General Discussion

General DiscussionSo Hard to Place me in Very High skill

So Hard to Place me in Very High skill in General Discussion
HARD *******

    cant get for now . because of my suck teammates i gonna have lossing streak already for now i'm High skill but. How can i Move to VHS.

    Help Guys..

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          S M U R F


            Who flies high, falls low..


              You dont deserve to be VHS, you play badly.


                you are playingwell in your 1st match btw , just keep it up.


                  quit smurfing lel.

                  Player 175043649

                    make a new smurf and not playing badly


                      Why does every smurf think that playing invoker will put them in High Skill bracket? I don't understand...

                      Not Trying!

                        41% k..

                        Livin' Real Good

                          You 100% belong in 2K or lower, i'm sorry dude. You just have to accept that you're not that good, and that two possible scenario's are happening:

                          1. You're probably slightly better than your team most games, but not good enough to carry them or have some type of impact that sets you apart from that MMR you are currently at.

                          2. You are as good, or probably worse than all your teammates, but have dunning kruger syndrome and don't realize it. (I think this is probably the case) In this case you are exactly where you belong, and may belong even lower cause you're causing teammates who might just be having a bad game to lose games cause they can't depend on you. Meaning you only do well when your team is already winning, so you think you're good, and you think played the biggest factor in why you won.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          HARD *******

                            Thanks for Our Opinion i already achive for now a Very High Bracket.


                              spam invoke and lose lul


                                Lock Very high skills bracket heheh

                                Really I'm The Plug

                                  Sorry bro u have to get betterl olol

                                  Eternal Ember

                                    Just pick earth spirit ez vhs


                                      LOL LOL LOL


                                        Im just curious if kda is more crucial than gpm xpm in placing to vhs? Can somebody enlighten me?


                                          Pls, don't make new accounts for getting VHS and than 4k, please! T_T

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            Im normal skill its not that bad. Lot of fun. Why yall care so much about skills? I think its all bullshit. Dont post about these things cuz other ppl will disapoint you for sure and telling u are noob so just dont make topics like this and dont complain about your teammates. There's reason behind dota community being known as toxin...

                                            oh yea NEVER PLAY CAPT MODE


                                              1.) u need to stomp the 1st game very hard if u want to go VHS.

                                              2.)If u got a bad 1st game, go beastmode in your 2nd game.

                                              3.)If u still got a bad 2nd game, go make another Account my friend and Repeat Step 1

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                I tried to make a 1 mmr smurf account, but then the 3 games low priority AR wins kicked in and I had to stop intentionally feeding to avoid being reported.
                                                Played normally for awhile and now I'm at VHS before it even got to level 50 experience trophy for ranked sigh ...
                                                Not the right thing to do to throw games and feed but a 1 mmr solo rating + 4000 mmr party rating account is too tempting to pass up on, it's absolutely troll


                                                  If you want some constructive criticism, read on.

                                                  From the limited games you have as an invoker, you don't have much versatility with the hero nor do you understand the importance of item build. As much as there is nothing wrong with your choices of items, there are a few things where I can think of that will help in a team fight.

                                                  For example,
                                                  There is a pudge in this game and a bane. If you have either a euls or an orchid or both, you would have been a more valuable invoker to your team. Why? Because in a scenario where pudge hooks someone you can silence him up or euls him, and the same with bane while he ults. A fight can go VERY bad if a void puts out a good chrono, but bane ults him and you are the ONLY one able to do anything at all but you don't want to waste your combo on ONE hero when 4 others are in void's ult.

                                                  There was another game where there is an axe. Again, if you have ONE item; a euls, you would have been able to help save your team mates and turn fights around when he jumps in for a call. All you needed to do was euls him up and your team mates are free to run for it or turn to fight. If you can't play invoker and learn to recognize what your team needs, don't play invoker.

                                                  As much as I can tell you all this, you must know that there will be times when you will be shut down completely or you have complete idiots in your team. There is really nothing much you can do in this situation. So, I'd try to push or do some distraction and hope they bite the bait. Sometimes, it works, other times, it doesn't.

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                                                  احساسِ کم تریکی

                                                    meh,bullshit all this