General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry or Support

Carry or Support in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Which role would you say takes more skill?


      the role that depends most on player's mechanical skill is mid
      for general decision-making - support
      fighting skills/positioning - supports/offlane
      time management and efficiency - carry

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        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          ^ Much agreed.
          Carry is brainless. Anyone can do it which is why majority of the community spams carry.

          @TripleSteal so which role takes more skill in your opinion?


            what is harder to learn - maths or foreign languages?

            idk how to compare that.
            support seems the hardest one cz no one knows to play support, but it happens mainly cz barely any1 tries to learn it. its more fun for most ppl to play the roles with higher game impact.

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              one syllable anglo-saxon

                How is carry not reliant on decision-making? Ofc early game it is mostly about mechanical laning stuff but lategame one mistake is -buyback or rax, or just outright throw of a game. If support goes and feeds 1 vs 5 50 mins in you can still win the fight but without carry you can't. Likewise you can go 0-10 on a support and it alone won't lose you the game when carries with 0-10 win like 0.1% of games. The price of mistakes is completely different.

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                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    Sure m8 if you say so))) keep saying whatever you want out of your ass, you're 6k after all)))

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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          "Your face is ugly and your mmr is low"

                          You must be literally retarded to never come up with anything else to prove your point. Oh well, guess you are.

                          I never said core is the hardest role genius, I said that it's not braindead as you make it out to be. Srsly you think and write like a 14yr old boy with maximalism.

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                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              I've always thought why there are players who think that their word must be regarded as if god himself has spoken. You're just a fucking 6k mmr player, why you think you are so right you can literally say whatever you want, throw in some insults that look like a baby read some "how to argue on the interwebz 4 dummies" edition and be gucci.

                              6k is not a guarantee of not being a retard as you prove perfectly.

                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  I don't see "in the first 10 minutes" phrase anywhere in the question OP asked, you just take an obvious fact of supports having to do most of the work first 10 minutes and present it like an ultimate proof that support is the hardest role to play. Nice.

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                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          "Guys I'm good, trust, I just say whatever I want and you should take it as granted"

                                          I'd better realize if you were right sooner or later myself than just blindly follow everything ppl tell me especially maximalist idiots like you with no doubt in their own words. I used to be like this when I was, idk, thirteen?


                                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                            supporting is the hardest part of the game, for me honestly, carry is much easier even offlane and mid are easier. Like if I have to teach someone how to play I will put him in the safelane as a carry for his first games. triggered (kitrak) is right, even if he thinks that players <6k mmr are monkeys which is also kinda wrong. Carry is not braindead, because there are 2k carries and 8k carries, but it's probably 10x easier than playing a support unless supporting means for you autodenying lane creeps while having a "support" hero picked. (common thing for <3k brackets)

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                                                      to carry a team as a support player is the hardest

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Alenari just want to say carry is not that brain-dead and bam someone just flaming alenari with his MMR as an excuse to flame him. And literally going mad for no reason lol. People like u is so annoying


                                                          Position 5 is the hardest position to play properly and 1 is the easiest. However position 1 is the most important position to not screw up and 5 is the least.

                                                          If your support screws up and feeds the carry can still win the game for them.
                                                          If the carry screws up and feeds the support can't do much to reverse that.


                                                            I play position 5 almost exclusively and I find carrying very hard... so may be it depends upon the individual's perspective

                                                            game sucks

                                                              Support, because your ability as a carry is entirely dependent on how good your supports are.


                                                                ^^ the truth had been spoken


                                                                  You guys realize that while the carry has one of the highest impacts, they're pretty fucking simple to play, right? Their entire concept revolves around being stronger than their enemies to kill them, not killing them with 'player skill' or anything lmao???

                                                                  Let's put it this way, the carry's job is to farm and to win the late game. Of course this includes stuff like efficient farming routes, map awareness and so on and so forth.

                                                                  But every single 'skill' you might require as a carry, you require them in ANY other role. Literally. Yes, fucking literally lmao, tell me exactly ONE reason why a carry is harder than any other role and you will realize any issue you need to tackle as a carry, so do other roles and they need to do even more.

                                                                  High impact =/= high difficulty.


                                                                    super support..... carry is bullshit 2 years old can do carry hahahaha ... me im 19 right now but i suck playing support .... damn support is hard when you delay your skill or item... blaming time hahaha

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      like dazzle when you grave is too early blame ... when your grave is too late blame..... when you item dagger first instead of mecha blame hahahha

                                                                      [F]unky Panda

                                                                        Your question can be described on current meta..

                                                                        Carry : Sven/OD

                                                                        Support : Io/Chen

                                                                        So, which hero needs more skill??

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          san guko



                                                                            what the fuck


                                                                              well , pick support is harder than carry


                                                                                consistently good supporting is way harder to do in comparison to carrying


                                                                                  some heroes are harder to learn and master than others , carry vs support? nah not the right question, jug is easier to play than rubick but meepo is way harder than lich...
                                                                                  guys this is the problem supporting seems to be much harder cause most of us wanna play core and we invest time and effort to be better at the heroes we pick and main, i can play alone in a custom lobby microing naga illusions to practice, finding out ways to jungle with my best heroes in case of extra cores in my team, farm paths and timing but i dont give a shit with supports i know the basics to be just a mid 4k's mediocre support player and thats all, cuz im not actually tryharding at this game i dont wanna be the best with all heroes and all roles again like most of us, we (pub players) hate to play with an awful mid or safelane carry and we wonder in those games where we are the highest mmr 5 position support "if i were that AM we could won this shit already" and we are right, our bad 2k or 3k friend is playing against a 5k OD mid who is shitting on his face so hard or at 20 mins as hc he has just 40 cs...
                                                                                  im not trying to say "carry is harder" cause isnt the case at all, but carry roles impact harder than support roles in pubs so ask this question to professional players they must know the truth, we dont, we are too shitty as dota players to decide something like that

                                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                                    FTW supporter. I remember my 5k friends told me this when I were still new in dota, "for beginner just playing support, if you're doing fine with support then you wont have trouble playing carry"


                                                                                      Ironically I find transitioning to hard carry role from support to be really hard, I keep on joining fights everytime it happens during the earlygame and it fucks my farm up from time to time.

                                                                                      Or maybe I'm not that good at supporting in the first place.

                                                                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                                        Can't believe this topic is still going on and there are people claiming that carry is harder and shit.

                                                                                        Like once you are an average carry the only thing you gotta improve is farming efficiency and decision making (which is most of the time whether or not you join teamfights) and no, lasthitting is not that hard when you are in the safelane so comments like "you gotta be a great lasthitter in the laning phase in order to be a good carry" are ridiculous (even in a 3k bracket players do lasthit pretty well vs the creeps). That doesn't rly apply to the mid (2nd) ofc.

                                                                                        Also about WonderWaiter, yea, there are few a bit harder carry heroes to play (naga, meepo, prob morph on a high lvl, etc.) but that doesn't change how simple the role is. Besides even some pro-players do not have all these heroes in their pool. Also in some of the pro-matches where you see a great naga micro there is a help from another player (usually one of the supports). That doesn't have to mean that the carry sucks at microing his ills. "Carry roles impact harder than support in pubs" is also quite dumb. Even the best carry players won't be able to do much if their supports suck and they are in a 1v1 position against a stronger offlane hero with 2 afk exp leachers, while a retarded carry can easily win his lane if he has a good support duo by his side. Also if we are following your logic mid is highest impact role in the game. Can you tell me how you are going to win that lane even vs a 1k below your mmr player if he has 2 supports smoke-ganking, controlling runes and tp saving him every time you are close to killing him while your supports have no idea what supporting means. And yes lategame if you carry dies then bb and dies again the game is probably lost while this is not exactly true for a 4 or 5, but you have to know that you wont ever make it to lategame in a average-high skill game if you don't have good supports.

                                                                                        Like just consider the ti3-ti4 navi (and probably navi in general) and why the least skilled player was put in the carry role while a legend like kuroky was playing 5? I'm not saying that he is so bad (so don't rage at me) but try to switch their roles and navi would have never made it that far even with having one of the best carries in their safelane.

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                                                                                          Support needs no skill.

                                                                                          Execute Order 322

                                                                                            omni and lich spammers*


                                                                                              most team captain r supports, so then


                                                                                                Supports are captains, because they are easy to play, so captain can focus more on strategy.