General Discussion

General Discussionbest hero to spam to climb from 3K to 4K

best hero to spam to climb from 3K to 4K in General Discussion
Murtabak Iqhwan

    im currently spamming sven for my ranked but are there any other heroes that is cancerous

    Swap Commends

      Spam the meta.that's all u need.

      Murtabak Iqhwan

        well the current meta is od,spec,sven isnt it?


          there is no best hero
          u need to adapt to your team
          cause u will go back to 3k once you stop spamming that hero u used


            Murtabak what is your mmr

            Murtabak Iqhwan

              3.2K currently the last game is party wif my friend

              Murtabak Iqhwan

                kyoy i tried adapting with teammates by picking support whenever needed but the carry farm too slow and we ended losing the game #lifeofSEA


                  i play at sea too. ive been there in 3k pit i know its hard but climbing mmr by spamming wont make u 4k trust me

                  Murtabak Iqhwan

                    kyoy what supp hero is the best

                    Murtabak Iqhwan

                      well what method do i use to adapt with 4 carry and 2 people fighting for mid


                        Vengeful Spirit. Start of ass Pos 4 , go safe or off depending on whos your better lane partner (check dotabuff/mmr/ingame shit)

                        Develop into a core or stay pos 4 depending on how game flows. Either way you will succed.

                        lm ao




                            Actaully he is right I got to 3.8 k playing venge


                              Shadow Fiend(yes, SF) Slark, Meepo, TA, Tinker until you reach 3.7k

                              OD, Slark, Spectre, Tinker, Meepo, Invoker > after


                                slark from 2k>8k


                                  Omni from 0k to 10k apparently. He, as support, has the highest winrate.

                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                    in this meta i think slark is stomping 3k-4k mmr games, honestly and he is not very hard to master, you can also try invoker if u r good, sven or spec are great heroes in this patch but not a good idea in low mmr games since they require much supporting and idk, 3-4k supports are not good in my opinion, but you can climb to like 4.5-5k with slark and then try spec or sven, idk


                                      Spectre, sven, weaver and slark i think..but i am also trying to reach 4k..currently 3.4

                                      Miku Plays

                                        dont trust Kyo[A], i was 3k and spammed legion to 4k ez pz

                                        Dr. Decoco™

                                          @hatsune miku
                                          but ur 3.8 k pls HAHAHAHAHA

                                          Miku Plays

                                            ^ but i did spammed lc from 3k to 4k


                                              slark is the ultimate pub hero, he doesn't need a team, he just needs at least one hero that will feed him and you won dota


                                                omni is for pusi


                                                  i will try slark. shud learn him better


                                                    if you gonna spam support i suggest
                                                    1.) necrophos -
                                                    * use always on mid or carry. every sure ss you do gives them extra +30 sec so if you always use it on 1 core for example carry u used it for like 3 times and u succeed you delayed his farm by 90 sec. thats like 750 gold taken away + experience
                                                    2.) venge -
                                                    * gives high damage and minus armor
                                                    * the stun is reliable and his ss goes through bkb which can interrupt channeling like BH , death ward , Freezing field.
                                                    * u can save ur teammates if theyre in danger or in bad posistion
                                                    3.) bane -
                                                    * minus damage
                                                    * good nuke
                                                    * always use nightmare on someone that has high impact in clash and use SS on Carry ( but i suggest using it on mid or offlane during early to mid game coz the carry is most likely gonna hit and run only and play safe on clash during that phase of the game )


                                                      bane and venge is good, necro support is autism


                                                        necro is good man bringing him to offlane is ok but he works best as a pos4 support atleast in my experience.
                                                        he just needs dagger and aghs to be scary and powerful


                                                          Necro shoud be carry dagon+agh+a situational item to counter cores+blink dagger+power treand and late game item like octrine or shiva


                                                            he should be 1-2 pos thats what im saying, support necro is not optimal (its really bad)


                                                              i think he doesnt suit as carry its a waste having no right click damage in late game imagine a spec or am vs necro, probably they can bring necro down in 5 sec with bkb and other items in a clash and putting him in mid is a big no too considering mid has a big role in early to mid game as the team player in that phase of the game . necro will just probably heals them so yeahh its either offlane or pos 4. and pos 4 is the best for me


                                                                u can have necro carry and a right clicker mid, whats the problem?
                                                                he works well in dual offlanes but only when he gets the farm


                                                                  if he go 1 or 2 he will most probably be the priority kill everytime in clash by the enemy team


                                                                    think what u want dude im not trying to make you believe my words, go ahead and play support necro


                                                                      yep i respect your opinion about him. its just my preference tho we all have our own preference its just that we didnt have the same in this case


                                                                        necro best position 4
                                                                        thanks 4ks


                                                                          How a carry can be strong and usefull? When he/she has a gold/exp advantage. That's same for necrophos. He can snowball really good and there is no way to counter his ulti without natural counter(ability) cuz you can easly disable linken with rod or forse sraff


                                                                            A carry can be strong based on his desicions. Take the pro scene for example. We all know that all carry can farm right ? I mean they all can almost if not perfect lasthit everywave in the lane right ? So meaning they all can have the same gold and exp advantage. So in reality G and E gain doesnt really show how good a carry is, its in how they make good desicions , when is the right time to fight , what heroes do u need to focus on a fight , predict and evade a gank , good time to rosh , what items to buy , how to adapt to the current phase . And what hero to pick. If they make mistakes just keep a PMA. We all make mistakes


                                                                              Rikimaru all day, every day. It is the best hero.

                                                                              If you want the easy way out then spam the pleb OP meta heroes like spectre, necro, invoker, zeus.


                                                                                In 6.87 PICK THE AXE OF AXE. Ez mmr

                                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                                  Slark carry, Invoker mid, Night Stalker mid.