General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat Is Good Night Stalker Semi Support Build?

What Is Good Night Stalker Semi Support Build? in General Discussion

    I saw Purge built phase magic wand and straight it any good?

    I dunno about rushing build is boots with urn or magic wand....gank at every night time roaming...

    After boots urn i rush basher or vanguard...maybe bkb and then aghs...

    I dunno but 4.2 k aghs is really expensive and I like to buy wards and other stuffs to help the team...

    More damage or tankiness to go into the fights...when there is enemy laning with my team i go gank...thats why I dont think its good first or second item....

    It suits my playstyle...lots of last hits in the last games are like pretty much support last hits but I have the ability to kill...

    Other supp heroes maybe too squishy for me..


      Depends on game, sometimes you can completely shut down the map with NS + Aghs (Puppey had a game like this at the Shanghai major). I agree though, you always need boots and wand and maybe urn first, but I will rush an aghs some games. Vanguard is good, Crysalis is good sometimes, sometimes I get a heart later in the game, and I love getting a hyperstone into moonshard or AC, depending on team and game.


        in most cases u go straight aghs after boots and some farming item (midas or iron talon)


          Get an array of cheaper items (urn/boots/talon/wand/etc) then go for aghanim's components while still contributing wards/sentries/smokes etc. Basher/vanguard doesn't provide much utility for a support nightstalker who won't be able to farm these fast enough to be relevant. Vision will always be relevant at all stages of the game, and limiting the opponent's vision is game changing.


            Hmmmm wait a min....if we buy normal items doesnt it make us a core? U know what I mean? I mean without rushing aghs?

            Is that what differs the core and supp ns?


              Midas NS? That works?


                u always rush aghs whatever the role u play is.
                after aghs u get bkb, AC or lotus. blink can be considered, too.

                heart, crits, basher, and moonshard are all extremely bad.


                  If your team needs a support, and you decide to become one as a nightstalker, but build "core items" anyway, yes you become a "core", but you're not helping your team win.

                  That being said, heroes or items don't really turn one into a core or a support. Providing utility for your team and making opportunities/supporting your cores is the essence of the role.

                  Midas NS works since you roam a lot and you're only supposed to farm for less than 50% of the game (since night cycles cover more than 50% of the game) and levels are pretty important on the hero (a low levelled NS is not really that scary)

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                  [F]unky Panda

                    guys does normal night and NS ult's have the same effect? i.e the enemy vision??

                    lm ao

                      have you ever even heard how broken aghs ns is


                        @funky panda
                        no, the vision that the enemy heroes/wards have differs. during normal night, its just as always (f.e. slark has a very huge vision), but when NS switches his ult on, the vision is lowered to 600. thats why u see NS players pressing R at night, too, basically.


                          I think it was the 2nd or 3rd game of the epicentre eu qualifier finals where no dignity had a very good game with ns
                          Watch that if you want to learn ns

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                            this team is called No Diggity


                              NS is one of the best hero that can carry gem so u crippled the enemy team vision with aghs +gem ....also u might want to get talon to help deward high ground and the rest is situational items (lotus AC BKB and etc) ..btw boots for NS is either phase or treads


                              Moonshard isint really bad item for NS cause you can get more night vision which is always good imo but never ever ever rush it ...take it for your 6th's very situational item but still viable for the hero

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