talks about garbage stats? lul'd

                                          Story Time

                                            HANGYOURSELVESBRAINDEADKIDS, don't be so jealous that u call my items garbage :) and if you are serious, u probably do no understand what role i play in those games


                                              I do but I ask you how much do you pay them to lose?

                                              Story Time

                                                ^ok, you seem to be a troll :) i get it

                                                Eternal Meow

                                                  Keep winning forever! We believe in you! <3

                                                  Story Time

                                                    Haha, thanks, Meow! :D but odds are against this outcome

                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                      Valve will take care of ya sooner or later, if not, just invite me :D


                                                        keep playing, its easier to get streaks if u stacks 5, well for me its like a personal challange, how many streak i can go! (currently at 81 streak and counting)


                                                          It has ended. ...sorry

                                                          Austin Greaves

                                                            RIP winstreak, boi

                                                            Story Time

                                                              yes guys :) now some loosing, amazingly flaming teammates and all these pain :D lol, god help me survive!


                                                                yeah now after winning a lot those games are clearly too hard for you :)

                                                                Swap Commends

                                                                  Forced winrate confirmed

                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                    I dont know why but my win streak always end in a loss, how do finish with a win?