General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper Vs Invoker

Sniper Vs Invoker in General Discussion

    Im not sure why but it does feel as if sniper counters invo... at least in my bracket that is...
    Sure he can remove 80% of my health with sunstrike but it seems I can fuck up his plans of fucking up everyone else.

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      sniper is so shit that i even beat fng sniper


        laning stage only

        and that advantage is nullified if your teammates help gank

        but if you're talking about purely invoker vs sniper first 5 minutes without ganks, sniper wins, i got rekt by a 2k sniper once ._., completely out cs'd me


          ^ in the laning stage sniper destroys invo first 5 mins and get rekt next 5 mins.
          However I meant afterwards when invo tries to cold snap kill someone or to do the eul combo sniper is one of the best midders to ruin invo's combos.

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          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            dude, are you even serious, invoker needs like lvl 2 to get his forge spirit and then even a pro player is going to have a hard time against me and my invoker is probably the worst in my bracket, also think about the items, you need to have at least 4 while invoker can own you with just an eul which is probably 5x cheaper. Even if you somehow manage to outcs him with sniper which is kinda impossible (~40 starting dmg vs 70+ and spirit on lvl 2) you are going to lose the mid and probably the late game

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              not really lol

              past laning stage an invoker can solo a sniper any time but never vice versa, if it takes a sniper + another hero to deal with an invoker, then i'm sure a lot of duo combination heroes can deal with him too

              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                y, dude but there is a difference between 4k and 6k+ invoker while there is not that big difference between 4k and 6k sniper so the matchup changes a bit


                  I meant when invo jumps on one of your teammates sniper can fuck him up from behind. Invo has a lot of damage in the laning stage but sniper can contest invo in last hits at first few minutes. Im sure it doesnt work in 5k or something but it does work below 4k I believe.


                    David Lynch: your profile pic brings me back memories. That you gi yo card was not that strong though.


                      If sniper fucks invo from behind nothing happens cuz you need to fuck in front for something to happen-not to mention they are both males. Invo can just cancel the combo and ghost walk and run from the rapist sniper.

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                        1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                          Sniper is food of invoker !


                            like i said i lost to a 2k sniper in the laning stage before without ganks

                            im 5.4k


                            can you people stop insisting that invoker wins him from levels 1~4


                              never happen to me. cuz i know if enemy pick sniper i pick pudge

                              1k mmr at sea server ~


                                @nami you are just bad dude... lol


                                  I can't remember the last time I saw a sniper win .


                                    2k Sniper Sure wins On 2k Invoker 3-4k Good invoker will never lose to Sniper Being that he is Quas Wex or Exort. You just cold snap the dude And if u have to go back and let the forge spirit kill the tiny little nugget and the sun strike will do the rest. 2k snipers are delusional

                                    sin blyadi

                                      Every hero counters invo in normal skill bracket

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Sniper is awful. While he can eventually outrange invoker, invoker has great range too, one misstep and sniper gets cold snapped and dies.


                                          @ The guy Who tagged me. Can't take this for standards. maybe Invoker Try harder xD Plus This is a fallacy of composition. you can;t say because this invoker failed, means all will fail too. he might suck, he might got ganked ... etc

                                          you all cant carry me

                                            What @nami said is right lol

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Umm all sniper has to do is blink on a hill and shoot invoker from fog until he dies from either schrapnel or auto attacks . You can even set up a trap for him by asking for a duel by said hill. If you got techies on team even better for trapping .


                                                @ filthy - Because Tornado, Ice Wall, Cold snap is too mainstream. And Like Actual sniper players get Blink XD