General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 Predictions

6.87 Predictions in General Discussion

    I can feel it coming... I predict patch notes in 2 days or therabouts.

    What do you guys imagine will be the key parts of the update? The obvious are invoker and OD nerfs, but who else do you feel needs attention?


      Zeus aether lens and veil of discord kind of op.
      Spectre win rate is so high and also the pickrates.
      Sven needs a little nerf too. With space.. easy 32min 6 slotted or 7 slotted with moon shard :v


        + Zeus
        As 2k scrub i also hope Ursa & WK are getting some nerfs.

        bobmartien .-

          Giff me Brew buff Mr lizard pls.

          This guy got nerfed each patch. Just a bit but still a nerf...


            Icefraud changed to Firefrog
            Patch Dota 2 (R)
            Add unimplemented heroes from Dota 1. 4Head

            Venus, MBA

              Hoping for something to make Shadow Demon relevant, though he's probably just going to get +2 int or something small. I haven't had much difficulty with invokers these days, but a nerf to scare everyone away from picking him so much would be nice, or just wait for Miracle to find some new mid for his fanboys to spam.
              Also a little buff to the disco pony to make him not dead would be nice.


                NERF to OD and Spectre
                Buff to Storm, Troll and Treant.

                Player 322549184

                  Dragon Knight and Kunkka, maybe CK will be next meta. These are all strength heroes so we will be seeing a lot more of Timbersaw because he's good against those strength heroes due to his 15% main stat reduction on heroes that stacks.

                  Earth Spirit won't see a lot of play since he hates tanky heroes that don't care about silences, these are also very mobile heroes that block roll easily, not to mention that the hero is probably getting nerfed again. Puck might get a buff but he won't be played because Dragon Knight is pretty good against him, so Puck will be the sleeper OP hero for 6.87b/6.88.

                  There will probably be some kind of map change because as it is Radiant has the better mid and Dire has the better everything else.

                  Drums will probably get nerfed. If Veil of Discord receives some kind of buff it could be the next must-have item like drums (for teamfights, not for pushing obviously) since high-armor strength heroes will be meta and magic damage will be needed against it. Probably going to see more Slardar/Dazzle too. Slardar being likely to receive a buff.

                  Brewmaster will probably get some insignificant buff that takes him straight into being a tier 2 pick. In fact the only strength heroes we won't see much of will probably be IO, Beastmaster, Sven and Earth Spirit. Not sure IO will fit neatly into the meta of tanky heroes with ultra-defensive supports; he is a defensive support but will typically die very easily to heroes such as Dragon Knight, Kunkka, and the reality rift from CK, and he's even a strength hero so Timbersaw won't even give him a break.

                  Sven and Beastmaster are just going to be nerfed, that's all.

                  Unless Lion gets significant nerfs he will stay as at least a tier 2 pick with the disable he provides.

                  Pugna will come back into the meta. Maybe not as the mid that PPD wants him to be but possibly as a position 3/4 IIRC the way that Envy Cloud9 used to run him.

                  Slark and Juggernaut will probably be relatively unchanged, and Jug may even receive a buff, so these will probably be a mainstay in the meta.

                  Undying back to his glory days. Ursa will be a tier 2/3 pick due to his ability to secure Roshan and presence in the early game.

                  AA will be a valuable pick against these strength carries and mid-game fighting as will Dark Seer.

                  Perhaps the best part of this will be the return of Razor. When you're working against tanky physical damage dealers how could you forget about this guy?

                  Other notable entries to the meta will be Weaver, Viper, TA , SF and Necrophos. Most other heroes will be dog shit.


                    storm and tinker will come back

                    the Goat

                      Bring back 75 mana cost raze

                      Pale Mannie

                        Im sure that Luna gets another buff


                          Guaranteed et buff