General Discussion

General Discussionppl hitting 5k+ MMR in no time

ppl hitting 5k+ MMR in no time in General Discussion
Execute Order 322

    Does any1 know ppl who managed to get 5k mmr+ on their first account, despite being new to dota or to moba in general? Interested in info about both: your friends-casual players and pros.


      This is my first moba, and 4.7k is my limit. =(

      Execute Order 322

        Im mainly interested in a fast progressing. I got ~3.2 when mmr system was released (after 0.5 y exp. of dota). However, I heard that a lot of ppl get 1k or even less while having bigger experience in the game. So I was wondering, if there r ppl who didn't need to play 10 000 hours to get high mmr

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          Purge's videos helped me to learn this game very fast, so I calibrated at 3.2k somehow. Now I hold my MMR by being obedient wardbitch.


            I hit 5k in 3 days from 4.5


              Tinker spaming rofl



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                Execute Order 322



                    I got 5k mmr after maybe 1400 games, but I got a smurf acc with ~ 700 games (I'm counting them as well) and I played on it pretty much whole 2013 and at the end of 2014 when I got that on it I stopped and started playing on main got 5k on this one as well and I've never played any other moba or anything like it, I played mostly fps games like cs, cod, battlefield. I played LoL back in 2011 when I heard about dota 2, but LoL wasn't really interesting, so I played it very rarely and I have ~ 50-60 games in it I think, then I got dota 2 key and started playing it.

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                      New players with good guidance tend to learn fewer mistakes. Some of them get the right mindset and attitude from the start, they understand and respect the game "rules".

                      For us, older players the climbing process its slow because we have many bad habits ingrained from w3 years of YOLO. There is no shortcut, newer or older it alls comes down to discipline and execution.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Honestly it mostly comes down to actually making conscious effort to get better, many people will do it for abit, then go back to auto piloting and not learn from their games. It's been 2 years (2014) since I started Dota, and i'm 4.3, I think if I actually made a conscious effort to get better and didn't flame as much (even though they deserve it) i'd probably be higher MMR by now. First moba here, had no idea they even existed until I heard my cousin and friends talk about League of Legends in 2013.

                        But many people are actually just genuinely fast learners (I learn slow) Salza is a good example, that sexy animal could easily be 5K if he just kept playing, he doesn't even play super serious at all, and can still probably get it if he tried, I just know it. He'd just rape people with Invoker (even before this patch) and Tinker. :P Those damn little Asian hands.

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          But your right OP, some people get 6K in so little games, pretty amazing, but they probably played MOBA's before you even started high school and shit for all we know.


                            @Don Camilo That second paragraph oh man! WC3 DotA BattleNet years.. :/