General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice on this game

Need advice on this game in General Discussion

    It was a demoralizing loss. Me and pugna laned against a solo slark and he owned us both.It was a 3.3k game. Apparently this slark is a 5.5k and he is boosting the account. U can see he is clearly stomping 3k players. I need ur advice on what I could have done this game.


      That dry anal rape though


        PUGNA 15 death.
        You could have tried to split push every time you see slark on map and its safe to split push a bit.
        And tell pugna to not walk alone XD


          In my honest opinion, there's not much you can do against an account booster. Valve should think about this too. It's a very unfair situation.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            There really needs to a be -0mmr option