General Discussion

General DiscussionI really hate it when happen

I really hate it when happen in General Discussion

    When u are the highest mmmr and they didn't let you to pick core becuz they can't sup or something

    Practice 1v1 agreed to play same hero but he didn't pick the same

    Even ur party member don't listen to you and they will give unreasonable excuse

    Soreh bad end

    ASSESS Product

      Piss on them to show dominance.


        I personally like supporting a lot. I find it quite relaxing.


          I have never seen Sonneiko whining about his team picking cores, although he is the highest most of the time.
          Be versatile, have a wide pool of heroes you can pick to win. That's all how it should be :D

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            When I'm the highest mmr I just support.
            Team is 99% very highly likely to listen way more since they get thrown off by that.
            I may support, but I lead my team and it usually works out.

            I really enjoy supporting, but it's not that effective in 3050 and under since every 3/5 games you get at least one person that will not cooperate, or utterly ignores solid advice and does not handle criticism well.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              > I first or second pick CM
              > Sometimes team comments how I am highest mmr in team
              > I greet team kindly and warmly telling them how "I'm going to support your asses"
              > Game starts, and I start mic spamming "Okay, so I'm going to buy my courier that is prettier than all 4 of yours combined, and these dank wards, and a smoke for kicks, and let my carry get every last hit he/she can get"
              > Team feels pretty relaxed when I mic spam and say stupid shit consistently
              > Talk about how stoned I am, make team laugh, despite actually being literally stoned
              > Sometimes lose, most of the time win


              SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                ^ I have one fri who is a lot like you.
                CM first/sec pick, same mmr, and the stone thing..

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Lol you finally not spam, man. Proud of you.
                  And that's cool, if he has less hours on dota he will probably do better, quicker than me :happy: :goodjob: :highfive:

                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                    favorite is when you play 2-stack party and some 3-4k 3-stack instant mark mid, safe and offlane. It's not about the hero pool it's about being total ****s and bm.

                    if you want to win - pick whats left for you. Btw I always pick cm in these situations one of the few fun heroes in the game.

                    if not (not recommended) - > tell them gently how much they suck and how ur hamster will do better mid, idk, think of something creative.