General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the point of picking drow ranger?

what is the point of picking drow ranger? in General Discussion
silverback action


    Lets do Science

      I like picking her for when I feel like ending games super fast, She can push ridiculously hard with the right lineup.

      Riguma Borusu

        Raping almost everything at level 6, pushing like crazy, picking complementary heroes like visage venge etc.


          be like benao

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Being a weeb playing a waifo that does top tier brainless right-click stuff in games.

            Riguma Borusu

              If you think Drow is a brainless hero, you're deluded.


                Some people are normal skill for a reason


                  You do a truckload of samaten... You also, with the right build, essentially make you engine team deal a lot of damage, especially the support. Things Drow mid, Venge and Luna safe lane with Huskar and Omni offlane... That is game oven... I remember a game on Venge with this mid + safe setup and I hit for 120 damage at about 5 minutes into the game. That is a lot of harrasment, there is no way to stay in the lane.

                  Basically pick Drow when you have many ranged friends...

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Drow is brainless.
                    I'll even say it again when I get to vhs.




                        Any hero with the potential to feed as easily as Drow cannot be called brainless, unless you play with brainless people of course.


                          Well apparently he has 1.74 KDA with brainless hero. Wow so ez to play.


                            Drow is great for learning the basics. Without very many hero specific requirements, you can focus on learning positioning, last hitting, rotations, and such.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              My dota buff isn't accurate in the slightest :dac15_cool: Just how I like it
                              Shit, Huskar is not my most played hero either lol




                                  Drow is pretty much brainless, and its not the kind of hero that can protect herself, she relies mostly on the team to keep her safe and distract enemy while she does the damage. Otherwise she is very easy victim...

                                  If you want to practice positioning, anticipation, etc... drow is not the one practice on. Maybe just lasthiting at low lvl.