General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to spec 4k games

I want to spec 4k games in General Discussion

    Hey, just recently got back to dota after a while and I was wondering if there are any 4k players that could add me so I could spectate some games. I just want to know what to expect on average since its been so long.

    Low Expectations

      expect cancer every single game. and no i dont mean the heros


        I'm currently right around 4k and oh sweet jesus its a nightmare. People flame like crazy, very few people speak English (I'm from US East and get only Peruvians), and the second the game starts to go south, everyone at this MMR get this "I'm great, you all just suck and are holding me back" attitude. Its really frustrating. In the past 10 games, I've probably had 5 where people give up and afk at the 10 minute mark, saying things like "GG shit mid". Truly a shitty place to be.


          @N4tticus, no offence man, but imo your picks seem extremely bad, especially the troll and LC games. Maybe your teammates have a point.

          Juts my 2 cents...