General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you win with such a team?

How do you win with such a team? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!
    Dagon rush bara
    30 minute orchid invoker who has 35% win rate with the hero
    Intentional feed sniper who can't use his shadow blade..


      You can't say your teammates are bad until you perform much better than them. Having such low farm on a harder carry like CK, is unacceptable. Git Gud.

      Mike Wazowski..!

        I did perform much better than them.. I am 5 slotted in a game in which we were forced to stick inside the base.. And you're normal skill.. Please!

        1UAN 1st PICK IDC

          Plz dont give that skill shit .... ! Just becoZ u r in high skill

          1UAN 1st PICK IDC

            Plz dont give that skill shit .... ! Just becoZ u r in high skill


              Invoker combo ghost walk -> orchid -> cold snap -> maybe alacrity repeat
              Fucking hate my teammate who did that.

              Swap Commends

                Smurf with 48 wr
                I stopped reading


                  U need to git gud yourself. Flaming retards is like licking your own balls.. pointless.

                  Mike Wazowski..!

                    Dear 3k games normal skill guy, this is not my smurf per se.. My main got locked because I couldn't verify the email ID which I deleted so I created an alternate.. I have like 200 MMR more than my main here.. In all I have played less games than you and still higher MMR than you so you are welcome..


                      man you feed in almost every game of yours, and one game you miraculously got some kills with a strong hero like ck and you decide that your team is bad


                        Will you stop using skill brackets and time played as an argument? We get it, you like taking every opportunity to stroke your ego.

                        The points that people are making are quite valid. In your most recent games you've performed quite poorly stat-wise. Just because you had a game where you did relatively well compared to your teammates doesn't automatically make you god's gift to DotA. Just calm down a bit and watch the replay(s) of some of your games and you'll see that you didn't play perfectly either, and chances are you made just as many mistakes as they did.


                          ^people will never stop arguing about those stuff's just Dota things


                            The guy above me points out that you need to step your game up and play it your way. Mentioning how high your mmr or high our bracket is won't do any good. LEARN to accept constructive criticism because all of us in our whole dota life has bad games, and way worse.

                            Lord Mushroom

                              OP your a fucking high skill smurf. On my smurf, i got very high skill in my second game.

                              Sleight of My Fist In You...

                                complaining about it on the forums is also a complete waste of time...there are some games you are going to lose from the get go no matter how good you are comparatively

                                all it takes is one noob to feed from min 0 and its gg....its really that simple...if youre going to solo queue you better buck up and forget these games quickly

                                dont tt in chat and dont complain...its the most epic waste of energy and will give you a guaranteed migraine

                                just say gg and move can only control yourself so do that and dont try to look too much into these kinds of games


                                  just mute them and focus with your gameplay


                                    Also you can still win with retards on your team, like my dazzle game from today, where i was solo support with wr in the offlane, huskar supporting juggernaut top and a puck mid, and we still won.

                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                      Let me see, I flamed 2 guys who never answered my question, neither did they give any constructive criticism.. One said "git gud" and the other was a smurf hater if that's what you call.. My question was what do you do you do when you have a not so good team.. Specifically what do you do as a carry.. You either answer my question or not.. I'm not asking your analysis on the rest of my games or my attitude..

                                      Mike Wazowski..!

                                        And @Juhis you have 50.16% win rate over 500 ranked games in normal skill.. You reached VHS in 2 games.. Who are you kidding?

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I'm 4.2k mmr and I confirm everything these 'normal bracket' kids are saying about you, happy now?

                                          yung griphook

                                            it's your attitude, son

                                            Venus, MBA

                                              If you're going to shun anyone who's a normal bracket player, you've basically cut out 70% of the people on this forum (or whatever number it is) from giving you their opinion. We're not going to sugar coat it or say "You did fine your team sucked." You need to be able to learn from your own little misplays and accept that you can't win every game in dota.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                dude that's not even that bad of a game.

                                                now this is a game, 1k tower dmg ld, on a fucking smurf, lost like 10 in a row 9 months ago and quit, 3 ld games ever, 45% win rate



                                                  lol the first person that commented on this telling him to get good when he is fucking normal skill and the person that posted this is high skill. what a fucking moron @Austin pretty srue he dosent want advice from someone that is in a lower fucking skill bracket then them you fucking retard

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    I hate dotabuff forums they are full of fucking normal skill players telling PLAYERS THAT ARE BETTER THAN THEM HOW TO PLAY

                                                    Venus, MBA

                                                      If you think you're too much of a high class player to listen to people in normal skill because you're in a different bracket, then you should get out of dota buff forums, because there are a lot of really nice people in normal skill that take time out of their day to think of something to say to ingrateful high skill players who only go on forums to brag about making a smurf that calibrated high skill.


                                                        lol ok if you look at @austins dota buff (the guy who told the player that plays in a higher skill bracket then them to "get good") you can clearly tell he is a smurf. and btw i mostly play normal skilll games

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          he is the guy with the really cringey anime picture 1st reply^


                                                            Well such advice as "stop being a bitch and crying about your team mates being the sole reason for your loss" isn't dependant on skill bracket so you can stop with that fairly pathetic argument. If it was a normal skill player telling a high skill player that their item choice(s) or decision making were poor then you'd have a point, but this guy straight up listed bad team mates that he's recently had and asked how he is meant to win with that sort of team. Even a VHS player told him exactly what the normal skills did, which was to improve his own play.

                                                            Mike Wazowski..!

                                                              I'm going to shun anyone who says "get good" or "play better".. Because, no shit Sherlock.. There is until now not one valuable input from any of you..


                                                                lol I don't know what you want. Do you want people to watch the replay and analyse your play so that they can give you details of everything you could have done better?


                                                                  You can't win all of your games mate and that's it. Don't be big-headed in your skill bracket and who cares for a smuf lol. Just GET GOOD and PLAY BETTER.

                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                                      the Goat

                                                                        I have 45% win rate
                                                                        You know the reason why

                                                                        mr octupus

                                                                          learn how to counter pick, learn also how to play support, not just a carry. i calibrated to 4k, now im climbing up to 4.3k.


                                                                            Others are flaming you...But i know your pain...Dota is a team game...You cant win if your team is trolling....One solution is to party.That's the only one i have been able to find so far... I feel sorry for ya


                                                                              how is licking your own balls pointless? seems like a worthwhile skill imo.

                                                                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                                @Smurf What would you have picked instead of CK?


                                                                                  Imo, stats you see about a game, in dotabuff, mean exactly jack-shit. They never describe how things went in that game, a support with 150gpm probably was solo supporting, buying everything and stacking for the team, whyle a carry with sub-standard farm maybe was constantly ganked, warded upon, etc. and had 0 chance to do anything without a proper team.

                                                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                                    Yea, there is always the guy who is "I play flawless but my team is always bad thats why my games are not in vhs and my mmr is like 3k". You know if you are half of how good you think you are you would be in 7k mmr bracket and probably playing with more decent players. Just consider the fact that if your team is always you + 4 retards (or at least you are saying so) in this bracket then the enemy team has 5 retards and you are the one slanting the scales of balance and your team should be the winning one. However that is not happening, so....

                                                                                    the math is
                                                                                    you + 4 "retards" < 5 "retards"
                                                                                    you < 5 "retards" - 4 "retards"
                                                                                    you < ....

                                                                                    besides it's not something weird to lose a game, you can see that most of the players are around 50% winrate so don't blame every loss on someone.

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      some games are not winnable, go next stop whining