General Discussion

General DiscussionWould Impetus and Glaives stack?

Would Impetus and Glaives stack? in General Discussion

    How does it work in ability draft if you have multiple orbs on auto-cast?


      Impetus is no longer an UAM. It should be working with Glaives


        Don't think so. glaives aren't regular attacks. But they most likely work for Drow aghs( will drain mana for split shots if they do).


          impetus will only work on primary target


            So what happens if you have two UAMs (like arcane orb and frost arrows) are they no longer unique in ability draft or is there some sort of prioritising that is done?


              "in Ability Draft the first UAM ability obtained will override later ones." - Either the first one you learned or the first one you set on autocast.


                Wait! do you mean "Glaives of Wisdom" or "Moon Glaive"???

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  I think he means Moon judging from the text lol