General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Eye of Skadi still "core" for Slark?

Is Eye of Skadi still "core" for Slark? in General Discussion

    As echo sabre came into the game I feel like rushing echo for the early stats is pretty much enough. Shadow blade into Silver Edge seems pretty important as well since passive is quite good. After those two core items I would go rather for attack speed(moon shard) combined with evasion(if needed) provided by butterfly. I feel like also basher(abyssal blade) is better choice...I don´t see eye of skadi that relevant until you need man fight some natural physical attacker like PA or so...
    What is oyur opinion?
    Or basically I would like to know what you prefer to rush on Slark.

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      Or even sometimes skip SB for other items? Since it is easily countered by dust or sentries when you can´t find solo pick ups and enemy tends to group up...

      Pale Mannie

        You still need skadi for the stats and slows




            yes, but imo not worth the disassemble on silver edge, its stats are very helpful, especially the strength considering that you regen more hp over time the more health you have, plus it is just a generally good item on every hero.


              dust and sentries don't work through slark ult, ult pounce then shadow blade and your gone.


                So basically you rush blink or sb and then eye?


                  Echo sabre silver edge skadi is still pretty much the best build

                  Fee Too Pee

                    my build with high succes 3 match in a row with 18+ Kills each match VHS. goes : PMS , sage mask , brown boots , magic wand to rush shadow blade , get echo sabre , get silver edge , disamble make skadi , get silver edge again after that situational like upgrade brown boots to travel , bash, BKB.

                    Mind someone have opinion on my build? not so sure but i have fairly KDA , and great impact when my team behind. like early game u damage with dark pact and pounce anyway so brown boots + shadowblade enough for damaging supports

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                      silver edge cant be disassembled now right?

                      Fee Too Pee

                        you can , into ultimate orb , shadow blade and recipe.


                          I find dissabling silver edge sometimes unwise because of the recipe now. It is a dead slot in your inventory and the tankiness from skadi can be compensated by the 50% damage output reduction by silver edge. So Although a lot of people disassemble I dont think its that good.


                            Dragon Lance

                            Fee Too Pee

                              meh just put it on courier or sell it 150 gold why so cheap skates -_- . valve still make it disassamble for a fucking reason -_- . silver edge + echo + skadi easily 3000 + hp and fucking silver edge active is godly good . cheap skating for 300 gold recipe is not wise


                                Isnt silver edge active more valuable than 2100 gold? Oh and out of topic I just noticed your huskar KDA is low but your winrate is high so was it normal for me to die so much in my last huskar game?

                                Swap Commends

                                  Listen son
                                  Don't smurf
                                  Echo is retarded item for slark
                                  Don't smurf
                                  U still need some stats for a paper hero like slark
                                  Don't smurf


                                    Well... sb(silver edge), echo sabre, skadi seems still pretty strong and the best when I tried...I got another you buy midas on Slark? From my experience it is most likely waste of needed gold(stick, brown boots, aquila etc.) since Slark can get his exps after some basic items fast. So pretty much you go midas for slark just when your enemy has ultra farmers and your team cant end up early?


                                      Echo is not retarded item for slark since echo is good for right-clickers with limited mana pool period.... cheap item which provides stats.

                                      Swap Commends

                                        Midas is a win item if u get it min <10,after that its useless especially if ur team is feeding hard.
                                        U tried the items but u where carried by your teammates in 2 out of 3 matches u won.As I said,echo is retarded item for slark.
                                        Don't smurf btw.

                                        Fee Too Pee

                                          @memeh since rushing skadi is kinda hard because the price. and sangyas seems not optimal for slark , i prefer using echo sabre for stats replacement sangyas since u still got str + bonus attack + mana regen literally a cheap item before going greedy item like skadi.

                                          @light its fucking normal to die as huskar, but do not lifebreak suiciding, make sure let them go to you, your armlet + few stack burning spears is a quarented kills no need to lifebreak if they initiate first and huskar can tank the initiate. if you sure die in some situation (5 vs 1 , stuck , going 2deep) your armlet + attack speed + burning spears make sure you can trade some heroes before u fall and u still got reliable gold out of your death.
                                          dayum huskar got so many indirect and direct buff this patch. OD meta falls , invoker forge spirit nerf , dragon lance decent stats now , now you can tank the blademail damage from oppenet cause u make armor items and got magic resistance anyway. huskar job tbh is stick with team tank the tower damage make sure rax gone before 25 minute mark
                                          but fuck axe

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                                            Echo sabre rule all game

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Skadi without a doubt is a must have item for a 6 slotted Slark, no if, and's, or but's. Whether you make Silver edge, Echo Saber, shadow blade, or Sange and Yasha is up to you, but Skadi is an item YOU WILL HAVE TO HAVE eventually.

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                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Skadi is core for dusa and slark because they benefit from everything it offers, there's zero reason not to get it. If you get it early, it is game breaking since suddenly nobody can run away from you OR kill you, it is good lategame because it gives you what you lack - slark's stat gain is terrible.