General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are Americans bad at dota?

Why are Americans bad at dota? in General Discussion

    Can anyone tell me why?

    Because they are bad at Defending towers!!

    Ten temat był edytowany
    my wife is fat

      what happens when you dump a bunch of prisoners on an island?

      ello mate...

      ASSESS Product

        Idk about dota, but i know for sure they bad in chess.


          too much processed foods

          and also illuminati has managed to dump down most of its citizens


            +1 for 9/11 joke, too bad everyone else goes str8 to NA dota shit-talking

            Pale Mannie

              they play more on consoles than on pc

              < blank >

                kitrak is the worst american player :)

                ASSESS Product

                  How to avoid your car being steal in america? Just drive manual.


                    I play in the American server --> I assume all the players who play there, are american --> my four team mates don't know (from my personal point of view) how to defend all the towers --> every single american player is bad at dota.

                    I love so much this logic.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Livin' Real Good

                      I thought Europe west was easier to win in, that's what it felt like anyways.

                      lm ao

                        Reminder that OP isnt even legitimate to represent EU


                          And Germans are good at clearing camp stacks...


                            Nice jokes Sir Swirl, Yorkey and Soultrap. Its ridiculous how most people just read the title and started spewing shit.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Cuz they have no SWAG

                              Pale Mannie

                                Im german and i laughed


                                  most of them simply play cs go more
                                  that's all

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    thread is done Soultrap won

                                    Swap Commends

                                      They think & play too much safe.Even the adults part are retarded as 10 yo


                                        Hello from Russia, my american friends


                                          i play NA servers cuz im american and im in more matches with peruvians than amercans...

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            And the french run away from every team fight, the arabs afk until techies suicide squad is off cooldown, the dutch and jews hoard all their reliable gold and won't buy items, the swiss prefer to kill neutrals only and won't engage, and the mexicans are too busy crossing the river to defend their t1s.

                                            har har, we done now?

                                            ASSESS Product

                                              How to win against japan team? Use gyro ulti.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                              < blank >



                                                  And the italian spam Zeus because he reminds them the "IT'S A-ME, MARIO!!!" xD

                                                  Melancholy LSD

                                                    Us east actually has significantly higher average mmr than us west servers because Peruvians mostly stick on west. And Peruvians have 3rd lowest MMR average world wide. KEK

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      How to win against japan team? Use gyro ulti.

                                                      REFRESHER TIME

                                                      Eternal Meow

                                                        Because they are usually eating cheeseburgers and pizza with one hand while playing.


                                                          are you an American or an American't ???


                                                            Germans are good at clearing camps hue hue, sucks that Sweden is always playing as neutrals.

                                                            Also number of US players is lower than EU by quite a bit, so less chance to have more 8k players, but im 99% sure that bullshit about 6k EU = 8k NA is completely false.


                                                              oh nice some holocaust jokes very funny......not


                                                                Because we spend more time working and doing things productive, as opposed to sitting at an internet cafe and spamming bloodseeker.


                                                                  I'm from Australia not South East Asia ^

                                                                  (working and things productive) kek

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    Guys its a 9/11 joke. He's not actually claiming all Americans are bad :p


                                                                      At least he's not denying the noobseeker spam, or the internet cafe


                                                                        That gyro copter one was pretty clever .




                                                                            @Sancho I have played 42 games in the past 12 months with blood! I wouldn't call that spam anymore. Also I said I was from Australia, we don't use Internet Cafe, South East Asia does


                                                                              2% of all my games in the past year have been with bloodseeker


                                                                                NA dota players noone like each other.
                                                                                Too much trash talking, raging n tilting. EU are way better

                                                                                Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                                                  If you are having troubles in NA, always think that SEA is far more worst XD be thankful i guess? haha

                                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                                    In SEA, its like 5% you can find teammate that can actually communicate in english. I hate playing in evening or night bcoz i know a lot of kid will play that time. (the worse one are playing in internet cafe that wont turn off fcking mic).


                                                                                      SEA isn't that bad.
                                                                                      There is just low communication, or communication in some bullshit language & noob xyz and report xyz (most common English words) every game.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        They don't ever connect or they disconnect with that Cafe internet always expiring


                                                                                          Cuz they are fat


                                                                                            i for one enjoyed the holocaust jokes.

                                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                              Because Dota doesn't have a Mexico server yet for all the mexicans queuing in US West/East


                                                                                                I agree. I play with more Mexicans and Peruvians than I do Americans in 3k games that I played doto

                                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                  Much agreed.

                                                                                                  And this topic deserves to live since the op joke and Look at me. I'm captain now's joke are top tier

                                                                                                  ASSESS Product