General Discussion

General DiscussionWHY SO SAVAGE?

WHY SO SAVAGE? in General Discussion
no engrish

    Not enjoying the broadcast? Whatever floats your boat, m8. Try watching CS:GO? They usually have a rude autist and the Boston strangler on their panels. That might resonate better with you.


      what is this thread about?

      D the Superior
        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora


          Pale Mannie


              roaming mirana


                worst is, we'll probably win this but everyone is so goddamn awful


                  actually not xd

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    Did you confuse the threads or just don't care anymore and post your blog wherever?


                      Not enjoying the broadcast? Whatever floats your boat, m8. Try watching CS:GO? They usually have a rude autist and the Boston strangler on their panels. That might resonate better with you.


                        this is our thread and i do what i want


                          no wait...
                          i actually fucked up and posted into wrong thread

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            It's funny cause it's so true.


                              u sohuldnt rly post it there too cz its pointless spam no one reads


                                i actually read arins rants



                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    I think it is better to create a separate thread for your dark soul posts, arin. This way all (1) readers of your posts can get your feed without having to scroll through some stupid shit like memes or dota-related things.