General Discussion

General Discussiontips on Invoker

tips on Invoker in General Discussion

    ^in normal skill

    No bullshit Plz

    Pale Mannie

      Dagon -> Rapier like our glorious leader PHANTOM RIKI


        play Quas Wex


          QE since i can't play qw really well:

          4 points into quas and exort, then one level in wex, then max exort. level invoke if you can't level exort atm which is at levels 12 and 14 i believe
          you should have agh around the time you get last level in invoke (16)

          build: early game items, some are optional: null wand basilius, boots midas (i dont recommend rushing midas unless everyone's passive)
          followed by either drums or eul, sometimes both. try it out what suits you best. then you follow by agh blink or blink agh. my usual timing on agh is around 23-25th min which is the point where i get lvl 16 as well. then you can get shiva/hex/bkb/octarine, whatever suits you.

          boots: treads/phase/straight travels, if you plan to farm a lot (which is pretty valid way to play him), then you can go straight travels and take objetives, treads if you wanna battle. people used to build phase a lot but i don't really like it so idk. you'll usually want to pair phase with eul i think

          i know you remember the infamous eul emp meteor blast combo but you'll be hardly ever able to pull it off since people don't line up and run away/turn on bkb/you get interrupted by some shit

          basically divide your spells into control and damage (tornado gets both so you can snipe some shitters who dont dodge it with max wex)
          control: snap icewall tornado blast
          damage: meteor emp sunstrike (alacrity)

          just make sure people won't run away from your damage spells with usage of control

          also it's good to have forge spirits on second slot, cast them and then invoke some other shit so you have them ready for fight


            alacrity your carry, alacrity the bear for unstoppable pushing force


              thanks fam


                Go 1-1-1 for ghost walk, alacrity then 4 points in q and e. Max e max w etc.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Invoker is literally god.




                      At lvl 9 you shouldve 4q 1w 4e. i usually get w at lvl3 for the alacrity advantage at lvl4 gives u like 20 -25 damage i think ? Then max exort as for the items start with wraith,faerie ask for tango then aquila boots (wand,stick situational) midas drums bot you can get that atleast by the 15-20min mark




                          Radiance ghostwalk works superb in normal skill. Slow of ghostwalk and burn of Radiance. xD ez kills


                            Invoker is pretty easy once you get out of the early game. Winning your lane is super important as qe. Usually get one point in wex to contest cs and get 4 points in quad and exort for forge spirits. Max exort after this for euls combo. After that, just farm with forge spirits. Make sure to participate in fights because you have huge team fight presence.


                              4 0 4 then 1 point in w then max e and get points in r when possible. I like going boots wand drums travels aghs> whatever and just farming till I hit high levels and can cast more than 3 spells in fights. Solo pickoff whatever is dumb enough to splitpush and win game.





                                    pre invoke your spells?