General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you guys find people to play in stacks with?

How do you guys find people to play in stacks with? in General Discussion

    At normal skill, when I add people they usually don't accept (maybe because they see my 900 day old VAC ban), or something lmao

    How do you guys find stacks to play with? I tried making a post here, but average skill level here is higher than mine


      rl friends


        Try finding friends in real life that play the game and party up with them.Making a random stack is OK but knowing your teammates in real life makes u understand there gamestyle better

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          irl friends, random people f rom so0lo q adding me, their friends, their friends' friends, ppl from dbuff


            just a group of friends that i met online


              If you like a players playstyle add him then invite him to your party

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                I had RL friends , still do, but my sleep schedule doesn't work with them. For my exams I have adopted a nocturnal schedule where I sleep from 6 pm to 2 am, and then work from 3 am to 5 pm (study etc)

                That's why I'm playing at 9 am, and no one is there in any challenges


                  dont add people, just invite them straight to party after game, this way they wont think its a scam or smth XD


                    if u want u can try some of the dota2 subreddits apparently there are some nice people there but to me there are all neckbeards

                    Swap Commends

                      ppl can play good no matter they are in irl or not

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        I'm not even looking for higher skill teammates to carry me.

                        Just some people to have fun while playing with. preferably people who'll chat and talk during game (not necessarily with mic tho)



                          don't ever try reddit or local chat


                            Never ever try Reddit literally brainless monkeys are over there

                            Mike Wazowski..!

                              Go to the nearest gaming centre and voila, you have a lot of people..

                              lm ao

                                People who let me spam puck 4Head

                                King of Low Prio

                                  People just add me in hopes they can see the legendary BH

                                  HAWK TUA

                                    I joke around a bit and if a person is playing alone but friendly I just add him.

                                    Then the rest is history.

                                    yung griphook

                                      whats your mmr and what server do u play on

                                      lm ao

                                        9 am at what timezone? If ure still living in saudi arabia it means i can play with u since it would be 14:00 here

                                        lm ao

                                          Just let me spam puck unranked in peace xd


                                            i found people in my matches and from dotabuff, but at first i only played with irl firends