General Discussion

General DiscussionSpec Sabre

Spec Sabre in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    So i was wondering about this item a lot. I like it very much on AM and Slark for example, but i am VERY unsure about it on spectre. I can see how the item is helpful in some ways, but i just don't see it being really worth it on spectre because she is a diffblade carry.

    Your thoughts?

    < blank >

      It's better on Troll than on Anti Gayge


        Echo sabre on AM? but it's like mega garbage.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          I like it very much on am
          PogChamp PogChamp

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Yeah echo sabre is very good on AM ........KAPPA

            acc buyers in my team

              It's my replacement for basher. It helps me catch people, gives me some str, atkspeed and dmg. It's also more reliable than basher, i don't feel like building abyssal, since i don't like the new abyssal at all. It gives me almost no dmg and a stun for like 6k fokken gold. I'd rather opt forthe 2.6k gold item that works decently.


                i see an early vg on am pretty often recently, it seems okish

                acc buyers in my team

                  Yeah i know. I see it a lot as well, but i simply think sabre is better than vanguard, since it allows AM to fight a lot earlier. Vanguard makes AM tanky alright, but he really suffers from low damage with that build,it's 2 much AFK farm imo, i like the fighting sabrebuild a lot better. I don't think sabre is that bad at all on AM, sure it isn't as good as on Slark for instance, but it's a nice alternative for basher and gives AM some presence in teamfights instead of the usual AFK farm mode.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    dunno, I usually first hit bash ppl :d

                    acc buyers in my team

                      I don't heff dem bash0r skielz on AM, only on baramoospacec0w


                        But I have to sacrifise some other things. My OD passive is broken, never works, that's why I even fucking max this shit xd, never crit with pa as well... not talking about LD roots 4Head I hate luck in dota :D

                        acc buyers in my team

                          LD roots are a myth. Skill doesn't work Keepo


                            ye u suck at od, i remember. u couldnt even make ur passive work. drafting od for you was a huge mistake.


                              Ye like HOW CAN U BE ALWAYS OUT OF MANA when u max ur passive like WHAT!?!???


                                RNG not on your side dude feelsbadman


                                  I remember kids coming to me and using their spells like spamming and then they tell me "dude ur like the worst OD I've ever played with, ur passive is shit"


                                    192 manaburn perblink seemsgood