General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion which probably doesn't get an answer

Question which probably doesn't get an answer in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    So guys, i literally try to play dota on the worlds shittiest internet possible.

    We are talking about an internet connection (4g) that has a limit of 100GB per month. Basicially i have a 70MS ping on russian (swedish) server, casual 10-70% packetloss and fucking 2-3DC's every hour or so.

    Any clue how i can fix that shit or do i simply tell my provider to fuck off?
    I have a hard time to believe that i have 40mbit download and 30mbit upload and not able to have stable ass internet.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    lm ao

      tell your provider to fuck off

      only logical solution to your problem i think

      < blank >

        Test you ping in other games if it still happens then your router might be broken, had this issue 2 times (in 2008 and in 2015) already

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          you could have them make up for shitty internet with sexual favors ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

          acc buyers in my team

            If they have hotties around ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


              my 3g network is stable, no packet loss, very rare disconnects (it happened like twice on 20 games)

              you should try another router (i just used my phone with usb tethering) and see if it gets better
              also place it near a window

              acc buyers in my team

                The router is literally outside the balcon.

                < blank >

                  ^Are you challenged?


                    I would throw that garbage away and get a fiber 4Head

                    bum farto

                      Honestly who the hell uses a 4G limited connection for personal use. Is that the only option you have access to or is it a cost factor or whats up with that. Details?


                        It might also be interference between your computer and the router. Try connecting with a hard line and see if the issue goes away.


                          make sure no one is using your connection besides yourself... like my neighbors b/c a sibling told them our password

                          acc buyers in my team

                            @Havoc: atm only option

                            @naverick: using lan cable.


                              complaining about 70ms! please leave this thread

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                95% of my games are around 90-140ms and for me I'm happy with that ping. As long as the packet loss is always ar 0%, I'm good.

                                Philippines is one of the worst internet connection in the world. :/


                                  @OP if you really think that this connection is the shittiest connection ever, then I think you havent walked out the door. My internet connection has a minimum ping of 80 and thats a record that ive got to play it 2 - 3 times perhaps. My packet loss is dependant. My internet is SURE t get cut every 2 hours and it gets cut randomly in between. My suggestion to you is try the if you have the same ping and packet loss then your internet is bad but dont fire the internet provider because assuming it is the same in your country as in mine youll get stuck for a long time with no internet and youll end up with a more or equally horrible internet. It is pointless and all you can do is get used to it. As for packet loss, packet loss is actually not that big of a deal unless it gets 40% +. Before 40% packet loss is merely a visual delay and you have to remember for example when you try to last hit that creep and you did succesfully the projectile / attack animation and the gold will only show up later. And why would play on russian servers if you are from the philippines?
                                  P.S.: For people asking how do people get limited connection, well for me it is because all connections are limited unless you are willing to play with a decreasing speed which might reach down to 1kbps/sec in a limitless connection. 3g also is a way better option that most connections here but its really costy. 100GB of 4g... we dont even have that offer. I think 70 GB of 4g cost like 450$

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    I have ping of 130-180ms on SEA with 0-5% packetloss. With a 500kbit/s download speed.....and guess what i normally dont have problems (xcept sometimes)...GOT HABITUATED...

                                    Pick Riki (perm. Invi.) and you won't die much even if you have horrible connection....

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      run a test on, see how your packet loss and such is on that site. Then contact your ISP with a screenshot of the results there, make them fix that shit or send you a new router