General Discussion

General Discussiondodge games reduce behavior score?

dodge games reduce behavior score? in General Discussion

    im just want to play with "good player" for grinding my mmr, so lately im tried to dodge every single games with potential thrower or feeder. as i dodge so many games, now i feel i cant dodge it now, this is the example :

    so far now im w8ing for 1 hour, but omg on last time i got 4 teamates like that feels like im on hiddenpool. although on my console my behavior score didnt increased, is that connected to dodging games? thx sir

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Doding games lowers your score. I lost 800 MMR in a mad tilting spree over the course of a month. I started to behave nicely, ask for commendations and viola. 35% winrate rise.

      Miku Plays

        keep dodge, u get 1000 day bonus


          I have same problem. After 12 winning spree i get teammates like this and i dodge games. Maybe just play unranked for a while ? Lose some games and get b to ranked ?


            How do we look at the behavior score I get reported 2 times at least a match does that affect it?

            Swap Commends

              U can dodge games.
              that behavior score is also a myth.


                how do you dodge games exactly? (noob here).


                  @Red Velvet
                  dodge a game can be done if ur load early before picking phase, then u can check the recent matches of ur own teamates or enemy. Then if u feel unconfortable with they history, go abandon and u will only get time penalty.
                  its ok then, i will try play ranked now.



                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      Dodging works again? Oh shit yes


                        Why would you need to do that shit in 3k? Just smurf the game, it's not worth the grind at 3k.


                          "behavior score is a myth"
                          delusional cuck detected

                          Giff me Wingman


                            Developer 1

                            then u can see your bahaiviour score, tell us again that it's a myth you monkey

                            Swap Commends

                              ^ It is a myth.No clue what it shows exactly.
                              Provide facts not your imaginations m8.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                ^my score is 9600, i ask people on my about their scores sometimes and ive never gotten an answer under 9k.

                                Can you be less than 9k? if you can im sure a dotabluffer has done it.

                                Swap Commends

                                  ^ You still did not answer my question.What it shows?
                                  Also considering your score higher than the avg score of the community u should never ever meet trolls & feeders in team.Is it true?
                                  I am almost sure they exist in every tier.So basically behavior score tells "nothing" about your in-game behavior.
                                  U would be retarded if u think volvo even tries to track such data.They don't.They don't care.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    Smurfing is lame, and getting mmr is ez if you figure out your personal pattern and know how/when to play.


                                      my behavior score fluctuates in between 9 and 9.5k, and i easily get ppl who have sub 6k. mm is not based on that, and if it was, my queues would be like 10 minutes long, even on euw with the highest amount of active 5.0-6.0k players.


                                        beh score reflects the amount of reports you get, but the exact formula is unknown.


                                          I mentioned this a few days ago - I think matchmaking takes behaviour into account the same way it takes language preferences into account - it tries to match them on your team by wont extend search one by very much.

                                          I had a report spree from spamming arc warden and got toxic teammates in every game, went to unranked, played nicely, got back to 0 <3 2 and now I have human teammates again.


                                            anyone may i ask? what happen if i dodge another game, i mean how much time penalty i will get?


                                              Thanks so much for the shared knowledge!

                                              Swap Commends

                                                "score reflects the amount of reports you get"
                                                Any official statement or quotes to back it up?


                                                  no, just common knowledge.
                                                  also, its not all-time, and takes a certain period of time instead (or, most likely, a certain amount of most recent games).

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    It usually goes
                                                    1st Dodge| 5 minutes
                                                    2nd| 15 minutes
                                                    3rd| (sometimes it has been 20 or 30 minutes)
                                                    4th| I'm not sure since I never dodge more than once honestly but I believe it is 1hour
                                                    5th| 24 hours


                                                      im asking the 6th btw, do u know?

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        6th? Jesus fucking christ, why would there ever be a sixth?
                                                        I have no idea honestly, but knowing dota it would be like a 3 or 7 day queue-ban.


                                                          ok thx, if that happens i will start to make a smurf


                                                            sometimes i want a challenge so i play with people with 16 games losing streaks