General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role to play in 3k

What role to play in 3k in General Discussion
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    If I play mid,carry safe lane fails,
    If I play carry,mid fails,
    If I play offlane or supp,both fail
    My current wr 55% but need more tips to improve even better.
    I want some advice from some1 at the same tier who made it above 3k so I can know what role I should play exactly to play & win stress free when other roles are feeding.

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    Execute Order 322

      Role doesn't really, only skill (unless u r 6k getting matched with 4-5ks). If u r good, u will be able to win your games even as a poor ward bitch pos.5 support.


        ^ur nvr felt the power of a thrower then

        Rektdalf the White

          My exp range from 2,6 - 3,5 MMR, currently sitting at 3,2 though, I actually climbed when i played offlane or recently mid (depends on the patch too though), because in both of these roles in 2-3 k mmr you are self-sufficient to some extent. For playing carry you need decent support to possibly overcome ur failing mid/offlane, and that is in this bracket somewhat hard to find, unless you stack with friend who plays dedicated support - same applies when playing support, you need some efficient carry, bcs even if you manage to get him through laning stage in great shape you dont know how he will act later on. So I'd recommend you mid and offlane bcs they can win the midgame by themselves.

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            typical "my team holds me back" match


              pick slark and kill them, or AM and kill them after 35 minutes

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                Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items Nice timber items

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                  That's what I try to do but half games hes banned lol

                  Swap Commends

                    Actually I don't really need decent super great supports,only not feeding other lanes will be ok


                      i dont claim that im 5.5 instead of let's say 6k because of my teammates holding me back, tho.

                      the items i built in this game are the position 5 ones cz i was playing solo supp timbersaw, and default itembuild wouldnt work.

                      Swap Commends

                        ^ Did it help u win ? NO
                        I suggest u post productive comments (here or elsewhere) if u actually have one or two.Instead,u post only memes & mock ppl.I just showed u how your retarded logic looks like my friend.
                        I suggest u post productive comments,If u don't have any,don't waste time.


                          If you play to win, in most cases below 4k mmr(and sometimes even higher tbh) 80% of time you can win by picking carry that can either stomp fast win fast or a decent flash farmer with which you spend most of the time farming jungle and split pushing while your team bitches about reporting you. Then you carry them late game. But in order to do so you must be the best player in the game. If the skill among the players is even it doesn't really matter what role you play, probably sup as noone wants to play one i normal skill games(CUZ I AIN"T SUPPORTING NOOBZ)


                            Play wk easy 2k crits + 1life


                              triple got rekt


                                is it really possible to have a 1k wide mmr variation though? like u must be reall good on some heroes or on some days, and really shit on others?

                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                  My last game, when "the power of throw" striked, I feel really bad


                                    That Viper game, lel, maxing poison strike :-D


                                      Alternatively I've had pretty good success with dual offlane doom. It's really fun to run down people with phase w oov and e


                                        showed me what? whats wrong with my logic?
                                        1) i said that basically u suffer from selective memory pretending that u do well and other roles fail and drag you back, while in the match i linked happened exactly the opposite (and it was one of the most recent games, too; not like i spend half an hour looking for one).

                                        2) as a counter-argument, u linked my lost game, where u didnt quite figure out what i did, why i build these exact items or what role i played; coming with the conclusion of me plsying bad in this match (and i actually did play poorly there, but in a different way than what u think).
                                        yo, i play poorly quite often. i admit it. i directly state it. i tell it to everyone who's asking me about that. u dont even have to prove it.

                                        the question is, how is 2) related to 1), and how does it disprove my point.


                                          indeed, i post memes, and i mock people in certain situations (that are pretty common, sadly).
                                          however, i also do answer to normal threads, not related to memes, rigged mm, selective memory, dunning kruger, hidden pool, etc.; the thing is that there are pretty few of the kind.

                                          Swap Commends

                                            ^ you good man,my bad,now u can sleep at nights.


                                              u asked for productive comments, u got productive comments.

                                              its up to you to change ur attitude, or to ignore it and focus on how bad everyone around you is.


                                                ahhh, the typical i was playing a carry but instead of carrying i decided to "play support" and buy "support items" so that i could better "support" even though my abilities and participation in the game depends all on my item build as timber so it is ok that i bought shit items and had no game impact what so ever... Its like listening to soul trap try and explain octarine core on specter or even necromonicon on storm spirit... it doesn't make sense.


                                                  The hate for Triple in this thread is strong. Can anyone explain why he's the public enemy all of a sudden?


                                                    I played healing supp @ 3k, dazzle, omni, Wd, sometimes silencer but he has no heals.


                                                      i dont hate triple but I'm still not understanding the items on timber but when i build an aghs on storm every 3k+ player flips their shit, but glimmer cape and ghost scepter and tier 1 items on timber and no one bats an eye cuz lets bow down to 6k GODS...


                                                        @danny boi
                                                        you are not really correct here.
                                                        its definetely suboptimal, but its kind of a really shitty dilema - whatever i choose, it turns out to be bad; just playing a 5.8k average game without wards is worse than having a timbersaw with low direct impact.

                                                        i can make this hero work with any itembuild by re-adjusting my playstyle, and i can afford sacrificing my farm if i have 2 carries, 1 jungling magnus, and alchemist mid; cz thats the way that maximizes the chance to win this game.


                                                          Well to be fair its likely he can justify those items much better than you can justify yours. The fact he's 5.5k means he is objectively better at the game than you or me.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            well, the items that u pointed out are not weird. the unusual ones are euls, and absence of bloodstone (if we do not consider that i had no access to farm); but glimmers is kind of a default item for timbersaw, and ghost scepter is a pretty common purchase as well; even when the hero is played in a normal way.

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                                                                @Mikey =]
                                                                Yes I was thinking of spamming omni maybe,hes decent in every tier.tnx


                                                                  You should just be a ganker and be in all the lanes.


                                                                    My team is always holding me back guys help


                                                                      play battlefury heroes and get at least 200 cs by 30 min. get all your core items fast, win fights, take towers, win games, ez.


                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Did Triple rustle so many jimmies to attract all this hate?


                                                                          I would say position 4 as roamer. Why?

                                                                          1. Marking roam role does not allow your teammates to pick jungler.
                                                                          2. Junglers in 3k are lowering chances of their team to win due to lost laning stage (happens in most games)
                                                                          3. If u pick up a roamer u can always play reactively and help any lanes which needs it. This is really demotivating for enemy team when mid and offlane are totally lost. Blaming game can give u ez pre 10 minutes mark win sometimes due to raging kids getting killed few times in row followed by game abandoning.


                                                                            ^this is gold. +


                                                                              I would say position 4 as roamer. Why?

                                                                              1. Marking roam role does not allow your teammates to pick jungler.



                                                                                whats wrong with that statement mate? i think its okkish cuz in my 3k bracket, most ppl want to play carry so they fighting about laning and ended up someone going jungle.


                                                                                  @arin: You doesn't realise how many games i lost because 3 people marked safe lane, mid and offlane so fourth person instantly locked naix, NP or LC jungle which led to lost early game and eventually the fucking game.

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                    offline use sven (today sven domi have fast farm and bost gold and lvl) or viper is good counter heros imuninty (have bkb)...
                                                                                    if u team feed early just tell to them get stick and get tower or gank smoke
                                                                                    if ur sup so idiot just buy obs ur self... why? becouse ward now realy cheap only 65 gold for 7min.


                                                                                      people who go jungle don't give a single fuck about other 4 people, they'll go jungle regardless of having a roamer in team or not


                                                                                        @Arin: You are right for a small sample of players which are lost cause anyway. I believe more than half of them will not go jungle when they see roamer.


                                                                                          how is marking roamer supposed to stop ur teammates from picking carry, mid, offlane, and a jungler?


                                                                                            I was talking only about jungler. When roamer is marked there is less probability that jungler will be picked because its obvious that support role needs to be filled. In rarest scenario when somebody will pick jungler anyway you can pick support to doesnt insta lose game.

                                                                                            I dont really get it triple from where u assumed i am talking about blocking carry mid and offlane pick.


                                                                                              Spam anti mage and sven


                                                                                                I once had 2 junglers in my team. One in our jungle and one in the enemy jungle and we won lol.




                                                                                                    Spam ursa ez 4k