General Discussion

General Discussionwhich hero/champ/character across all MOBAs is by far the most diffic...

which hero/champ/character across all MOBAs is by far the most difficult to play as? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Could we agree on meepo/voker/arc warden as the hardest to play or is there still someone yet harder to play as?



      Pale Mannie

        We can all agree that Riki is the hardest, most complex and skill requiring hero across all games is

        - our glorious emperor Phantom Riki


          i only played this

          lm ao



              I'd say Chen is up there with them. Puck is also difficult on a mechanical level.

              < blank >

                Meepo, Earth Spirit and Chen

                me, government hooker

                  i only played this

                  me, government hooker

                    if lol had a bkb item i wouldve been best kata in the world im sure

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      Ashe from LoL


                        ^ Hardest champ ever because the skill required to right click on enemy is over 9000.

                        Oh wait she got some kind of Mirana Arrow too lol

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          ^wouldn't that make AA even harder?


                            Meepo is harder than Chen imho. With Meepo, you can't lose a single unit. With Chen, you can throw your army away to save your hero if you have to. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to throw a centaur away if getting off a stomp was the difference between living and dying.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              Meepo, it is frustrating how a clone dies, all die. Plus every hero in the game counters him.


                                ^I totally agree that Sniper and Necrophos counter Meepo.

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  Guardian Wisp. Easy to play but VERY HARD to use efficiently, since his item build and skill build vary from player to player. Some are teether build, some or orb build. Some prefer bottle but other use urn.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    Lich fucks him, sky fucks him, silencer, axe, pl, pa, jugg, pugna, nyx, ls, lc, elder titan.

                                    Seriously, meepo is the worst fucking hero in the game.
                                    I would rather play as carry shadow demon and throw game than play meepo.

                                    Though every time I play meepo, I play him as a support since that just works.

                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                      I just tried playing offlane meepo with travels first. Works okay too but he just gets fuck by just about any hero in the game. It's easy to mess up in team fights as well. Being a hard carry who can't use usual staple carry pickups like bkb, mkb, plain damage items makes his life as a carry just plain miserable. He wrecks just about anyone when jumping on a solo target tho.

                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        Oh and I asked a friend who plays both lol and dota who he thinks is the hardest champ to use in lol. He answers zed since it's easy to mess up switching between shadows, he says. Also he thinks arc warden is harder than meepo since he's basically like a meepo but with inventories.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          I agree about arc being harder than meepo.
                                          With meepo (and I play him as a support, he's just far to ez to counter, and better as a support in my eyes) you just trap and nuke away with your clones and push hard.

                                          With arc, you don't have that. You just plant those spirits, you have your slow, and just right click away. That's it. Then for escape/fights you have evasion bubble, and your clone got nerfed.

                                          Arc is very great pusher though. He's still very playable, but people don't know how to play him. You just build push and utility on him. Arc makes a great support/pusher actually

                                          sin blyadi

                                            Many of those who have written sth above havent even played any other moba


                                              It's not worth it, to waste time in more than one moba.


                                                Mocha Blocke .... some good advices there from a normal skill player :P U have no idea what u are talking about. U dont net + poof, but poff then blink then net with main meep.

                                                Meepo is extremely good - if picked last on ranked. Thats pretty much all about it.

                                                Jugg, luna, TA, WK, Spectre, AM, Slark - they are all food for an average farming meepo with 19 min PT + blink + scepter.

                                                Also meepo is very good against offlane Beastmaster, cos he feeds with his units.

                                                Very bad against:

                                                1. Sven
                                                2. Ember
                                                3. WD
                                                4. Ebola spirit
                                                5. Eearts haker
                                                6. PA
                                                7. Lich
                                                8. Any team oriented on aoe spells and crown control.

                                                Good against:

                                                Mostly single target oriented heros.

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  dota is a team game, he's trash. I'll get to vhs and remind you how waste of a pick meepo is


                                                    arc is nowhere as hard as meepo is. actually nothing is if you have any rts experience. these micro heroes only require practice.

                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Sion xd

                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                          meepo is strong as hell bro


                                                            urgot ? apart from being a bad champion, it's not that hard, way from it. I'd rather say it's one of the easiest to play.

                                                            Lee sin, in the version when he doesn't have totally op value is a hard character. (like invoker was before having bullshit value for his spell)

                                                            But most likely, arcwarden is the hardest one. Need to prepare for the wraith placement, need perfect positionning of evasion field now, mana intensiv, micro several unit, micro several inventory, die quite easily without having good mobility, item dependant, while not having a #1 (and most likely also not a #2) position.

                                                            Mb yasuo is a hard character since the day they nerfed its value. I recall his tornado being hard to place against competent opponent, and if opponent weren't knocked in air, he was super shit. he was also very dependant on timing on his own, and timing/prediction/reaction of what enemy do.

                                                            If we value rather high the positionning, then cassiopea is also a super hard to play champion.

                                                            We have earth spirit, as high ceiling skill aswell, but it would really be hard (dunno if higher than arc warden though) the day it get the final nerf needed to be balanced.

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                                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                              We have lots of input from dota and lol. Anyone who's tried hots or smite?


                                                                ^Vikings are a poor mans meepo. Hots is incredibly simple game.
                                                                And no, arc is not harder than meepo, period.
                                                                It's as hard as invoker is.

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  ^so the vikings don't all die if one dies? But they do have different skills per viking?


                                                                    We don't speak about the noob ineficient way of arcwarden with necro a+click + divine rapier.

                                                                    Meepo is super easy assuming you have a bit of micro. Hell even some sc2 player (was it scarlet?) actually climbed to top na by just playing meepo, while being far from usefull with any other heroes.

                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                      ^ooh, does he have VODs?


                                                                        The question SHOULD be which skill are most difficult to land/execute PERFECTLY.. would be great.

                                                                        Mine would be chronosphere


                                                                          If I remember correctly there' was a hero like brewmaster and sexy hero aphrodite they' kinda require skillz I guess.
                                                                          I played smite for 25 hours and got 7 rampages though game itself is pretty easy

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            i played some slark hero in lol

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany



                                                                                i said it in this thread before, its not hard if you played any rts game. neither is arc.

                                                                                and no, vikings dont share death timers. also they dont have skills (rather talents) which once used are used on all heroes at once.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                G L R D

                                                                                  Guys what does MOBA means?


                                                                                    multiplayer online battle arena


                                                                                      Which basically mean, every single game that has at least 2 players in it, and some sort of confrontation

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        zeus, wraith king and huskar I think. If you need to play them you need to be really good, really, really fucking good. Also you need to be comfortable with your keyboard, especially with zeus, because you need to keep on spamming Q and W and sometimes even press R to get a rampage and if you need to look into ur keyboard u might miss the kill or something, wk is pretty hard as well, because he has 1 active spell and you need to stun the right target, I mostly missclick and stun the creep, yeah it's hard to play with 50 mouse sensitivity and with huskar, u need to kow how to last hit, he has very little dmg, it's so hard to last hit with 40dmg and if you can't farm your battlefury by 5 minutes u usually lose the game, so yeah you need to be really really good.

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