General Discussion

General DiscussionGive me your top 5 mid heroes for 6.87 so far

Give me your top 5 mid heroes for 6.87 so far in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Every mid hero feels nerfed, or dull for me, it's really hard to tell who's the best mid right now, I just want some of your opinions.

    Tinker seems pretty solid now that a lot of his competition has gotten nerfed, and his buffs aren't bad either.

    Linken's Sphere
    Recipe cost reduced from 1325 to 1000

    Ring of Regen
    Cost reduced from 350 to 325 (Soul Ring now 775)

    Initial charges increased from 8 to 12

    Rearm mana cost reduced from 125/225/325 to 100/200/300

    Base intelligence increased from 27 to 30

    + the nerfs to all the other top tier mid heroes the past 3 patches

    He seems pretty solid, I could be wrong :/


      My list of top miders: Invoker, Mirana, Tinker, Viper, Silencer.


        Invoker is still strong, Kunkka owns a good chunk of mids, tinker is really solid, queen of pain seems really good and shadow fiend seems decent at least.

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          Forgot alchemist guys?


            And ember


              sf,alch,zeus,mirana and tink

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                Mr. Furryhentai

                  ember, tiny, morphling, kunkka, troll warlord


                    tinker , zeus , invoker , phantom lancer , magnus


                      i love u

                      Livin' Real Good

                        It's you!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333


                          dp invoker Zeus alch viper

                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                            sf mirana ember tinker

                            Dire Wolf

                              Tinker still blows, can't finish games. SF is good again since all the mids that used to crush him are nerfed. I think invoker is still legit too, just harder lane phase, but guy is still op later with more cc than any other nuker. Mirana is also sweet, aghs is amazing on her.

                              No one is running dragon knight but I think he could be good.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Alien Righteousness

                                Consider Dragon Knight if you want something different. He's not the "best" mid (there is no "best" mid IMO), but he is really difficult to harass out of lane, especially now that infused raindrops is available against heroes like Zeus. Moreover, his Q lets him harass and push, and his W sets up ganks or escapes. He can take the tower pretty early and then move to another lane to push. Really nice aggressive strategy. In general he is a very versatile mid hero and underrated IMO.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Dire Wolf

                                  and silver edge is cheaper and better now so if you want to build a ganking dk it'll work. Before blink was a lot better, might still be, but new silver edge is pretty nice.

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Dang this nigga said Tinker still blows, ouch. Dendi was spamming him on stream I heard though, but opinions of course.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I'm just going off personal experience. Tinker's on my team always push out lanes with march making it hard to find farm, rack up solo kills but don't contribute to team fights, then once enemies get bkbs they are useless.

                                      Same with opposing teams, they push waves to your towers making it easy to farm. It was pretty tough breaking t3 ground against this guy and his marches but super easy to get there and then we just had to farm a bit, wait for rosh etc.


                                      His overall win rate this week is 44%, of course that's tilted towards a ton of low mmr matches. In meta tab he's 47% in 5k but that's for the month not just 6.87. I would guess he's better in higher mmr where the space he creates is used wisely and he contributes more to fights, but in 2k, 3k he's a waste, plays almost solo making a 4v5 situation and ruining carry farm.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        how do you play sf now
                                        what are your goals and what timings are you aiming at with your items

                                        isn't this hero still bad at farming jungle/recovering from shitty lane phase

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                                        Горилла мятная

                                          Of course Tinker. Viper owns mid against ABSOLUTELY ANY HERO. QoP, like always. Broodmother. And SF, 'cause he can carry late game

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Yeah but viper kinda sucks once laning phase is over. Idk if he is better now with the uam gone. But before you had to snowball pretty hard to carry late


                                              Puck wind dp necro and lesh


                                                alchemist duh..

                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                  SF, Ember, Alchemist, Tinker, Invoker

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Eh lulz? Dude the meta regression was really needed, even a normal skil player can consider that. The pos 1 mid metas didnt give other positions a chance to shine, nor did it make half of the hero pool viable. I'm quite happy that now every hero has a chance to shine.

                                                    Regarding your question:
                                                    Puck, potm, magnus (always strong)
                                                    Tinker is ok, but not as strong as above

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                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Nobody mention huskar ez zoning enemy mid no farm 20 Minute game :(

                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                            Tinker, TA , Invoker, Puck, Mirana imo.


                                                              Probably going to learn TA, Puck and Magnus next -- the OD nerf is real and WR is still viable but weaker now I think.

                                                              I still love getting mid with NS until first night and then ganking and turning mid to someone else but my mmr usually won't let me (hard to coordinate with non-Mike players, language, etc.)

                                                              Haven't tried Necro mid yet this patch, but I will.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              lm ao

                                                                I'm not saying tinker is good and is my top 5 lol
                                                                I just did it cause I have the very least a good disposition so I wanted to appease OP

                                                                Something better left unsaid that had to be done but wudeva everything around me has gone fucking gay xaxa

                                                                Mediocre Eoin

                                                                  Ember is definitely still good, especially now od is trash, and invo is a bit weaker. Invoker is definitely still good though. Puck is also strong, as is Templar Assassin. Tinker and SF both seem good, but I havent really played them recently so I'm not certain

                                                                  Livin' Real Good
                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Bump, Tinker still getting picked at Manila Majors Qualifiers! :D

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        Tinker pick rate shot up!


                                                                          Necrophos. Invoker. Viper.
                                                                          Ta is good but its kinda hard for noobs like me...

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Tinker picked more and more this major, storm just got picked, just wanted to say. :)


                                                                              Medusa invoker Viper lone Druid alch is my top 5

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                Huskar now scales to fucking late game. 6.87 buff his late game despite early have some struggles

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  not really sure how an extra 60 attack speed is buffing his late game much and that's at 10% hp.

                                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                                    ^ it feels more ridicilous dps after ridicilous dps mate. source : fucking winstreaks at 6.87 spammin huskar lol
                                                                                    i fucking won vs PL late game with mljonir




                                                                                        And ofc counters to those

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          I found Medusa decent mid.


                                                                                            I'm normal skill so take opinions with a grain of salt. I think DK's probs one of the best mids now. What with insane Armlet buffs he can get it at sub 10 mins and just push everything down if ur gonna max e. Don't even need to be good at lane mechanics as ur impossible to kill with armor and regen from e.

                                                                                            Top 5:


                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                  Dang, all these niggas calling Tinker now


                                                                                                    Slark is best hero now. But for middle pick tinkerino and pick up new bloodstone as well.


                                                                                                      I called the Tinker when they first released patch notes. Can I have a cookie now?

                                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                        Someone played tinker in pro game the other day, I forget who but they won with an aghs bloodstone on him