General Discussion

General Discussiondraft a team that can beat this team

draft a team that can beat this team in General Discussion

    Phantom lancer
    Naga siren

    That's the team. So what heros you pick against them?

    Swap Commends

      abba + ahgs
      wd or any other aoe


        od ember void venge dazzle

        Monkey Mojo

          OD or Ember


            Void top lane vs PL Omni I assume
            Any decent roaming mid OD/Invoker as they can easily crush any mid from the team suggested. ( Assuming it was naga or ursa)
            Dazzle Sven Bot lane to counter Undying/Siren bot lane.
            Any roaming support most likely to be BH to punish their greedy lineup

            Void, Invoker, BH, Dazzle, Sven as a lineup.


              Phantom riki beats anything

              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                Wala kang alam, juan nyebe.

                Legend 4/5 forever

                  sven slardar.
                  ez 10 mins game


                    tide or mag
                    sand king


                      Magnus + 4 random heroes.


                        Ember (Counters both PL and Naga)
                        Medusa (Safelane, or OD if Ember is safe)
                        Dark Seer (Offlane) ----> They are all melee.. this is a no brainer
                        Sand King and Jakiro (Supports) ---> These guys can stop Ursa long enough to burn his ult making him useless..

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                        Sei la

                          Dude, this laneup is terrible.... 5 melees, zero stuns, zero lane presence, almost no base defense potential... undying is good only for early aggression, but the team has none... also, you'll need 3 maps to provide farm for everyone : P
                          Actually the only hope for winning with this team is having naga turn into supp and ursa killing roshan all the freaking time

                          Trolling Strats:
                          - TP + Ghost Scepter = safety. Only naga can break a town portal there.
                          - Techies: All Melee, good luck breaking mines :D
                          - Early Push: Pick a push team (for example, Keeper, Pugna, Nature's Prophet, lycan, Axe) and go all mid. This team simply can't defend!
                          - Legion/Shaker: PL and Naga? That's a lot of fodder for Overwhelming Odds and Echo Slam

                          Now seriously, the only way to make this laneup even worse would be by replacing omni with something like void or slark


                            Silencer +ember spirit. Dont need Team against this 2 heros are anough

                            waku waku

                              zeus spectre od and techies

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                                Earthshaker is enough


                                  There are a lot of weaknesses to exploit.

                                  (1) no range heroes! harrasing lane heroes will certainly start this game way ahead

                                  (2) zero stuns! naga's net is the only root, otherwise you have two passive slows and one active slow This team will be extremely easy to kite. Anyone can escape from a gank with ghost + tp so you are also going to get out manuvered by split push with ease.

                                  (3) greedy supports, unless you make naga support. Omni and UD need some gold early. This draft will get behind early, fail to achieve mid game item timing and collapse.

                                  Centaur Warrunner - stampede makes escape or re-engage after the siren song trivially easy against a team with no stuns.
                                  Earth Shaker - can block initiations and prevent escapes with fissure despite magic immunity (repel), also there will be tons of units with two illusion heroes so echo slams will be huge
                                  Gyrocopter - excellent against PL and Naga to clear illusions and chase after song or dopple ganger, homing missile persists. Call down (45 s cd) is always up to disengange from Gaurdian Angel (150 s cd).
                                  Silencer will crush any of your heroes melee heroes solo mid, and makes initiating against you easy preventing ALL of your disengage options.

                                  As for offlane.... welcome to Dark Seer spamming ion shell against your all melee team.

                                  You will get crushed by this line-up so hard early and mid game. But if you somehow make it past 20 minutes without calling gg, you will lose late game as well to vastly superier pick-off, and teamfight power. My team has 7 hard disables and 3 active slows plus global silence against your 1 root, 1 active slow, and 2 passive slows. All those melee heroes will be lucky to get in an attack. Maybe ursa could blink for a kill before dieing, but only if earthshaker is not paying attention to stop him.

                                  Teamfights can be won easily with vaccum into ES, Centaur, Gyros combo even during Gaurdian Angel your whole team can be killed from full health in 2 or 3 seconds. This means you can't dare to challenge a siege and will lose towers over and over, or die trying to defend them.

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                                  lm ao

                                    Lulzz welcome back Relentless, i had to fucking fill the niche you had abandoned for the last few months. I'm so bad at it, i cant trigger kitrak or any 5k+ people at all


                                      Well they stomp the shit out of us!

                                      Thanks for posts.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        who's their mid? cus no one on that team is winning mid.

                                        You had craptastic heroes for dealing with them, sniper gets shat on by everyone, and wd eh, ok but there's better. PA is really bad choice for manfighting a bunch of tanky melees.

                                        I'd go tide + slardar offlane, that's a tanky front line, viper or invoker mid, gyro or medusa or ember, something that can kite and has aoe + some support, maybe dazzle. Dazzle very good at clumped up melees.


                                          what a dogshit lineup lol


                                            @aaput....naga deals with techie mines just fine. not saying it is a good draft, just that techies isn't the answer.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Techies wouldn't work, they have pl and naga, they can push your towers without actually going high ground.


                                                2 slarks and 3 earthspirits


                                                  @dire wolf
                                                  its one of the most common mids recently. hes particularly good against invoker.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    well maybe that was their problem then cus invoker didn't do much in his game. But I still like invoker for kiting all those melee, he can drop frost wall, the meatball in the middle of them, deafening roar them, cyclone off guardian spirit. He's like a million melee cc's in one hero, no one better.


                                                      is the match right?
                                                      you dont need to counterpick that shitty line up, all melee to many carries just a bad draft
                                                      do you think that hc naga with 150 cs at 40 min is good?
                                                      btw your teams draft was even worst :P


                                                        i just wish some shit team , pick this in ranked :))
                                                        whould be an ez mmr

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Yeah you guys probably solo offlaned PA, lifestealer jungle, wd isn't enough to save sniper from a strong offlane

                                                          Venus, MBA

                                                            Gyro takes care of Pl and undying tombstone easily and shoot down all the zombies. Doom can just eat a satyr to purge Omni's spells or just doom omni (aghs doom also breaks Ursa fury swipes I think). Naga and Pl need to farm for about 5 months each to get all their items, so just pick some pushing support with aoe like Pugna or Jakiro. Vengeful spirit can just save anyone on her team from a blink Ursa with nether swap, her death also gives the enemy team that has 3 agility hard carries her vengeance debuff. Also dark seer can harass all their melee heroes. (I'm just a 2k player so correct me on this anyone said any of this before me.)

                                                            lm ao

                                                              I wish there was an option in this forum to sage this thread


                                                                Techies, visage, Io, Chen, Elder Titan beats this shit


                                                                  Ayylmao #NormalBracketProblems

                                                                  How to counter:
                                                                  Literally any nukes, not 4 physical(WD's ult is phys!) against an Omniknight in ANY team.

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                                                                    EZ game for techies