General Discussion

General DiscussionHas anyone played with this guy?

Has anyone played with this guy? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!
    Does anyone know him? What has he stopped after 3 years of non stop doto??

    D the Superior
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        Probably realized he's still in high skill


          with so bad results after so much time put into something that is really only a kids game i too would have quit much longer ago (even people who play dota for living all day 10h+ every day have less games). the only reason i can rationalize the huge number of games this guy has on his account is if more people have used the same steam or the dude was paralyzed.


            10x games i played , should i expect he is 10x expert than me ?


              I would quit if I was 3k after so many games played. Maybe he got a smurf and reached 4k on it, so just left his acc altogether.


                You don't know the guy so you really can't judge him. Especially since he only has 27 ranked games and to me it seems that he doesn't even bother with skill.

                This is a game you know, and guess what, the point of a game is to have fun and fun doesn't need to be correlated with skill or improving ( and doesn't seem to be for him since he doesn't paly ranked)

                If I had to choose, I'd rather have him in my game than for example the player who plays only ranked, spams only FOTM heroes, still has 50% winrate and over 4k games as he would be far more likely to flame people around him.

                Maybe I'm wrong tho

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                  I'm not saying he's bad at all, just speculating reasons why he may have stopped.

                  Mike Wazowski..!

                    How about rehab for dota addiction? He has played without a break for 3 straight years..with a small break in December 2014 if I remember right..