General Discussion

General DiscussionGaming is not a crime..

Gaming is not a crime.. in General Discussion

    Hello guys, i want to do u guys balanced your gaming time when u have girl really hate me playing dota..last night she said choose her or dota..well i choose her..but still i play family is fine with me playing games..i have been playing online gaming for almost 12 years..and suddenly she want me to stop gaming and concentrate with my study..i cant leave my game..but i also love my gf..i cant really suddenly stop playing games..

    What should i do to make her understand about my gaming..any advice or tips..
    Sory for my broken english..

    Mike Wazowski..!

      Teach her the game.. Try to get her to learn.. And if the game is really messing with your studies you need to take a break I guess..


        It's your responsibility to not overdo your gaming sessions, as with any hobby.
        If she doesn't want you to play at all, that's another story. In a relationship it's quite important for both partners to have free time that they can use for whatever they want.


          @Mike She really hate game..i did teach her to play coc , castle clash, and any other but she dont want..

          @Socram I try to have a free time..but you know girls always message u all the fcking time from i wake up..until i sleep non stop..when i play dota..obviously my mind is focusing 100% on the game and replayed the message 1hours later..that time she is already pissed..
          #eat that dota(she said)


            I am married and I make best use of my time playing dota while sipping on run when she goes to her paternal place... or when she wakes up late I play a game or two... if u love dota dont get married


              It sounds like shes taking too much, you cant be with her 100% of your day, try to balance it out, explain to her that you cant be with her all the time, and when ur not with her, you have other things you want/need to do.


                she sounds like a control freak retard

                me, government hooker

                  fucking kill her


                    I dont know what to do..or how to explain my gaming..she also asked me to stop smoking in a fcking one can i do that..
                    She said in game i have other gf..well i am handsome thats for sure, but i am very loyal to her..pls help me guys..T_T


                      How can i kill

                      Out of tangoes

                        Hey bro. I've gone through this. Your gf sounds exactly like my ex. Gaming is a big part of you and if she doesn't understand this, it's her problem and you guys probably isn't right for each other. I can say this now cause dota is a big part of me and my current gf. We do it like a hobby together and it actually bonds us. Before knowing me she has never heard the word dota but now she's almost on par with me. What I'm trying to say is, try making her understand and at the same time fulfill your duties as a son, boyfriend and student. Don't overdo things. If she still wants you to stop dota nevertheless. I think it's time to explore other options. All the best bro!


                          at least we know who's the biggest puss in your relationships


                            I did try many is actually become worst when i was planning to join tournament in my university..i didnt tell her i was training with some friends..that is when she actually get pissed really hard


                              Well your lucky to even have girlfriend...... BibleThump


                                Your lost dude, you have no way ur girlfriend is going bananas and will never accept you to play dota, your just not made to be together.


                                  A girl who messages you all the time is one to dump


                           know the obvious answer..

                                    Don't let girlfriend ruin your dota schedule.


                                      Just fuck her real hard until she says give up...then she might leave u some spare time for doto 😼


                                        I have a gf work full time whilst also go gym you can set aside time for anything and mind you we live together.
                                        Everyone needs space to themselves and she has to understand that can be with anything seeing friends dota etc but keep in mind dont go over board and neglect your gf for Dota cos dota will give you stress while she relieves it!!!

                                        House Cat

                                          Tell her..... hmm, ok I don't know... good luck!

                                          House Cat

                                            If you did everything as you have said, try a different approach. My dad wants me to stop playing Dota but I show them my good grades and hopefully my grades are enough to get a scholarship in my Med School. Dota is my stress reliever and I can't make myself quit :D My determination and persistence even made my dad buy me a new internet provider fast enough to make me play without lag.

                                            So for your case, show her that you can improve in your studies even if you play Dota 2 since it is the primary reason why she wants you to stop.

                                            lm ao


                                              baka op this game is good!

                                              waku waku

                                                choose dota

                                                Mike Wazowski..!

                                                  @OP Are you living in? I don't see how dota is a problem otherwise..


                                                    So, my boyfriend showed me this post and I was so tempted to post a reply. Because I can. The guy who has commented up there "Almost Like Pophock" is my boyfriend and I'm glad he has actually mentioned that I'm on par with him when really, I'm nowhere near him. I knew nothing about Dota 8-9 months ago but I was really curious to know what my bf is really neglecting me for and I was also curious to know how Dota worked. Now, we spend time playing Dota and it has become our stress reliever, main topic of our conversation. So if a girl really likes you, she'll be able to understand your passion/hobby & whatever you do when you're lazy. She's supposed to be your bestfriend. You should be telling her this and not us. Speaking to her will be the most rational thing to do.

                                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                                      Awww what a cute doto couple..


                                                        "She's supposed to be your bestfriend."

                                                        that's what a relationship is about people. if she isn't, just leave her you'll end up feeling better.

                                                        lm ao

                                                          hey dude if you dont want to sound really retarded in forums, pls stop using triple dots between sentences ty

                                                          Keke LM

                                                            Well my girlfriend play dota I met her in a cyber café and now we raise mmr together lol. I guess it' s your job to balance well the time you spend between her and doto, I think you are going to play less doto though, just play when you are alone

                                                            acc buyers in my team

                                                              Your gf honestly doesn't understand that you need space. Tell her how you feel about the fact that she wants to control your life, if she loves you, she should be able to understand, that sometimes, you just need your space, if she doesn't, then your relationship is bound to break.


                                                                It sounds like she doesn't care about Dota, she cares about you not responding within an hour. You should reply when you see messages, but you should also be able to go a day without your phone without the world ending.


                                                                  if she can't respect your space and hobbies, then you chose a wrong person to be in relationship with


                                                                    relationship over dota SMH


                                                                      What a nice couple. I dont know if i can do this. I will try my best. My family support me playing dota. But this is my main problem now. I have a very good grades in my study, i did everything i could for her. My and her house are far, so we only met at uni. I think she feel lonely because my gaming. Thank u guys. I will try balance my gaming and my gf.
                                                                      I really love this game. But at the same time i love more my gf.


                                                                        If your gf really loves u back than she will respect you playing doto and if she doesn't then she not the one for you


                                                                          What a wonderful feeling when your gf supporting u by buying courier and wards..


                                                                            If your gf buys you wards,courier, tp and etc MARRY HER


                                                                              Give her your heart and a ring of protection


                                                                                Lol, i will screenshot the choosen comment above and send it to her. But i will start with some joke 1st. Because she really hate when i start saying anything related to games. Maybe she will show some good reaction. I hope


                                                                                  You just can't accept this bro, i'm not saying this cuz i love doto, i'm saying because you need to have your free time, and if u give in now, it'll happen again later, she will say that you can't do something and u'll just lower your head and say "kay".
                                                                                  I'm in a relationship for almost a year now and my gf knows that when i'm playing she can't expect me to text her. She has her hobbies to and this is healthy


                                                                                    I think i did everything. But everytime im missing she will call me 20 times. All she wants is simple. Be a good boy and study, text her for 3 hours non stop.
                                                                                    Sometimes i said to her "wait im cooking and after that eating, i will text u later when im done". And that time is my only fcking time to play dota. That is how my life really hard.
                                                                                    #Sadlife,worst than -25


                                                                                      Happy to help your love life dude
                                                                                      Thinks about my gf .........wait I don't have one BIBLE THUMP


                                                                                        Its easy to get a gf my friend. All u need to be funny. If u are not that types of person. Rent a Ducatti and u r good to go.


                                                                                          Well I tried that expect the ducati part . There average response is "OMG you're so funny why didn't I became your FRIEND with you earlier " FRIENDZONE BOYS

                                                                                          And I'm kinda like a brother to all of them cause I have never confess to anyone YET. I believe one day I will have I gf till then Ill just be in dotabuff.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            how old are you and her? she sounds like a pathetic no self esteem leech, which is pretty typical of high schoolers


                                                                                              Soooo what is it like to have a gf .-.?


                                                                                                @Stadin.JOEMAMA believe if u dont confess its will take much time just go out there and confess, after that put your head in the nearest hole.
                                                                                                @Dire wolf we both are 22 years old. She is very smart students. A good students i mean.


                                                                                                  @Homsi its feel good but some time annoying. The annoying part is the cutest for me.

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                                                                                                    Yeah well it's easier said than done ;(


                                                                                                      @Standin.JOEMAMA Lol, anyway soon or later u will get. Just wait, but if u dont get any, u can always leave a message here and i will help u. Lol


                                                                                                        Did i meet her in the university or in the high school ? .-.


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