General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat position do you think I would be best at?

What position do you think I would be best at? in General Discussion

    I rather play all roles but I would like to see which one do you see me being the most successful in.(if it is possible through stats alone)


      ^You should probably ask that question to ur gf maybe!!!


        ^Is that a joke? I didnt get it...


          you clearly have no life ^


            ^sure... I simply pointed its a bad joke. -_-

            Player 175043649



                I don't know , do u think it's a joke?


                  People just answer the topic please. Okay your joke is great I laughed my ass off bravo w/e just stay on topic plz ty.


                    You simply don't have enough games to make a judgement, if you want to play in a team you need to have more experience. If you just want to play casually like 98% of us then it doesn't matter what position you play as a good player just plays the position that a team lacks. Hope this helped you, p.s I get the joke Ashe$ xD

                    ASSESS Product

                      Like @RoastedMoose said, just play any position that your team lack. But when playing tournament or pt mmr, I realised im more suit to play in position 3 bcoz maybe i can play that position better than other.