General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Timbersaw in a solo offlane

How to play Timbersaw in a solo offlane in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    So he gets shit on early game.. Takes 7-8 mins for arcane boots soul ring in a decent lane.. And he can't even just stay back in fights and cast spells..he has to get right in the middle, and when that happens people just kill you.. How do you play the hero? How do you come back from the deficit incurred in the offlane?

    Pale Mannie

      Asking TripleSteal here


        You don't :) Don't pick shit broken Heroes

        Mike Wazowski..!

          He isn't broken when I play coz I play like shit..

          Dire Wolf

            he's not that good tbh, unless you have dumb melee carries who stand by trees and you kill them in two chains


              ^ :D:D:D:D ROFL

              Mike Wazowski..!

                Could someone give some actual advice?

                Free 2 Play Scootz

                  Just get levels. If it's a melee carry harass the shit out of em. If it's ranged then play it safer and soak up levels. If you have enough levels you'll have a huge impact in early game fights, even without items.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  Mike Wazowski..!

                    Ummm Timbersaw=/= Tidehunter One guy hates trees.. Other guy hates Kunkka..

                    Free 2 Play Scootz

                      Yeah sorry I misread it lol. Fixed it tho cause I actually play timber

                      ASSESS Product

                        Dun buy eul but instead a blink dagger and tanky item. Bloodstone is already enough for mana regen. If enemy are always hitting you, just buy the bm.

                        Put 3rd skill in lvl 2. Just get hit from creeps depend how max charge to get regen. Cant explain it well since im not native english speaker.

                        Mike Wazowski..!

                          @free2play What do you do in fights? I find timber is too puny to go in the middle of fights early I'm the game.. People see him and they know he is gonna dish out a lot of damage, so they focus timber down..

                          Free 2 Play Scootz

                            In fights I usually just try to burst down a squishy hero or strength hero. One of the most important things is to hit your timberchains because you'll be in position to use your q.


                              tbh hes just bad in the meta right now. Invoker , OD, Spectre, Zeus are the cancer right now and they can deal with him pretty easy. That doesn't mean don't play the hero though. Imo hes gonna get a fat buff come 6.87


                                i dont see a reason to pick him except for esports games where od-voker-zeus etc can be banned. hes awful in pbus atm cz all the meta heroes rape him.


                                  ill answer the actaul topic once i finish my game and have time.


                                    dont pick him against strong lanes, some heroes can easily zone u out or even kill u. most annoying are silencer and sky. playing against juggernaut is a nightmare, too. never pick timbersaw against void and od, too.

                                    skillbuild 3-2-2-1-2-4-2 then max 1st. u can get 2nd point in 1st on 7th lvl actually, cz the last chain upgrade is not so relevant.

                                    stout is a core; mango is a must, too. mb even two mangos, altho i personally do not go for it. rush arcanes, then soul ring and bloodstone. dont forget to disassemble arcane boots.
                                    after that u can get aghs, blink, shivas or glimmer. hex is a good lategame item, but dont get it right after bs. octarine is overrated and just pretty bad. solar crest is uncommon but very decent against certain heroes. halebard is a cool item as well. eblade is crap, if u need ghosts, just get it and dont upgrade it afterwards. early BoTs are worth it if u r sure ull be able to find farm.

                                    be agressive once u get lvl4-5, harras ur enemies with ur 2nd spell. its mana cost is very low, same as cd; while dmg is pretty decent. start rosming once u get lvl6-7 and arcanes, and keep roaming and killing ppl for the rest of the game. if there is no fight around, clear jungle or even get lasthits on lane if ur cores arent around; timbersaw is very greedy. however, most of ur income still comes from kills/assists.


                                      I reckon with a base 7 strength buff and +2 armour buff Timbersaw could find a niche in the offlane or even mid.

                                      Played him against a wraith king + spectre lane as solo offlane. Wraith King stun+spectre desolate means it's impossible for you to get aggressive on them, they just turn and kill you. We lost, though part of it was because a guy picked vengeful spirit for our fucking carry, fml I hate ranked dota matchmaking.


                                        watch my replays, dumpster shit stains. He has been broken since 6.83 imo

                                        ASSESS Product

                                          Any 2k reading here pls never pick timbersaw so most people in 2k wont know he can nuke pretty hard if you just carelessly snowball to him.


                                            How can octarine be bad on timbersaw. I dont know since i dont play him


                                              somehow its bad. i also thought that it should be an ideal item when it just came out, but its actually varely ever optimal.

                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                Yo niggawoitguy. How the fuck are you doing that? Genuinely impressed.

                                                ASSESS Product

                                                  But I still think octarine is good considering you already finish scepter and other 2 core item though the item have more than 68% winrate.