General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get in "very high/high skill" bracket in calibrating period???

How to get in "very high/high skill" bracket in calibrating period??? in General Discussion

    In almost all the games, my KDA, TD, HD, GPM, XPM is higher than all my team, still i m stuck in normal skill bracket.
    Can anyone pls help???

    Ten temat był edytowany

      you are a bad player. become a better player, and you'll get vhs.


        then how much GPM, XPM i have to aim for????

        Player 175043649

          because you are bad


            you wont get higher mmr by achieving better gom or xpm, thats just now how it works. l2p.

            me, government hooker

              hey man u want to make a deal? i play on ur acc 2-3 games and u have vhs, and u give me invoker spiky hair immortal? pls


                allison, did u say u r busy on 23rd, right?mwill u be able to play on 24th?


                  deal bro, cuz it is my smurf account. i hv one more account "", where i hv magus apex, with 72 sunstrike kills and all over 971 kills.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    dafaq is invoker spiky hair immortal LOL

                    Last Dance

                      skill bracket mean ur average mmr either party or solo.. 3.7+ mean vhs

                      if u got 4k party mmr but ur teammate 2k player so the average is 3.0k. then u got normal skill


                        yeah my party players are around 1.5k

                        me, government hooker

                          nice add me and give me ur acc ill play rn
                          @triple yes and maybe yes


                            k so far ill register u there. contact me if smthng changes.


                              this you need to keep in your mind ;
                              1. you need build timing ,eg : you need to get BF on 10-12 min
                              2. stop baby siting if you mid
                              3. build item what your hero need or team need
                              4. get gud


                                bf on 10-12 min mark? O_o

                                [F]unky Panda

                                  in calibrating get a high impact hero.. That get kills and assists.. NOT last hits or xpm or gpm.. I've done this.. get avg of 10 - 5 - 20 on support riki ( yeah supp riki).. my last hits avg were 14.. Although i lose some i still get a higher avg mmr in the next game..

                                  p/s : 1st game calibrating avg mmr is 2.9 , last game calibrate 3.1 ( lost 3 )

                                  HARD *******

                                    Dont expect you'll get High skill or Very high skill all your matches 100% of normal bracket. aroud between 1k - 2k. i predict dont expect you'll up into 3k lol

                                    Venus, MBA

                                      You need to have the average mmr of everyone in the game be like 3.2K or something to calibrate high skill


                                        @TripleSteal- yes
                                        @Powerfull if you a good carry , you need to get BF in 10-12 min and 13 min you alrdy have PT and BF

                                        Shadow Moon

                                          I dominate in almost all games and I am still normal skill so...


                                            ^ dominate in game is not enough , you need to git gud
                                            eg ; you can dodge a stun , say missing when you enemy miss and build item what you need or your team need . if your team feed just carry yourself . here is life man sometimes you got good team and say ''EZ KATKA'' or ''322 KAPPA'' and when your team bad you will say ''F*CK MIDLANE FEED'' etc .

                                            Shadow Moon

                                              I am not that kind of a guy. I very rarely flame and I play a lot of support lately, so I can not carry myself. I have KDA with support better than my carry, I buy wards but if the other is retared and blind I cant do much. I dont know why valve doesnt put me even in high skill. BTW I am not the guy that wrote the post

                                              lm ao

                                                All of you are lazy retarded trash players

                                                If you get broke theres a big chance youll fool peoples money out from them or steal from them outright

                                                I dont cate if i gt banned, people like you are pathetic shitstains not even worth this game's 2 cents but practically rams into an open place full of people, and shouts at them why your cat isnt a dog d
                                                Espite having shaved it and put a doggie snout on it


                                                  @GGFFWP then if you think you alrdy play better , just make a new ID and play 1-10 game .

                                                  Shadow Moon

                                                    What is 1-10 game?


                                                      I'm tired of having a Sven, or Drow, or Jugg, or some other right click carry spend the whole game farming, never participating in fights until the end, where the get 1 or 2 chase down kills, and TP out, then at the end of the game, flame everyone. He ends up having 500 gold per minute, and a decent KDA ratio, but he is shit. We could have won if he played with us in the fights, and at least pushed lanes instead of AFK'ing the jungle. This is what some people do, and they think they are "gud." No, being good, is good.


                                                        just play it 10 game , if you are good . you will be placed on VHS or HS but if you still on NS its mean git gud

                                                        Eternal Ember

                                                          Just be proactive. Map awareness. Team collaboration. In short, gameplay performance.

                                                          Eternal Ember

                                                            Just be proactive. Map awareness. Team collaboration. In short, gameplay performance.


                                                              @Elduryb i don't just jungle, i roam and play with the situaltional heroes. with the highest TD and HD in the game, still in normal skill.
                                                              really need some advice

                                                              Arc abo zbab

                                                                mb u are low player ive 7 games and i start playing with vhs players and avg mmr in my normal games 6k players and 5k with 2 players 4k mmr


                                                                  Git gud scrub

                                                                  Best Treant EU

                                                                    your stats look very good. but its stupid to compare ur gpm and xpm with ur teammates when u are either mid or carry :)...
                                                                    I don't really know how the mmr system works either. I was in vhs with my first match on my last smurf. and on this account too, as it seems. i wish i could play some normal games..

                                                                    The 1st

                                                                      My old ID - solo and pt mmr 3k
                                                                      Almost all my matches were normal. This proves that 3k avg Mmr is still on normal bracket.


                                                                      My new ID
                                                                      I've made this ID after playing some time with a 4K mmr friend. Feeling comfortable to step in a higher bracket zone.


                                                                      I'm a player that plays only support and been sticking to Crystal Maiden for quite sometime.

                                                                      Matches that were calibrated normal/high after I reached VHS was mostly matches I played in party with my friend - Marskhoo / 老子失恋了. The rest are all solo.

                                                                      *several latest matches brackets are not updated yet, due to some prob with valve server*

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                      The 1st

                                                                        By looking solely at your kda ratio and high percentage of win rate I assume you should be on VHS right now. My best guess would be you are partying with friends of lower mmr (hidden/shown). Skill bracket is determined by the avg mmr of both teams. You would still be in normal bracket if you are 7k Mmr but 4 of your teammates were 1k mmr (ignoring party restrict of major difference in mmr)
                                                                        Try solo one game.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                        The 1st

                                                                          For the guy above stating your stats are not stable. I recommend you to convince the calibration system that you belongs to VHS.
                                                                          By having a few excellent kda in high bracket and maintain some decent kda and win rate in VHS. I've notice your kda wasn't good on every VHS game u played and you lost all of them except one with a rather bad kda.


                                                                            I usually play support decently but still placed on normal skill after few matches? Should I stick to carry?

                                                                            House Cat

                                                                              Find a friend at that skill level..... at least 3.2 for high skill, 3.7 for very high skill